Meeting Time: November 14, 2023 at 5:00pm PST

Agenda Item

51. 2023-00353 Approval of Sacramento Iceland Ice Skating Rink Forgivable Loan and Facade Loan Agreements and Amended ARPA North Sacramento Economic Recovery Plan Framework

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Lisa Schlein 10 months ago

    Recreational options for youth, families, abd adults are needed. This facility has provided nearby recreation and seasonal enjoyment. They need to be allowed to continue, and have the benefit of an indoor facility or coverage, in order to be more operational and deal with limitations caused by inclement weather.

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    Sandra Alderson 10 months ago

    I've been enjoying iceland since I was a kid and now I get to watch my own son have life changing experiences on that same ice that I did as a child & teenager. In a ever so changing world we should hold places like this family fun establishment near to our hearts and help them to rebuild and be the best ice rink in the area so our children can some day take their own kids, and we all can remember how good it felt to unplug from the world we know and just be young at heart and enjoy experiences together as a family. Time is one thing we can never get back so let's move this loan along so Iceland can be all we remember and more!

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    Darby Geller 10 months ago

    Ice skating is a fun family activity, it's safe and healthy for kids and youth and the Sacramento area is lacking these types of long standing opportunities. It isn't enough to have an outdoor seasonal venue as anyone wanting to take lessons needs dedicated time and space. I was a member of an ice skating synchro precision team many years ago in the Bay Area, World Recreational Champions! Those memories and accomplishments would not have happened without the support of the city or community to ensure we had a proper space to practice.

    Thank you for your consideration.

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    Madison Halpin 10 months ago

    I would love to see this rink up and running again possibly keeping kids out of trouble and providing entry level jobs.

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    Bill Cozzens 10 months ago

    Iceland has been both a great place to skate, but also a real plus for the area it's in.
    I wholeheartedly support Iceland's growth and permanence.

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    Lil Joes 10 months ago

    We need Iceland, it is the only family attraction we have left.

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    Michael OSullivan 10 months ago

    Please approve this measure. Rebuilding the roof will allow Iceland to open year round helping it operate. It will provide recreation for area youths, brighten up the area and anchor the future of the boulevard.

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    Hannah Blackledge 10 months ago

    Iceland Ice Skating Rink has a deep history of providing a great place to connect with the community and an opportunity for youth in the area to learn and grow. I have seen the impact that the events and programs they offer have on the local community as well as drawing in people who would not usually come to North Sacramento. Please approve the loan agreements so Iceland can continue to be a shining light in North Sacramento, year round, for decades to come.

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    Nicole Naditz 10 months ago

    This historic rink, which is the original home of the Capital City Figure Skating Club, is a treasure to the Sacramento region, providing important sports and recreational programs for all levels of skating and hockey plus public skate times. In addition, they actively support the community by providing free and low-cost lessons and equipment to children whose families cannot afford the cost of skating programs so that their children can participate in this year-round, healthy activity that also promotes important life skills and supports social emotional wellness as well as academic achievement. Please approve the loan agreement and bring Iceland back!! Our community misses this historic, meaningful treasure. Thank you! Nicole Naditz, Vice President, Capital City Figure Skating Club

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    Gabriel WienerBrodkey 10 months ago

    I'm a homeowner in Old North Sacramento and I have great childhood memories of skating at Iceland. It is a huge asset to the community and a historical landmark on Del Paso Blvd.

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    sharon watson 10 months ago

    I have lived in Woodlake neighborhood behind Iceland skate rink since 2005. I fully support every possible option to help Iceland reopen! Iceland has been a huge landmark and place of joy for all of the three children I have raised in this neighborhood. We are missing it and hope to see it rebuilt and opened again as soon as possible!

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    Jane Woehl 10 months ago

    We support the funding of a loans to restore the Iceland Rink. It was and will be a bright spot on the historic Del Paso Blvd and provide recreation for youths and adults alike. We can only hope our D2 Councilman supports this although he seems enmeshed in personal issues.

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    Melanie Crawford 10 months ago

    Iceland is a historic landmark in the area and is a huge asset to the Sacramento area. This rink is a place a lot of us call our second home. It’s a safe space that brings joy and happiness to so many. Please let us have our Iceland back. We need this, our families need this and our future kids need this. I strongly support this!!!

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    Christina Fischer 10 months ago

    Iceland is such a great, inclusive resource and place for growth in our community. I 100% support funding for this great organization that brings so much joy to all ages in the community.

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    Pat SayerHandley 10 months ago

    Iceland is an historic and valuable economic entertainment venue in Sacramento, particularly North Sacramento. Many of my friends remember coming to Iceland for a social and fun activity. Hundreds of people come to the rink to skate which is an economic engine of the area. Fully fund the rink so that Iceland can flourish again.

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    Julie Audell 10 months ago

    We are in support!!

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    Payton Blackledge 10 months ago

    Iceland will be a key role in revitalizing north Sac!

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    Amy Freeland 10 months ago

    Another year-round ice rink in the area would be a major asset to the city. Strongly support!!

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    William Meeker 10 months ago

    We have to drive from Downtown to Roseville for our practices and skating lessons. It would be wonderful to be able to go to Del Paso instead.

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    Jonathan Peacock 10 months ago

    Iceland is a great community asset.