Meeting Time: January 31, 2023 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

13. Contract: Armored Multi-Terrain Loader (Two-thirds Vote Required) File ID: 2022-02197

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    Jeff Kessler over 1 year ago

    This should certainly not occur. We do not need to further militarize our police force. Spending on police can better be directed toward enforcement of wage theft, a serious problem that is never enforced against. City resources should certainly be better spent on things that significantly improve our public health outcomes or livability, not frivolously spent in a manner that will not improve citizens' safety. DO NOT DO THIS.

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    Jo Olsn over 1 year ago

    Do not do this.

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    Eric Arnett over 1 year ago

    no need for weapons of war for our police department

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    Kayte Fisher over 1 year ago

    Purchasing a combat vehicle for Sac PD would endorse the idea that Sac PD is at war with the citizens of Sacramento. There is absolutely no need for this absurd equipment.
    The number one issue facing Sac PD is interacting with the homeless population - every cent of this money should be used to help PD coordinate services for these people and keep them, and all their fellow citizens safe.

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    Katelynn ZissenJohnson over 1 year ago

    Completely unnecessary spending. Only purpose for this purchase is to intimidate communities.

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    Clayton Schermbeck over 1 year ago

    If a situation gets to the point of needing this "Rook" then we have failed our citizens as having armored vehicles is reactionary, not preventative, which should be the main focus in solving the issues that are abundant today. Vote no, this will only further hurt innocent people and would not prevent or dissuade the root cause of the issues it is needed for.

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    Jamie Davis over 1 year ago

    Given the current state of the world, I feel strongly that we do not need or want to bring another armored vehicle like this into our city, which only serves to cause friction between the police and the community. This money would be much better spent on better outreach and community relations, rather than a piece of equipment with limited usefulness and a hefty pricetag.. both up front, and for ongoing maintenance. As a lifelong Sacramento resident, I wholeheartedly ask you to not to endorse this purchase and ongoing financial commitment, which comes at the detriment of the people of Sacramento.

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    Courtney Poole over 1 year ago

    Remove this from the consent calendar and vote no on further militarization of the police. This is not safety.

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    CJ McCort over 1 year ago

    I oppose spending over $400,000 on more military equipment for an ostensibly civilian police department.

    Police brutality and excessive force continue to be problems in Sacramento. This vehicle will be deployed against civilians in our community. This purchase will not improve public safety.

    Purchasing military equipment does not address the root causes of poverty and crime, and the resources used in these purchases could be better spent addressing those issues.

    The police department has already seen substantial year over year budget increases, while crime and poverty in Sacramento continue to get worse. This is not a responsible use of public funds.

    Thank you for your consideration.

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    Jeff Chinn over 1 year ago

    Completely unnecessary spending. Only purpose for this purchase is to intimidate the populace.

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    Kimberly Sow over 1 year ago

    item 13
    There is an urgent need to transform law enforcement. systemic change is needed in the role and practices of police in our communities. Over policing and police violence has increased and it is time to reallocate funds to our community. Affordable Housing, jobs, social services, mental health, physical health and substance use programs is where we need to invest.
    Over policing and criminalization against People of Color are legacies of colonization and slavery. Real accountability in law enforcement is long over due. It's time to re-imagine the role of police to me more narrow, while investing in supportive community based solutions for public safety.
    We must end investment in military style policing. Why do American police look like soldiers? Police are looking more and more like troops. Military and police are training together the results are the mentality of more aggressive more assertive and more violent police. the military is supposed to protect us from them and the police are supposed to be a part of the community.Police are receiving more weapons and look like an occupying force that scares the public instead of protecting and serving the community. We must prevent the transfer of military equipment that is inappropriate for local policing. Invest in community policing and anti-violence programs that have proven to be successful.

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    L Gustafson over 1 year ago

    Purchasing this "Rook" military equipment is fiscally irresponsible and will cost tens of thousands of dollars a year in maintenance after the initial purchase

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    Liz Stitt over 1 year ago

    This is absolutely unnecessary and a huge waste of tax-payer money. Most importantly, I believe this would make our city less safe. Please do not approve this contract.

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    Daniel Hardy over 1 year ago

    There are a plethora of other important ways this money could actually help our community and not support the creation of a police state. This is an unconscionable use of this money and I vehemently oppose.

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    Kelsey Chambers over 1 year ago

    I can see no reason. In sacramento, where our roads are falling apart, homeless people dying on the street and people starving. That our police need nearly half a million for military grade equipment when there is literally no need. We need to take care of our people,roads (and other infrastructure).

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    Ryan Simoncini over 1 year ago

    I respectfully urge you to vote NO on this item.
    I oppose spending over $400,000 on another military grade piece of equipment for our civilian police department.
    Police brutality and excessive force remains a problem, and was a problem during the 2020 protests
    Sacramento PD already has more than one military-grade equipment item like this.
    Purchasing this "Rook" military equipment is fiscally irresponsible and will cost tens of thousands of dollars a year in maintenance after the initial purchase
    Purchasing this military-grade equipment does nothing to address poverty or other root causes of crime.
    Sacramento PD has seen substantial year-over-year budget increases.
    How in good conscience could you justify this purchase after police killed a record high 1183 people in 2022 and so soon after the brutal murders of Sherrano Stingley and Tyre Nichols at the hands of police?

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    Robin Kalsbeek over 1 year ago

    As a taxpayer and citizen of Sacramento, the city council is elected by people like me to represent our needs and to apply funds appropriately in order to enhance our lives.

    I will not feel safer knowing that the Sacramento police force has a Rook in its arsenal. In fact, I will feel the opposite. This is a gross misuse of taxpayer funds. These funds could be better deployed towards REAL problems facing Sacramento (such as mental health crisis intervention, homeless encampments, public transportation infrastructure, etc.) that would actually address safety issues in our city. Instead, using $440,000 to purchase this armored vehicle further militarizes the police and only broadens the divide between law enforcement and the public.

    I urge you to consider the voices of the people this vehicle is meant to protect. Not special interests. As a citizen, I urge you to allocate these funds elsewhere.

    City Council's vote on this contract will play a large part in how I vote in future city council elections.

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    Kimmy Gb over 1 year ago

    It is literally more morally justifiable for the city to buy me personally a Zamboni that will sit parked on the street unused outside my apartment all year than spend a single dollar more on the police.

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    Adrianne Gonzales over 1 year ago

    The rook is meant to be used for bomb removal, natural disaster assessments, and road debris removal after tornados, hurricanes or floods. Extreme conditions require this vehicle. NOT SACRAMENTO. A Florida police department uses this equipment which makes more sense because they have these type of conditions in their state. Please use common sense. How many hostage situations would really require this type of equipment in the city? SWAT would handle this situation, if so. I see this machine being used irresponsibility considering the high need to remove debris from the current homeless population problem here in Sacramento.

    “And for the people, you know, in the community, the police look like an occupying force. And it creates a lot of tension and I think unnecessary animosity between police and the people they’re supposed to be serving.”

    Do not encourage “militarization of police”

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    Jennifer Dykstra over 1 year ago

    When Sac PD stopes killing people we can talk about new toys. Absolutely no.