Meeting Time: January 31, 2023 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

13. Contract: Armored Multi-Terrain Loader (Two-thirds Vote Required) File ID: 2022-02197

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    Sarah Reiwitch over 1 year ago

    I strongly oppose this item. The last thing this city needs is to give Sac PD a third armored. In addition to those two they already have, they also have access to the Sac County Sheriff's "Rook."

    Further militarization of our police is not helping keep people safe, it's actually causing us a lot of harm both physically and psychologically. It's really terrifying to watch how our police are becoming more and more like a military being used against the good people of Sacramento. Just look at how many severe and life-altering injuries law enforcement inflicted in 2020 on our people who were (ironically) peacefully protesting police violence. Have you been following the news lately and seeing all the abuses of police power that have resulted in death of our citizens in Atlanta, Memphis, and more? The answer to law enforcement violence against our people should not be to give law enforcement agencies more tools with which they can terrorize, mame, and even kill us with.

    Additionally, with around 10K folks living outside and needing social services/housing/help, the nearly half million $ to purchase this vehicle plus the $8K per year in maintenance would be so much better spent helping them. This money should instead go to mental health assistance, substance use disorder support, and housing for our people. If you vote yes on this, you'll show the people of Sacramento that you're not only tone deaf, you'll make it very clear that you do not care about the people of this city. Do the right thing and vote no.

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    Scott Bolli over 1 year ago


    I oppose this expenditure and the militarization of the police department. There's no protecting and serving from inside one of these.

    Thank you.

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    Timothy Irvine over 1 year ago

    I oppose the proposal to spend over $400,000 on yet another military grade piece of equipment.

    Purchasing this "Rook" military equipment is fiscally irresponsible and does nothing to address poverty or other root causes of crime.

    Sacramento PD has seen substantial year-over-year budget increases.
    How many murders has Sacramento PD solved in the last two years?
    How many crimes have been prevented by increasing the Sacramento PD budget?
    What else could this $400,000 be spent on?

    I respectfully urge you to vote NO on this item.

    Timothy Irvine, South Natomas (D3)

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    Will Gillaspy over 1 year ago

    Absolutely not, civilian police forces have absolutely no need for military vehicles. Any money that could be spent on military surplus toys for an already over budgeted police department could easily be better spent giving actual services or benefits to the community, which would have a much greater impact on crime than any armored vehicle sitting in the police parking lot would.

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    Jess Walker over 1 year ago

    Sacramento can absolutely do better without this purchase. For our community to see improvement is not the need for police militarization but for more resources to serve the citizens of the community.

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    Jillian L over 1 year ago

    I oppose this unneccesary spending on this frivolous purchase. Vote no.

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    Connie Reeder over 1 year ago

    I strongly oppose this contract which will further militarized Sac PD. Police brutality is at an all time high, this contract is a slap in the face to all families and community members who have been impacted by police violence.

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    Mel Yu over 1 year ago

    I am in strong opposition to this contract. Sacramento Police Department has a horrible track record of violence against civilians already. Should we really be granting them even more militarized gear? (Absolutely not!) Police already hold a monopoly on violence; we should not enable them further. Let's at least put this money to services that make Sacramento more hospitable to all, rather than make it more of a playground for the police to enact their violent fantasies.

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    Robert Longer over 1 year ago

    I absolutely oppose the further militarization of the police. Aside from the obvious ongoing budgetary impact for maintenance and other associated costs, there is the very real question of our priorities as a city: what we spend our limited resources on matters. I do not believe that we should spend taxpayer dollars in any shape or form on the militarization of law enforcement. Please oppose this!

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    Austin W, She/her over 1 year ago

    This is absolutely embarrassing that the city continues to pump money into reactionary policing instead of actually trying to solve issues. The city continue to be tight on money to help home those experiencing homelessness and improve transit or infrastructure but the police want more toys and the city has all the money it needs. Literally most our taxes go to the police. Its silly and this request is absurd. Stop it.

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    Gordon Maag over 1 year ago

    I think it is ridiculous that our city would think that further militarization of our police force is an action that could in any way help our community. Please vote no against this waste of taxpayer money.

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    Andrew Barnes over 1 year ago

    It is deranged that this is up for consideration. That any functional adult would consider this an appropriate use of funds is beyond baffling to me. Why can’t we put that money instead into supportive services for our unhoused neighbors? Put it towards our comically underfunded public schools? Infrastructure? No we need a big new play toy for our burly boys in blue! I guess they feel they need it for fear dissenters get any more uppity? If we are too unimaginative and cowardly to work towards defunding or abolishing the police, we should at least aim to have them be less (not more!) militarized.

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    Acacia Keith over 1 year ago

    I oppose the further militarization of the police, and I oppose the purchase of a $439,894 Rook that will cost an additional $8,000 per year for maintenance. The Sac PD is currently being sued by a former veteran police officer for a culture of racism and racial discrimination, this is not a department that needs additional weapons to use against its citizens.

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    Jennifer Larr over 1 year ago

    Instead in investing in more half million dollar toys for the police department, maybe they should apply their current budget to actually contend with their current work load. I don't see a purpose in authorizing more funding for expensive military equipment to add to the every growing law enforcement armory when they still have 1500 untested rape kits. The majority of police work is responding to non-criminal calls or engaging in traffic issues, neither of which requires another tank. This request is a gross misallocation if city resources that should otherwise be going to helping people recover from storm damage, eduction, housing the homeless, or basically anything else materially useful beyond giving police another tank to mess about with.

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    Chris Scheel over 1 year ago

    This is a ridiculous proposal. We do not need further militarization of the police. We should be going in the opposite direction. Please, look at the news across the country.

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    Karen KM over 1 year ago

    The men and women of our police department work very hard to keep everyone in the city safe, even the people that DO NOT support them. They still show up for the people that yell and scream and commit the majority of the crimes. They need the equipment to keep themselves safe during the times when they are in great harm. The need updated equipment to keep up with the amount of crime that is taking place in Sacramento. As you all know, crime is on the rise in Sacramento and they need to see that the city council supports them. After all, the city council is working for all the citizens of Sacramento. And as far as I can tell, the majority of people want the police around to protect them from harm. Please do that right thing and support the police.

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    AV Sliman over 1 year ago

    Our police department is still understaffed, overwhelmed, overworked, and are under constant attack by the "defund and decarcerate" movement. Don't let their loud voices fool you. Our police department needs the tools to be prepared for attacks from the gangs and the drug dealers. If that means they need a new armored vehicle, then that's what they should get. I always find it interesting that the people that don't support the police dial 911 when they feel threatened or are of victim of a crime. And goes what, the police will respond to even those that don't support them. Please let the police department get the tools they need.

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    Kristina Rogers over 1 year ago

    Our officers are under staffed and overwhelmed in Sacramento. Early release, decarcerate, and the so-called "ACAB" movement are making Sacramento a paradise criminals. the data proves it. Gang violence, cartels, drugs and gun violence are on the rise. If the police need an armored vehicle, then they need it. Period. When someone is shooting up your neighborhood, or terrorizing citizens, who else are you going to call for help? And if police don't have the proper tools, how successful will they be?
    "Militarize" is a buzz word and it means nothing here. Sacramento law enforcement works hard to connect with our communities and be part of the solution to crime in Sacramento.

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    Matthew Kessing over 1 year ago

    It is insane for our City Council to even consider this proposal. The staff report makes no attempt to present a justification for why the Rook, or its $440,000 price tag is necessary. I strongly oppose this measure.

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    Renee Zapata over 1 year ago

    I oppose the further militarization of Sac PD. There is absolutely NO reason for a vehicle of this kind to be in the streets of Sacramento. It is unnecessary and elicits fear among people. The city needs to do a better job prioritizing public safety, security, health and wellbeing. An armored vehicle does not make us feel safer and more secure; in fact, it does the opposite.