Meeting Time: January 31, 2023 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

13. Contract: Armored Multi-Terrain Loader (Two-thirds Vote Required) File ID: 2022-02197

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    Quentin Nelson over 1 year ago

    Looking around our streets, I feel like this money can be better spent on our city instead of more toys for the police department.

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    Jenn Knapp over 1 year ago

    Police need specialized equipment to do their job and to keep the community safe. The Rook is one such piece of equipment used in specific situations. SacPD is already severely understaffed. Let’s not deprive police of needed equipment and resources unless the City leaders would rather authorize the hiring of 200+ more officers instead to deal with the uptick in crime and the issues caused by groups that seek to cause chaos in our City. Those opposed to this allocation of funds probably have no idea what an officer deals with on a daily basis and should go on a ride along to get a glimpse of what’s truly happening on our streets rather than rely solely on rhetoric that anti-police groups and Council members pushing an anti-police agenda are spewing. Please approve this purchase.

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    Sakura Garcia over 1 year ago

    This unnecessary and harmful purchase shouldn’t even be an option at a time like this. Put this money towards educating the police on PEACEFUL DEESCALATION and INTERNAL BIASES. We need the exact opposite of militarizing the police; so many people will be harmed. Arming the police with a tank will only perpetuate the cycle of police brutality and rightful fear/mistrust of the police by citizens of Sacramento.

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    Alex Crespo over 1 year ago

    Absolutely unnecessary

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    josh peters over 1 year ago

    Hello, I am not here to talk about money. I understand the funding comes from some grant that is already allocated (though the police SHOULDN'T have this grant to begin with) but the issue is the continued militarization of the police. The community does not want or need more Armored cars that WILL be used for offensive purposes. We can't even house people or feed everyone and the focus is on upgrading the polices arsenals? NO MORE MILITARY EQUIPMENT FOR THE POLICE. Crime is a social issues created by the lack of wellbeing. This device WILL be used against the people and every single one of the council people who vote yes has signed a deal AGAINST the people they serve in order to placate the police.

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    Michael Skinner over 1 year ago

    Spend this money on methods for combating crime that actually happens, not on making it easier for police to get into gunfights. When was the last time Sac PD solved a vehicle break in or cat theft? If you want to play soldier you can do like I did and join the Army. Unless you would rather shoot at your fellow Americans I guess.

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    Christiaan Havelaar over 1 year ago

    Militarization of the police force is a problem. This is an unnecessary use of public funds.

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    Gurjeet Barayah over 1 year ago

    Certainly the city can find a better way to spend nearly half a million dollars than yet another TANK for this police department.

    No more finding for the PD until they begin to serve our citizens again. No traffic enforcement, nonresponse to local crime, this PD is horrendous.

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    Ope Tudor over 1 year ago

    Spend that money to help people, not play GI Joe.

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    Jacob Bredberg admin over 1 year ago

    From: Marilynn Mackey


    Steinberg continues his corruption with the new Sac City Council. Every item since the New Year that requires a hearing so Residents can debate has been put on the consent Calendar where the 3 new Council Members and the remaining 5 scared council members vote 100% to approve.

    Remember Steinberg set up an investigation into current Council Member Loloee residency three months ago because he voted and spoke out against a housing issue Steinberg was pushing through!

    Now Loloee votes in favor of the consent calendar.

    Steinberg did not get the approval of the Calif Supreme Court to serve as Judge in the 3rd District Court of Appeals this month. Literally everyone dislikes Steinberg and wrote the Supreme Court at, about why.

    Marilynn Mackey

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    Michala Mahoney over 1 year ago

    As a tax payer I see this purchase as woefully irresponsible. The sherrif and police departments have had continuous year over year budget increases, without year over year improvement to public safety. This money could be spent on youth programs or enriching our public spaces - which research shows will have an impact on public safety.

    I oppose the militarization of our local police forces and urge you to vote no on this contract.

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    Pablo Quijada over 1 year ago

    Police don’t need military vehicles. If the Boys in Blue want to ride a military vehicle, I recommend they join the military & leave the police force. Likely, they’re too cowardly to do so, hence, they want to waste money on an unnecessary toy.

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    Vlad Yr over 1 year ago

    I don’t see what problem this is solving. No specific past situations listed in rationale suggesting this could have helped. Just funneling money to a corporation without competitive bidding even.
    Requires more rationalization than “could be useful”.
    This is not an action movie.

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    Katie Gresham admin over 1 year ago

    Dear Mayor and City Councilmembers,

    My name is Dr. Corrine McIntosh Sako. I am a licensed psychologist in private practice, a community mental health advocate, and a resident of District 7. I am writing to urge you to pull item #13 off the Consent Calendar for the 1/31/23 Sacramento City Council Meeting and please vote against this purchase.

    Item #13 asks you to approve the purchase of an Armored Critical Incident Vehicle, whose purchase totals almost half a million dollars. A $439,894 gift to the Sacramento Police department in the form of an "armored critical incident vehicle" or rook is NOT in the best interest of the City. This purchase adds to the militarization of the Sacramento Police Department, which has demonstrated excessive force against Sacramento's most vulnerable, most marginalized, and most disenfranchised residents. SWAT teams frequently use a range of militarized equipment, and SWAT deployments also disproportionately impact Black and Latinx households. An ACLU study of SWAT deployments by 16 law enforcement agencies found that Black people were between four and 47 times more likely to be impacted by SWAT deployments than whites. Moreover, these deployments impacting Black people were much more likely to be used for search warrants, while deployments impacting white people were more likely to be in hostage, barricade or shooter incidents (refer to American Civil Liberties Union, War Comes Home: The Excessive Militarization of American Policing, 2014, pp. 36-37, at:

    This armored critical incident vehicle will cost the City an additional $8000 per year for maintenance, and an unknown amount for officer training.

    Sacramento PD already has two armored vehicles and they have access to the very same armored critical incident vehicle from the Sacramento County Sheriff.

    It is in the BEST interest of the City of Sacramento to NOT give Sac PD any more militarized equipment.

    Thank you,

    Dr. Corrine McIntosh Sako, PsyD, LMFT

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    Ariel Elliott over 1 year ago

    I watched the Sacramento police department misuse thousands of dollars of their drones, bomb robots & military vehicles, on one single woman, while they laughed and had a great time. They do not need more toys! They need social worker babysitters until they learn how to be mature adults!

    I live in oak park and see them harassing people for no good reason, always laughing to each-other like child bullies. It’s disgusting.

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    Stephanie Doute over 1 year ago

    Absolutely opposed to further militarization of the police. Sac PD are already in possession of 2 armored vehicles and have access to this Rook via the Sac County Sheriff.

    Use the money to actually help our community. Mental health services. Deal with the homelessness crisis. Fix roads. Invest in schools and teachers. We have so many actual needs, the police are already well funded.

    This is not why we elected you.

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    Julia Vandermat over 1 year ago

    Not a needed item, invest in de-escalation training, training on how to interact with those who had mental disorders/disabilities, community outreach, anything else other than using a tank to plow citizens down.

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    Michelle Jenkins over 1 year ago

    Please do not waste money on this. What an absurd use of funds that could be spent on actually helping people. Just no. Stop militarizing the police.-Michelle Jenkins, RN

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    Muriel Strand over 1 year ago

    this: is not the kind of improvement sacramento police need. it's overkill.
    if 2nd story access is needed, the fire dept or the tree care dept can help. if suspects are barricaded, patience and conversation are in order. and the peaceable assembly for redress of grievances typically only turns into a riot when police overreact or when agents provocateurs sabotage the situation.
    $500,000 could help dozens of homeless people find apartments, jobs, and start paying taxes. would the police really not prefer that allocation? if so, they should be replaced.
    please do the sensible thing and reject this militaristic idea.

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    Jordan Leigh over 1 year ago

    I oppose the purchase of additional military equipment for Sac PD. The timing of this is especially insensitive with the recent police brutality of one of Sacramento’s own. How can the city claim to mourn with the victims family and then turn around and consider approving further militarization of our police force. This just further proves that everything the city government says in times of crisis is nothing more than “thoughts and prayers”. There are much better uses for our taxpayer dollars in the city, like helping our neighbors who are suffering on the streets. The police are not here to protect us, they’re here to protect the wealthy, and their property and profits. Anyone living in Sacramento who has tried to actually call the police for assistance knows they aren’t here to assist us.