Meeting Time: January 31, 2023 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

13. Contract: Armored Multi-Terrain Loader (Two-thirds Vote Required) File ID: 2022-02197

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    Thor Dunn over 1 year ago

    This is absolutely unnecessary with the state of the infrastructure

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    Sandra Gallardo over 1 year ago

    Please vote no. We need to invest in fixing homelessness in Sacramento. —East Sacramento resident.

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    Jeff Kramer over 1 year ago

    As a Sacramento resident I request that council members support our local police department with multi-terrain loader as well as any equipment and funds that protect our community and officers safety. City council must acknowledge that recent violent outbreaks show (such as the gang shooting in downtown) where individuals with intent to take part in highly violent crimes place all citizens in harms way. Police must have the necessary equipment to perform their job and secure our community. Please support this contract.

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    donald ambroziak over 1 year ago

    Please spend the money on something actually useful, like education.

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    Amy Gardner over 1 year ago

    Please support the SacPD using grant money to purchase the Rook for their use. The Rook provides officer and public safety while protecting law enforcement, in this case our SacPD officers, from gunfire. While the Rook has been used when requested from the Sheriff's office, the delay in being able to use the Rook can be costly for human life, including those committing the crimes, innocent bystanders and police officers.
    It will provide officers a greater ability to deploy the least amount of force when faced with life-threatening situations. In 2021 during Officer Tara O’Sullivan’s shooting, while officers were being shot at with a high-powered assault weapon, the Rook was able to navigate close enough to the location and remove large objects from the yard so that officers could acquire better view of the suspect. Ultimately, the suspect was taken safely into custody. With the current staffing shortage in the police department, having a grant funded Rook will protect more lives and improve our city's safety.

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    Sarah Roberts over 1 year ago

    Sacramento has access to The Rook "armored multi-terrain loader" through the Sacramento Sherriff's department, and Sac PD has at least 2 armored vehicles already. It is disgraceful and cowardly to continue to fund the militarization of the Sacramento Police Department when there are public services stretched beyond capacity that suffer budget cut after budget cut. While supporters who seek to minimize the effects of a militarized police force on civilians will give examples of how The Rook is used to save people from trapped cars or other accidents, in reality there are numerous other pieces of rescue equipment that can be used to help civilians in emergency situations that are not militarized armored vehicles capable of being used to batter-down and surveille civilian residences.

    You can read more about its 'tactical' uses on their website, including a testimonial from the Director of the Pennsylvania State Police who says that The Rook was instrumental to the "... movement and clearing of target residences and structures." [] It is not hard to imagine the Sacramento PD using The Rook to violently raze the living structures and belongings of unhoused Sacramento residents, a tactic they have already employed without use of this armored vehicle.

    Do not be fooled by jargon and abstract language about 'targets', 'versatility', and 'tactical missions'. The Rook is a device intended to be used in armored conflict against a civilian. It has a HYDRAULIC POWERED BATTERING RAM. Who will The Rook save and protect, besides the officers inside the vehicle? And are the hypothetical civilians that The Rook will save more important than the real, actual people in the community telling you to vote NO? Please, imagine a better future and stop letting the Sac PD buy new toys, when you know full well that these devices are more likely to terrorize and destroy than they are to protect and rescue. I personally have no doubt that The Rook will be used to destroy local families' shelters, medicine, and food while also inflicting violence and trauma on bystanders.

    Finally, per SCOTUS, law enforcement officers are under no legal obligation to actually rescue people nor prevent harm. The Sacramento PD is not here to protect you, the same way HR isn't there to look out for employees' interests. Uvalde, Texas is a horrific example of a bloated PD budget that ultimately yielded nothing and saved nobody when the 'worst case scenario' arose. Why does Sac PD need an armored vehicle with a 10-foot hydraulic powered battering ram? What property are they protecting? Why is that $500,000 being spent on a weapon and not on $500,000 for housing, healthcare and public services that we KNOW strengthen our communities' safety? Please be on the right side of history and vote NO on this purchase.

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    Kathi Windheim over 1 year ago

    The Rook is being purchased with grant money. Its specific purpose is for officer and public safety as it provides protection against gunfire. Based on its size, maneuverability and all-terrain capability, the Rook will allow officers to get closer in proximity to an incident while having the necessary ballistic protection needed to resolve the situation safely. It will provide officers a greater ability to deploy the least amount of force when faced with life-threatening situations. In 2021 during Officer Tara O’Sullivan’s shooting, while officers were being shot at with a high-powered assault weapon, the Rook was able to navigate close enough to the location and remove large objects from the yard so that officers could acquire better view of the suspect. Ultimately, the suspect was taken safely into custody.

    Examples of past use with the Sac Sheriff Rook:
    In 2021 during Officer Tara O’Sullivan’s shooting, while officers were being shot at with a high-powered assault weapon, the Rook was able to navigate close enough to the location and remove large objects from the yard so that officers could acquire better view of the suspect. Ultimately, the suspect was taken safely into custody.

    In 2022, the Rook was used on a domestic violence incident involving a hostage. During the incident, the Rook was able to open the front door of the residence as the suspect shot at officers.

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    Moiz Mir over 1 year ago

    Consent item #13 at tonight's City Council meeting requires a 2/3 vote related to approving a contract to purchase a vehicle with cost up to $439,894.

    I ask that you request to pull this item from consent calendar and allow the public to hear council discussion on this matter. This item poses a significant cost and long-term capital investment that needs to be thoroughly understood for a single vehicle and deserves its own discussion. Especially in the wake of the murder of Tyre Nichols, a member of the Sacramento community, at the hands of police, the public has many questions about the justification for such a militarized vehicle that could be deployed in our communities, and such a serious expansion of the Sacramento Police Department.

    Before the City moves to execute a contract for this purchase, the following matters should be made clearer in open discussion:

    As described in the item's issue detail, why does the Department of Public Works, Fleet Management Division, have a customer requirement to purchase an armored multi-terrain loader for the Sacramento Police Department? Where did this "customer requirement" come from, when was it established, and why?

    What will be the exact cost of executing such a contract? What measures will be taken to document, report, and prevent additional costs to be incurred by the City after purchase of the vehicle?

    In what situations would such a vehicle's use and/or deployment be authorized or permitted? Are there restrictions to prevent use or deployment in any situations?

    Is there data on how this vehicle has been utilized in other jurisdictions or communities, or any substantive performance metrics on how it has benefited constituents or improved public safety while being utilized in the field in other jurisdictions?

    What is the source of the 2021 UASI Grant in the Department of Public Works operating budget? What constraints exist on the grant and what, if any, alternate investments could this grant be utilized to fund? How and for which purposes, department requests, and community needs is the city pursuing grants?

    These are just some of the immediate questions that come to mind. Please request that the item be pulled from consent calendar and explore in discussion how this purchase would impact our community.

    It is of deep concern how and in which departments the City has been consistently prioritizing investments, and worth deeply evaluating how the City's investments could be more cost-effectively leveraged to increase outcomes that improve the lives of our community members.

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    Joy C over 1 year ago

    As a veteran, I deeply oppose using the 2021 UASI Grant funds to purchase this ROOK for the Sac PD. Sac County Sherriff's already have a ROOK Doesn't an MOI exist to share resources? How necessary is it for Sac PD to have this vehicle, and who deems it necessary? What about the effects on the community when military grade armor and weapons are deployed locally? This grant can also be used for numerous things that would benefit the community instead of increasing harm. Some examples from the HSGP Funding Guidelines are: emergency preparedness and management planning activities, development of whole community partnerships, tools, structures, and mechanisms for shared information and situational awareness between the public & private sectors. In short, the USAI Grant can be used to help our communities, and not just for enforcing state violence. Please oppose this contract, and seek ways to use the funds to benefit the community, and all of us, your constituents.

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    Stephanie Duncan over 1 year ago

    I encourage the Sacramento City Council to support the use of USAI grant funds to purchase the Rook for the Sacramento Police Department. Officers need and utilize a variety of tactical tools to both do their job and keep suspects and victims safe during encounters. The Rook would allow police to maneuver closer to dangerous situations to extract hostages and communicate with individuals who are putting the lives of others at risk. The money used to purchase the Rook is not coming from the General Fund or taking funding away from any other group. In fact, the grant money can only be spent to purchase items such as the Rook. It is essential that SacPD officers have what is necessary to do their job and keep people safe. This purchase will aid in doing just that.

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    Michael Balzer over 1 year ago

    Ridiculous waste of taxpayer dollars

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    Fernando Gonzalez over 1 year ago

    What the **** does the police need an armored, multi-terrain vehicle for in a city with crumbling streets and rising homelessness? To more efficiently run over vagrants? Regardless of what the funds were earmarked for, this request is tone deaf and should be opposed.

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    Rachel Gregg over 1 year ago

    This morning Cap Radio aired an NPR segment about the tragedy at Waco. The tragic standoff sowed seeds for continuous conspiracy theories and violence (OK City, Alex Jones, Colorado Springs shooting).

    The image of the government rolling in with tanks to resolve conflict entrenched the Davidians and is still used as evidence (among conspiracy theorists) as a demonstration of government tyranny.

    Para-military vehicles don’t de-escalate or save lives. They amplify conflict and stoke fear.

    Just because Sac PD can spend money on a Rook doesn’t mean they should. Surely their administrative time spent on on-boarding a new armored vehicle is better spent on improving trust in the community or maintaining the current fleet.

    A problem with an expenditures like this is that PD will be inclined to use the room, whether the situation would really benefit from it or not.

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    Midtown Association over 1 year ago

    Midtown Association is a Property Based Improvement District that represents over 1,200 properties in the Central City. Our mission is to make Midtown the center for culture, creativity and vibrancy in Sacramento’s urban core. We are writing in to offer our support for the Sacramento Police Department in having access to the tools necessary for them to adequately perform their duties.

    This specific item is a critical piece of equipment that has been actively deployed to save lives and mitigate harm. This piece of equipment will provide perimeter cover for officers and civilians during dangerous situations, as well as extracting injured officers from the line of fire. Approval of this acquisition ensures that the city’s law enforcement officers will have the right tools to respond when a situation necessitates it.

    Importantly, this vehicle is being purchased with dedicated funds from a grant provided to the Police Department specific to this type of investment, meaning they cannot be spent elsewhere.

    Additionally, just last year, the city council adopted a dedicated policy for the procurement of equipment like this by law enforcement, establishing processes and accountability in ensuring this equipment is used appropriately and as was represented during initial procurement.

    Midtown Association urges the Council to pass this ordinance in the interest of the safety of both law enforcement and our community.

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    Jeff Frank over 1 year ago

    Use of quasi-military grade equipment in our city exceeds the scope of what I want our police force doing. If Sac Police needs that level of equipment, call in the National Guard.

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    Jahnna Morehouse over 1 year ago

    This is a waste of tax-payer money and as a citizen of Sacramento, I strongly oppose the purchase of this armored vehicle. Why cant Sac PD use the Rook that Sac County Sheriff already has?

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    Solomon Knowlton over 1 year ago

    Sac PD doesn't need more military type equipment, they need staff trained to provide social services help .

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    Elizabeth Leavengood over 1 year ago

    I strongly oppose this expenditure. There is no domestic situation that warrants this type of response. Per SacPD, it does not “protect” its citizens; thus, this appears to be nothing more than a new toy. Something akin to the waste of taxpayer dollars that are used to send the police helicopters up for every minor infraction. Another example of Sacramento’s backwards approach to policing. If the City has this kind of money just lying around, build affordable housing, fix the animal shelter, etc.

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    Michael Ault over 1 year ago

    Downtown Sacramento Partnership recognizes utilization of technology proprietary to the Rook will allow increased protection while in high-risk operations, including rescues and evacuations and access to second story. As such, the Downtown Sacramento Partnership supports awarding a contract with Ring Power Corporation for the purchase of an armored multi-terrain loader as a resource for the Sacramento Police Department.

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    Whitney Clark over 1 year ago

    I strongly oppose this purchase. Sacramento should NOT move forward with this purchase.