Meeting Time: March 26, 2019 at 5:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4. Environmental Impact Report and Preliminary Design Approval for the Del Rio Trail Project (K15165100) File ID: 2019-00247

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    CarlPetter Sjovold over 5 years ago

    I support the city's plan for the Del Rio Trail. It's a beautiful design that, once built, will provide everyone in the community with a space where they may walk, ride a bike, push a stroller, and enjoy the company of their neighbors. I thank the city for all of its efforts on behalf of our neighborhoods.

    Please, do not let the train intrude into this!

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    Dineen Greer over 5 years ago

    We purchased our home 15 years ago that sits immediately adjacent to the proposed Del Rio Trail and could not be more excited about supporting this project. It will be a wonderful asset to the city, connecting multiple neighborhoods, providing a place to exercise and greatly improve the safety and ability of our community to commute via bicycles. We have three pre-teen and teenage children and they will use it to bike to friends houses and school and for weekend family walks and bike rides. We have heard that some are advocating once again for a train along the trail and we absolutely do not want that running within 10 yards of our property. We strongly encourage the City Council to approve the Del Rio Trail Project.

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    sandi watkins over 5 years ago

    I wholeheartedly support the trail project and simply don't understand the opposition to it. This trail will provide the entire community, near and far, a place to enjoy the outdoors with family and friends. The train does not support the community at large; it may attract tourists who are already visiting, but it will not bring additional tourists simply because there's a train to the zoo, or beyond. It will be a blight in our neighborhood causing air and noise pollution. We live here.

    The money spent on a train will not be recovered in our lifetime. It does not make economic or environmental sense. The TRAIL will provide much needed outdoor recreation and will be a clean beautiful addition to the surrounding neighborhoods, at probably half the cost.

    I support the Del Rio Trail Project and implore the Council to do the right thing by its citizens and support it too.

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    Mark Cashatt over 5 years ago

    Dear City Council and people of Sacramento

    I am so looking forward to completion of the Del Rio Trail and support it wholeheartedly!
    It will be a great improvement for several City neighborhoods, and the entire regional trail network.

    I am especially looking forward to use this trail to run errands, commute to school/work, exercise, travel to parks, explore nature, travel to shopping centers, and walk dogs. It will be a great way to connect with people in the neigborhood and along the trail corridor. Most importantly it will allow easy and safe bike and pedestrian travel from residential areas to shopping centers, schools, and parks.
    It allows bike commuters to reach downtown on a Class 1 off-street path. Children will use it frequently. It will connect our neighborhood in a wholly new way.

    I Support the Del Rio Trail Project, and urge the Council to support it too.

    Mark Cashatt
    South Land Park

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    Kathy Correia over 5 years ago

    I have lived in South Land Park since 1998 and I believe the Del Rio Trail will improve several City neighborhoods including South Land Park; the entire regional trail network will take a giant step forward (pun intended). It will allow easy and safe bike and pedestrian travel from residential areas to shopping centers, schools, and parks. It allows bike commuters to reach downtown on a Class 1 off-street path. Children will use it frequently. It will connect our neighborhood in a wholly new way. It's exciting to think that Sacramento may soon have a beautiful and welcoming trail for the use of so many of us!!

    I Support the Del Rio Trail Project, and urge the Council to support it too.

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    Laurie Scott over 5 years ago

    I am okay with the Del Rio trail. I am opposed to having the trains run to the Sacramento Zoo. I am still unsure how they are able to do this since the 2014 request was denied. Having the train run past my home (1139 Darnel Way) last Spring thru Fall, has caused my home to shake and the smoke and horns are a uncomfortable nuisance. They even ran on Spare the Air days. I hope you vote to stop the trains from running beyond the bathes continuing to the zoo. Thank you.

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    joyce fong over 5 years ago

    I believe the Del Rio Trail will improve several City neighborhoods, and the entire regional trail network. It will allow easy and safe bike and pedestrian travel from residential areas to shopping centers, schools, and parks. It allows bike commuters to reach downtown on a Class 1 off-street path. Children will use it frequently. It will connect our neighborhood in a wholly new way.

    I'm strongly opposed to having an active train rumbling through my "backyard" and adding pollution, no matter how "infrequent" some supporters are indicating it will be. I've been here over 35 years and the airport overhead noise is enough. Thanks for understanding those who live in the affected areas.

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    Nancy Wagner over 5 years ago

    We support the Del Rio Trail as proposed. We need more safe places for families and commuters to ride bikes and walk. All over America and in Europe, unused rail lines have been transformed into bike and hike trails and nature areas. They are lovely additions to towns and serve local communities well. We do oppose reactivating the old rails. If you buy a home near a school, you know there will be school noise and activity. When you live near an airport, you know you will have airplane and helicopter noise. When your home backs up to a quiet nature trail, you do not expect to have a huge, foundation rattling trains coursing through your neighborhood with tourists admiring your veg garden from on high. Keep the rails for historical reasons if we must, but newly activated train schedules though quiet neighborhoods would be unfair and unhealthy and would negatively affect property values.

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    Jennifer Kennedy over 5 years ago

    I believe the Del Rio Trail will improve several City neighborhoods, and the entire regional trail network. It will allow easy and safe bike and pedestrian travel from residential areas to shopping centers, schools, and parks. It allows bike commuters to reach downtown on a Class 1 off-street path. Children will use it frequently and it helps encourage less indoor screen time, more outdoor family time. It will connect our neighborhood in a wholly new way. We can't imagine having a train with noise and air pollution taking the place of the opportunity for a neighborhood trail.

    I Support the Del Rio Trail Project, and urge the Council to support it too.

    Jennifer Kennedy

    South Land Park

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    Lois VanBeers over 5 years ago

    I live in a house on Del Rio Road that backs up to the trail. Our neighborhood has few sidewalks. This trail would give us a safe alternative to walking on the street. I have 2 children who attend Alice Birney school. This trail would be a safe way for them to ride to school.

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    Dave OToole over 5 years ago

    My family and I are nearby neighbors of the Del Rio trail (within 75 yards) and we wholeheartedly support the establishment of the public access trail and the commitment it represents to keeping trains out of South Land Park. This project has been scrupulously developed with an abundance of public comment and accommodation to all sides of the issue. The staff analysis is thorough and provides a sound basis to moving this project towards construction and completion. Most notably, the analysis correctly notes that there will be insignificant impact on historical resources. A key fact in that determination is that more than 98 percent of the existing rail track will be retained. Retention at that level will both respect the brief rail history of the Del Rio Trail and not undermine the extremely unlikely prospect that trains will return to the trail many years in the future. Thank you for your consideration of my remarks.

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    Jacquelyn Wiliam Cotter over 5 years ago

    We live in South Land Park and directly back up to the Trail and have walked it for many years. We support its development as a safe way to move through the area and avoid auto traffic. Also with regular use and being maintained, we should see a lowering of fire danger during the drier months here in the Valley. Also one of our main hopes is that the heritage oak trees are not removed or damaged.

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    Irene Villarruz over 5 years ago

    We live in South Land Park and fully support the Del Rio Project. Please approve the EIR. The City has held several community meetings and talked to schools, businesses, and many neighborhoods. Kids love this trail idea! There is no doubt at all that trains would bring horrible pollution and have detrimental effects on thousands of residents in south Sacramento.
    Preserve our health. Preserve our trees. Preserve our communities. Preserve common sense.
    And yes, preserve 98% of the rails by voting YES on the Del Rio Trail.

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    Brian Ebbert over 5 years ago

    I agree with the SIX neighborhood associations in my strong support for the Del Rio Trail project. I oppose attempts by the train lobby to squeeze soot-spewing tourist locomotives onto the community trail corridor.
    The City has been awarded millions of dollars for this wonderful “green” project, and Regional Transit voted to transfer the corridor to the City if it builds a trail. This trail will be a regional asset, connecting several communities to parks, businesses, schools, and jobs. 83% of residents support the trail. Lawmakers Matsui, Pan, McCarty, and Cooper all support this trail AND oppose trains because they are listening to the neighborhoods. You should too, Trails, not trains. Vote for the Del Rio Trail EIR.

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    Veronica Carrasco over 5 years ago

    I believe the Del Rio Trail will improve several City neighborhoods, and the entire regional trail network. It will allow easy and safe bike and pedestrian travel from residential areas to shopping centers, schools, and parks. It allows bike commuters to reach downtown on a Class 1 off-street path. Children will use it frequently. It will connect our neighborhood in a wholly new way.

    I Support the Del Rio Trail Project, and urge the Council to support it too

    Veronica Carrasco
    South Land Park

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    Joseph Rodota over 5 years ago

    This would provide a safe corridor for biking downtown and is a good idea. I support enthusiastically.

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    Teven Laxer over 5 years ago

    I live in South Land Park and walk on the Del Rio trail almost every day. I have also walked the entire length of the proposed trail. One of my main concerns has to do with the wonderful trees - many of them heritage trees - that can be found along the trail. I want to make sure that none of these wonderful trees are cut down. I also want to see the bike trail along the Sacramento River built first. We have been waiting for decades to complete that trail. No trees would be impacted along the Sacramento River. Just a handful of property owners vs thousands of would-be hikers and bikers.
    Teven Laxer, South Land Park resident

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    Raymond Coshow over 5 years ago

    I have walked the proposed Del Rio Trail along the old abandoned derelict railroad tracks from Sutterville Road to where the Charlie Jensen access road spills out onto South Land Park Drive at 14th Street several times. I see great potential developing this trail fully. I believe the proposed upgrades, especially the addition of safety features at the traffic road crossings — especially Fruitridge — and paving for bicycle access will enhance the City and its trail network.  It will connect our neighborhood to shopping, schools, parks, and downtown in a pleasant, scenic and non-automobile-dependent way.
    I wholly support the proposed Del Rio Trail Project.
    Ray Coshow
    South Land Park Hills

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    Emily Warmerdam over 5 years ago

    As a resident of South Land Park, I strongly urge you to approve the Del Rio Trail Project. This desirable and well planned neighborhood amenity would improve the safety to take walks with our children and pets or jog uninterrupted by traffic. It would give me a sense of pride that Sacramento is developing more accessible green space and making use of land that is otherwise neglected.

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    Matt Ruggiero over 5 years ago

    My house is located along the proposed trail on 14th street. My wife and I are huge supporters of this trail and are excited about having the opportunity to have a safe place to ride bikes and jog with our kids and dogs. Additionally, every year, the unused railroad track space just grows high with brush and grass during spring. In summer when both dry, it creates a scary fire hazard. The trail will help neutralize that threat. My wife and I are in support of this project.