Meeting Time: November 14, 2023 at 5:00pm PST

Agenda Item

51. 2023-00353 Approval of Sacramento Iceland Ice Skating Rink Forgivable Loan and Facade Loan Agreements and Amended ARPA North Sacramento Economic Recovery Plan Framework

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Tiffany Ruvalcaba 10 months ago

    I have fond memories from my childhood skating at Iceland. Last year I was disheartened to see the condition of the rink while taking my own children. I would love to see this restored to it's former glory to bring future generations the same memories.

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    Elizabeth Maes 10 months ago

    Anything on the boulevard helps our community.

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    Maya Polon 10 months ago

    As a childhood figure skater, I know the importance of having access to local, affordable rinks. Sacramento residents currently have to drive to Roseville to ice skate and deserve a local option to return to ice skating or try it out for the first time. This is also an amazing opportunity to invest in beautifying our community.

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    JULIA STAGG 10 months ago

    I am in favor of approving this framework. Good grief, help North Sacramento at least stay with the trusted and reliable business it has here.
    The history of this business tells us that they are worth it. Please approve and keep North Sacramento alive.

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    Bill Motmans 10 months ago

    By all means, provide favorable loan terms to a venerable Sacramento institution, but don't forgive money which comes from the taxpayers of this city. If Iceland is to again be a successful venture, then let the appreciative owners pay back the generous loan from taxpayers. Nostalgia for past memories notwithstanding, should every "old" business which exists be given "forgivable" loans? What about businesses which don't have the high profile of Iceland? What about businesses which don't have close ties to the council, or business owners who are not popular with the council?

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    Will Barrett 10 months ago

    I am writing in support of this item to provide ongoing support for Iceland. The rink is a wonderful asset to Sacramento, a place where I have spent many hours skating with family and friends. For years, I have rented the rink for annual parties with friends and families to gather for an annual “pond hockey” tournament, birthday parties for kids or simply just showed up for a NYE skate in a safe, fun family environment. Iceland is well worth this support.

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    Alex Huth 10 months ago

    Can't wait for Iceland to reopen. So much value to the community and the greater region to have this facility restored.

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    Katherine Anuszczyk 10 months ago

    Let's reopen Iceland!!! This organization has a long and proud history in North Sacramento and has given so many families joy, entertainment, exercise and training. It's long overdue to get the rebuilding done and have them open and functioning again year-round.
    Support this project and help inject momentum into the revitalization of our beloved Del Paso Blvd.

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    Colleen Calmann 10 months ago

    Skating at Iceland was a lifesaver for my teen; it provided such a healthy outlet and kept her focused.. and taught her life skills such as discipline, goal-setting, confidence and respect for herself and others. Skating in general teaches young people important values that extend far beyond the rink itself. There is no question that my own daughter became a better student, a more thoughtful person, and felt emboldened for her future through this wonderful sport. Our only current option is located in Roseville; Sacramento now has the opportunity to reclaim this, its own civic treasure for the good of all. Please vote in support of Iceland.

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    Paul Gauthier 10 months ago

    The rink is a landmark in Sacramento and a great family venue. It's also a great asset for that region of Sacramento providing a great experience for all families. When I moved here from the East Coast, it was one of the few landmarks that made Sacramento fun and enjoyable. I strongly urge the city council to approve the loan so we can once again enjoy ice skating in on Del Paso Blvd.

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    Alison Sonoda 10 months ago

    We need places like Iceland. I was first introduced to skating at this rink! Now that I have children I would love them to experience the same excitement and joy.

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    Elaine Jackson 10 months ago

    This is a local treasure. Not only historic but it is functional. I know many people who skated here. My Aunt and my adult children and grandchildren.
    We need to support this historic building.

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    Dusty Brown 10 months ago

    I have a deep connection with this ice rink. Since the 1980s, it’s been a significant part of my life, just as it was for my mother during her childhood. It’s a tradition I’ve proudly shared with my six children, and I hope to keep this legacy alive for many more years.

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    Cheryl Leviton 10 months ago

    Please support this wonderful Sacramento landmark. Because of the Kerth family, Iceland has brought the joy of ice skating to generations of families, including three generations of mine. Family run rinks are so special and provide much more than just a place to skate, you are more than a customer, you feel you belong. Please keep Iceland, and all that it provides to the citizens of Sacramento alive and running year round. Thank you. Cheryl Crawford Leviton, 3rd generation Iceland ice skater.

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    Dinah Whited 10 months ago

    I drive all the way down from live Oak California to take my kids and my my grandkids and my great grandkids ice skating at this place we've been doing it since before the the I would like this to be fixed and reopened so families of some place to go on weekends during the weekdays my family love going there for the day it's been my son and my grandchildren and now my Great Grandchildren Four generations have been coming to this ice rink please keep it open and prove it give more parking hot food services and cocoa

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    Ronald Courts 10 months ago

    I am requesting the Sacramento City Council to support, and pass, Item 51 2023-00353, the Sacramento ICELAND Ice Skating Rink Forgivable Loan and Facade Loan Agreements and Amended ARPA North Sacramento Economic Recovery Plan Framework.
    After graduating from Sac State in the early 70's, I started using my degree to earn a living and finally bought my first house on Del Paso Blvd., just a ways north of the ICELAND Rink, in 1978. Some years later I bought my second house a bit further north, still on Del Paso Blvd.
    I had come to really like the North Sacramento area, and while living at my first home I discovered ICELAND. I had played some Hockey when I was a bit younger and I discovered ICELAND offered an adult scratch league for some casual Hockey on Monday nights. At that point in my life I needed to stay healthy to be able to go to work the next day, so this adult league was perfect. My kids were born in 75 & 79 and they got their first exposure to ice skating at the classic ICELAND Rink.
    ICELAND has such a wonderful history that needs to be saved and restored in North Sacramento, it has been an icon business for decades and deserves saving. When I learned about the fire, I discovered they were trying to raise the funds necessary to bring back this historic recreation site and I bought two of there glass bricks to help towards the restoration, so I encourage the City's Councilors to support this great historic facility by passing this restoration funding, Item 51, PLEASE.
    Thank You for supporting this funding to restore ICELAND.
    Ronald D. Courts

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    Suzanne GREENE 10 months ago

    I support this! My family of 3 children love that place and would like to see it thrive. 95838 zip code

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    Pippin Brehler 10 months ago

    Honorable City Councilmembers:
    Please approve the proposed loans and framework for Sacramento Iceland. This facility is an invaluable and unique part of the Del Paso community and the Greater Sacramento area that is worth the investment. Executive Director Terrie Kirth and her staff and volunteers work tirelessly providing a safe, wholesome place that welcomes all for fun, exercise, and personal growth. Although my wife and I are Davis residents, we come to Iceland, our two daughters learned to skate there, we volunteer there, and we donate money in support. A restored Iceland will be a landmark and anchor for revitalization. Thank you for your approval of the loan agreements and framework to provide Iceland the foundation is needs to come back!

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    Andrew Hernandez 10 months ago

    My name is Andy Hernandez and I am currently serving as the President of Sacramento Iceland. I want to thank you for considering these loan packages to help Iceland rebuild and resume our mission of serving the North Sacramento community with safe, affordable, family friendly activities for our youth. Iceland has a rich history of offering ice sports, something often associated with more affluent communities, to North Sacramento. We hope to not only continue to do so, but to expand our operations from the seasonal rink that we operated after the 2010 fire, to a year-round operation. We also look forward to making Iceland another bright spot on a corridor that has seen its share of challenging economic times. I urge you to support both loans being presented today. Thank you.

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    Ricky Twist 10 months ago