Meeting Time: January 31, 2023 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

13. Contract: Armored Multi-Terrain Loader (Two-thirds Vote Required) File ID: 2022-02197

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    Dave Smith over 1 year ago

    The SPD does not need any more militarized vehicles. $400,000 dollars would be better spent on a fancy pants picture that shows the difference between a phone and a gun. Or, for training to stop the militarization of the SPD. I've lived in several countries. I've seen friendly police as in South Korea. I know it can be done.

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    James Willig over 1 year ago

    Police don't need military equipment. They're not at war with us.

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    Stephanie Lake over 1 year ago

    A waste of resources, this city needs to set it's priorities for it's citizens. Equipment like this isn't going to better anyone's day to day life

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    Jonathon Temple over 1 year ago

    Resident of city of Sacramento. Strongly opposed

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    Andrew Hotz over 1 year ago

    I strongly oppose this item, and I respectfully urge you to vote NO on this item.

    Please stop the militarization of the police.

    There's no protecting and serving from inside one of these.

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    Gabby Lin over 1 year ago

    I respectfully urge the council to vote NO on this item. As a recent resident of Sacramento, I have had one interaction with the Sacramento police department while my car broke down on a busy intersection. The main officer who I interacted with was rude, pushy, and not at all helpful to the situation. I do not believe I want individuals that have little training in respect, deescalation, or empathy to have more access to highly destructive equipment. In addition, in light of increased police brutality that is occurring across this nation, this would be an irresponsible purchase that would make this city look tone-deaf to what has recently happened in our country (and just a few days ago to Tyre Nichols who was a past resident of Sacramento). The funds could be allocated to helping the homeless through mental health services or even in other areas like public transportation or helping fight climate change. There is no need for the “rook” to be purchased unless we want to be seen as a violent, tone-deaf city.

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    Sarah Carroll over 1 year ago

    Stop this ridiculousness. This is wasteful spending. Stop criminalizing the regular citizenry. For the love of god can’t you find a way to use this money to actually help us? Our roads are embarrassing. Our school are crap. We have one of the worst homeless problems in the nation. Please, please cut the crap. Does no one on these committees read anything about successful policing practices? It isn’t this. It’s never been this. Use this money to increase the police force if people are scared. Give them a reasonable work load so they can have the time to do their jobs adequately without crushing stress. And if you want actual buy in from your constituents hold these meetings at times where they can participate. Everyone who pays for these things are still working at 4.

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    No No over 1 year ago

    Use funds for something actually beneficial to residents.

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    Suzanne Zev over 1 year ago

    I strongly urge you to vote NO on the Armored Multi-Terrain Loader.
    I oppose spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on military grade piece of equipment for our civilian police department
    Police brutality and excessive force remains a problem. The police do not need military equipment. Despite this, Sacramento PD already has military-grade equipment and multiple armored loaders already.
    Purchasing the "Rook" military vehicle is fiscally irresponsible and will cost tens of thousands of dollars a year in maintenance after the initial purchase.
    Purchasing this military-grade equipment does nothing to address poverty or other root causes of crime.
    Sacramento PD has seen substantial year-over-year budget increases, while civilians continue to suffer.

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    Kate Enos over 1 year ago

    I respectfully urge you to vote NO on this item.

    We can spend over $400,000 of taxpayer money on public services, education and better alternatives which benefit the Sacramento community.

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    Dani Brann over 1 year ago

    I respectfully urge you to vote NO on this item.

    I oppose spending over $400,000 on another military grade piece of equipment for our civilian police department

    Police brutality and excessive force remains a problem, and was a problem during the 2020 protests

    Sacramento PD already has more than one military-grade equipment item like this

    Purchasing this "Rook" military equipment is fiscally irresponsible and will cost tens of thousands of dollars a year in maintenance after the initial purchase

    Purchasing this military-grade equipment does nothing to address poverty or other root causes of crime.

    Sacramento PD has seen substantial year-over-year budget increases

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    Reagan Tran over 1 year ago

    $400,000 could be used in much better ways than giving more military-grade equipment to our civilian police force.

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    Ronit Zavodivker over 1 year ago

    I oppose this proposal as a tax paying resident of this city who believes the focus of the department should be demilitarization, especially in light of the recently disbanded Scorpion unit that resulted in the death of an ex Sacramento resident.

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    Ryan Hernandez over 1 year ago

    This Is an egregious request to misuse funds desperately needed for use in alleviating social strife faced by many Californians. Spending priorities such as hunger, homelessness, and climate related disaster far supersede the need for creating a dangerous militarized police force

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    Adrianna Lucero over 1 year ago

    I oppose this proposal. We should not be continuing to militarize our police force. There are so many more important things to spend $400,000 on.

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    Chris Brown over 1 year ago

    While we face the challenges of climate change and the impacts on our community, especially on the unhoused we need every extra dollar to go to our most urgent needs. This proposal is immoral in its its commitment to violence and irrelevant to the real emergency we face.

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    Joshua Oren over 1 year ago

    I oppose spending over $400,000 on another military grade piece of equipment for our civilian police department

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    Audrey Boochever over 1 year ago

    I respectfully urge you to vote NO on this item.

    I oppose spending over $400,000 on another military grade piece of equipment for our civilian police department

    Police brutality and excessive force remains a problem, and was a problem during the 2020 protests

    Sacramento PD already has more than one military-grade equipment item like this

    Purchasing this "Rook" military equipment is fiscally irresponsible and will cost tens of thousands of dollars a year in maintenance after the initial purchase

    Purchasing this military-grade equipment does nothing to address poverty or other root causes of crime.

    Sacramento PD has seen substantial year-over-year budget increases.

    What else could this $400,000 be spent on?

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    Lynne Perry over 1 year ago

    Please, we do not need to further militarize the police. In what scenario is a 4th armored vehicle like the Rook needed? In light of the recurring incidents of police violence towards the public we should be looking at ways of creating a more humane police service that communicates with, and has a relationship with the community it is supposed protect. It is a mistake to keep arming them like they are a military force against the people in that community. Enough already!

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    Alaina Boys over 1 year ago

    There is absolutely no reason for Sacramento PD to be purchasing what amounts to a mini tank. What "war" are they fighting again, exactly? Legal protests? The public speaking their minds? This is a waste of money & it further encourages officers to overstep their roles. It has been seen that in other cities, when they purchase their million dollar mini tanks, that they cannot find enough uses for the tank - what makes Sacramento any different? Sweeping houseless person encampments is already done in such a brutal manner - what is this tank going to add? It's going to sit in a vehicle yard gathering dust and dragged out for parades. That's all it's used for in other cities. And think about the cost of upkeep! The vehicle has to go to a specialty mechanic & the parts & tires are extremely expensive. Is the city willing to spend multi thousands a year on a vehicle rusting in some yard, forgotten, only to be brought out to brutalize the public when protests erupt & for National Night Out? Couldn't this be used in a more useful manner - like hiring non-badged mental health advocates or similar? What a waste of all of our time!