Meeting Time: January 31, 2023 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

13. Contract: Armored Multi-Terrain Loader (Two-thirds Vote Required) File ID: 2022-02197

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    Liliana Magaa over 1 year ago

    I oppose spending money for another police vehicle. The money should be utilized to fix our roads that are in dire need of repair.

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    kas rivers over 1 year ago

    What the f is WRONG with you people? I OPPOSE weaponizing our police force when they are already a group of terrorists that murder our citizens instead of serving and protecting. How about you fix our roads. How about you GIVE A F about our unhoused population. How about you do something useful with yourselves? Absolute disgrace. You should all be ashamed for even considering this.

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    Ken Kruse over 1 year ago

    This is simply unnecessary and wasteful. Couldn’t the city council find a better use for this money, this might be an opportunity for them to reflect on perhaps giving the law enforcement budget in general a decrease for a change, if they think this item is a priority, they aren’t hurting for resources.

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    Joe Gamble over 1 year ago

    I oppose the proposal to spend over $400,000 on yet another military grade piece of equipment.

    Sacramento PD has seen substantial year-over-year budget increases.
    How many murders has Sacramento PD solved in the last two years?
    How many crimes have been prevented by increasing the Sacramento PD budget?
    What else could this $400,000 be spent on?

    I respectfully urge you to vote NO on this item.

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    Brooke Baker over 1 year ago

    The gross amount of taxpayer dollars that would be wasted on a vehicle such as this can be better spent in any other place in our beautiful city where it would actually impact crime. Supporting communities is always a better crime prevention than more expensive equipment. Sacramento police department already has a bad reputation of using excessive force. What do they need this vehicle for? How will this address the issues of police overreach? It won't, it will only cause outrage.

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    Joey Barrett over 1 year ago

    If you're a criminal in Sacramento and want to keep your crime spree going, vote YES, because giving Sac PD another tank isn't gonna help them solve crime in our city.

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    Sabrina Glover over 1 year ago

    We do not need to make this a priority in Sacramento.

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    Kristan Culbert over 1 year ago

    I am concerned about the use of this piece of military-grade equipment against residents of my city. Respectfully, I do not support the purchase of this piece of equipment. Instead, I urge city leadership and attendees to identify other ways to dedicate $400,000 to benefiting our community -- this could provide salaries for mental health service providers, park maintenance, resources for unhoused people and/or at-risk youth.

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    Caty Franco over 1 year ago

    Further militarizing our police force makes us feel anything but safe. Please do not spend additional funds on our police force, especially not on things like this, plus costs of ongoing costs for maintenance and training.

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    Kl La over 1 year ago

    This is the last thing we should be spending money on. Purchasing this military grade equipment does nothing to address poverty or other root causes of crime.

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    Lindsey Anderson over 1 year ago

    An armored vehicle is an absolute WASTE of taxpayer money, that should instead be spend on the worsening homeless crisis.

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    Jake Somerhausen over 1 year ago

    At the time of writing this there are roughly 82 comments on this item. Three of them support it. How can you be a representative of the people if this is how you spend taxpayer money when nearly every citizen that has come to make a statement on it is strongly opposed to it. This does nothing for crime prevention, this does nothing for safety, the PD already has access to one through the sheriffs office, and this will only seek to escalate violence at otherwise peaceful protests as it has done in the past. Stop militarizing police.

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    Blake Aboueljoud over 1 year ago

    Our PD is full of a bunch of lazy, useless clowns. Why should we waste our tax dollars on something that is going to terrorize us?

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    AJ England over 1 year ago

    This would be a gross and excessive use of funds that could instead be allocated towards something directly useful to the taxpayers of Sacramento. Ie further mental health response training, deescalation training, and/or police therapy/ptsd resources.

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    Fred Astaire over 1 year ago

    Tax dollars could be better utilized for finding a remedy for homelessness or social services related to victims of domestic violence, or paying for better services for the mentally ill. Which in turn will help the first two issues as well. Not cure them but a step in the right direction, or funding can be used to help pay for education which in turn will lower crime rates.

    Violence begets violence and constantly playing cold war with crime hasn't worked so far and stats show the way to fix crime isn't by scaring your populace into submission

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    Grant Watkins Davis over 1 year ago

    This is a terrible waste of resources. How much maintenance spending will be required in perpetuity to maintain this vehicle? The lifetime cost is much greater than the initial procurement cost. All the money spent on acquiring, maintaining, and operating this vehicle would be much better utilized on methods of crime prevention and traffic safety that are actually shown to be effective such as addressing poverty, health issues, and poorly designed areas of the city.

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    Megan Hamaker over 1 year ago

    The police are not a military and do not need military grade equipment. Please use the money on actual social services to help house homeless and provide economic opportunities for our citizens. The police don’t need another tool to hurt the people of Sacramento.

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    William H over 1 year ago

    Are you crazy? No.

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    Bryan Burnitt over 1 year ago

    #1 - fix your comment portal so it is clear you must have an account to submit so folks don’t have to retype this on mobile.

    #2 - armored vehicles have no place in domestic policing. Police violence is a national catastrophe, and police are used to silence the citizenry against their Constitutional rights. Moreover, the initial capital cost of this vehicle is followed by years of annual maintenance and upkeep. No more police budget hike until real effort is pursued to address the root cause of crime - POVERTY. Enough said - this is wasteful and does nothing to improve Sacramento.

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    Chandra Miller over 1 year ago

    Equipment like this is not going to better day to day life here in Sacramento. Extremely poor use of tax payer money.