Meeting Time: November 14, 2023 at 5:00pm PST

Agenda Item

51. 2023-00353 Approval of Sacramento Iceland Ice Skating Rink Forgivable Loan and Facade Loan Agreements and Amended ARPA North Sacramento Economic Recovery Plan Framework

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Pamela Fitch 10 months ago

    I support the forgivable loan to Iceland Ice Skating Rink. Iceland has been an important part of the Del Paso neighborhood since 1940. I am one of the thousands of Sacramentans who have enjoyed skating there. Its reconstruction will be an asset to not only the neighborhood, but the entire city. I urge you to vote to support the loan.

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    Amelia Carrillo 10 months ago

    Aplace where you belong, a place to meet up with your community. We need Iceland for our young children, for us, for our future generations. You can make it possible and look good., please help us keep Iceland.

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    Kylan Kegel 10 months ago

    Iceland is an incredible neighborhood amenity in District 2 and should absolutely be approved for this funding to build a new roof and operate year-round! I played hockey at Iceland throughout the 2010s and my son (now 6) ice skated for his first time ever there. Now the only opportunities for ice skating are the seasonal rinks and Skatetown, and it will be so unfortunate for Sacramento if this amenity is lost and the only place for year-round skating from now on is in the suburbs. Please approve this funding so year-round ice skating in Sacramento can begin again!

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    Alvin Nguyen 10 months ago

    This was my childhood. I support Iceland as they had supported all of us with the wonders of ice skating.

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    Claudia Kinzey M 10 months ago

    Truly the best in ice skating venues! Been skating there for 58 years now…please fund the new space 🥰

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    Dominique Martinez 10 months ago

    Lots of memories. Let the families continue to emjoy a place to ice skate and enjoy themselves. My daughter and her friends always have fun here. Thank you.

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    Selena Onstott 10 months ago

    I grow up going to Iceland and I take my grandchildren there they can enjoy there own memories there some day Iceland keep me out of trouble when I was younger it would be a shame to lose it ,it really the last thing here from back in the days my parents use to tell me there stories from when they would go there in there teens and when my grandparents would go there my family is going on it 4 generation off going there I would love to see many more generations of my family to go there and make there own memories there too so I hope you guys can find it in your hearts to help keep Iceland alive thank you and God Bless you all and your family and thank you Iceland for being there for myself and my family over the years Selena Onstott

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    carol purin 10 months ago

    Dear Mayor and Council Members, There is a dearth of wholesome and safe entertainment venues for kids of all ages in the city of Sacramento including mid and downtown (without going to Folsom or Roseville), .Opening Iceland again would provide a much needed distraction and enjoyment to keep kids involved in a safe and caring sport. I wholeheartedly support iceland's renovation. This has been a long time coming. I have 2 inter-racial grandkids that enjoyed skating here even with no roof. However, with the rain it became impossible to continue skating safely. Please consider Iceland again and provide the community with a spark of light again. Sincerely, Carol Purin, Resident

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    Wendy Nugent 10 months ago

    My name is Wendy Kerth Nugent and I am commenting in favor of the Iceland loan. Iceland is a community treasure that deserves this loan. I have seen over and over what the rink means to Sacramento. It should be given the loan so generations of children can experience the magic of Iceland!

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    Norma Paterson 10 months ago

    I took my kids to Iceland every year that they were little, and not so little, too! It's an institution. Please approve this item. Thank you. Norma Paterson

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    Alexandria Thibeau 10 months ago

    I support Iceland Skating Rink and would love to be able to skate here year round.

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    Theo Myers 10 months ago

    Iceland has been a community hotspot for decades. My grandfather played hockey there, my mother, and myself (23). I remember the day we were notified it had burned, we were at an away game. Iceland has made the best of a bad situation and continued to rally the community with volunteer days and a lively seasonal rink. They have done a lot for the community and the community should give our support back.

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    Chris Thoma 10 months ago

    Yes, I support approval of this item. I want to see the Sacramento iceland Ice Skating Rink reopened. Thank you.

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    Lee Jackson 10 months ago

    Lots of hard work has gone into bringing Iceland back. Its very existence supports Sacramento in a much need area. Hope that Sacramento will return the favor

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    Terrie Kerth 10 months ago

    I'm the Executive Director of Sacramento Iceland and I strongly support both loans. My grandfather built Iceland and I am really looking forward to being open year round so we can host families and teach kids to skate. Iceland is a magical place and it will be so wonderful to have new generations of children having fun!