Go for it! I used to walk and run down a large portion of the proposed pathway. I would love to see it become an official trail and connect to other trails.
I am for a bike trail, but I am not for making the tracks unusable. I would like to see the State Railroad Museum be able to have excursion trains going down to Freeport and Hood. This trail need not be designed in a way to destroy the tracks. They can both coexist as they do along the river. Therefore, I am adamantly against the current plan!
I fully support the Del Rio Trail Project and urge your support/approval of the Final EIR. The Del Rio Trail will be a crucial link in providing a county-wide bike/hiking path for Sacramento.
My residence in the South Land Park neighborhood goes back to 1960 and I have walked the rail spur for over 58 years and look forward to it formally being dedicated as a bike and foot path.
I support approval of the EIR and moving forward with the Del Rio Trail project. This project is an excellent use of the corridor and will provide safe bicycle and walking access for residents of the area and beyond. I do not want the slightest potential for a rail line similar to the one that billows black smoke into the air every weekend during the summer.
I support adoption of the EIR and proceeding with the Del Rio Trail project immediately. This trail promises enhanced recreational opportunities for all Sacramentans, not just those in the Land Park area. The design respects the principles of historic preservation by retaining more than 98% of the old Walnut Grove Branch Line railroad while still providing for bicycle and pedestrian safety. 98% is a better preservation rate than was met in Old Sacramento, City Hall, and The Bank -- even Sutter's Fort doesn't come close! Or, the City Council can surrender to a small group of railroad fanatics* who sometime in the next 15-20 years hope to find $30-40 million, buy the right of way, and survive their own CEQA and EIR process, so they can run a tourist dinner train into the Stonelakes National Wildlife Refuge. Puhleez!
*(BTW, I used the word 'fanatics' above instead of 'buffs' or 'enthusiasts' as an homage to some of their distasteful tactics.)
I strongly support the Del Rio Trail Project because it would increase the connectivity of my neighborhood to other parts of Sacramento, reduce my need for car trips to nearby businesses (e.g., LaBou, Sprouts), and enable my family to use the trail for recreation purposes. Please approve this positive, well-supported project!
I support trails not trains for our backyards. I am a resident of South Land Park and am excited about enjoying the simple and quiet dignity of going for a bicycle ride with my family along the trail. I would not enjoy the soot, noise, or violation of my family's privacy that trains bring. As you can see from the attached photo, engineers, conductors, and passengers on trains will have a much better view of our backyards than that pedestrians and cyclists.
I oppose the project as it is now defined in the FEIR and ask that the City Council vote to not approve. A very viable alternative, the Rails with Trails alternative was suggested at the public meetings in 2015 and not acted upon. A connective, facilitative and accommodating trail can be built and allow for the eventual operation of infrequent maintenance and service trains through the corridor. The FEIR, as currently written removes track at significant locations albeit a small percentage. Removing track at the grade crossings will require extensive replacements when access for the Delta-Farm to Fork train is placed in operation. It is short sighted to not design a trail with the Trails AND Rails alternative. Sacramento is the Farm to Fork Capitol and the City needs to do all it can to promote this part of our community's history. Destroying the rail connection to the Delta is destroying an important piece of history. The appearance/feeling of the Walnut Grove Branch will be lost.
I am a docent at the Railroad Museum with about 14000 hours in the last 25 years. The Sacramento Southern RR attracted 44000 riders to Old Sacramento last year. There is no need to remove any of the Sacramento Southern track to Freeport. A bike path and the railroad have existed for many years from Miller Park to just short of the I-5 bridge (known at Baths siding). The majority of this extension is much wider than what is currently shared. There have been very few problems sharing this part of the right of way and I don't see any valid reason that can't be true of the Land Park extension. This part of the railroad will not see hourly service, just occasional movement between Meadowview Road and Old Sacramento. It is envisioned not to carry passengers on this part of the railroad. Alan Utzig
I am a docent at the CSRM logging in close to 4,000 hours of my time. I support the museum keeping the continuous railroad line to Isleton. The museum is world class and is the number one tourist attraction in Sacrmento according to TripAdvisor. The hottest ticket in town is the annual Polar Express Trains. The museum also runs trains throughout most of the year. Please do not sever this rail line as it is needed for future use and expansion of attractions. It is very, very valuabe section of real estate. An example of the value of this is the White Pass to Yukon Railroad from Skagway, AK to Whitehorse, YT, recently sold for $290,000,000. This is verifyable with a Google Search. Thank you, Charles R. Boley, Lincoln, CA.
Deleted User
almost 6 years ago
I support the concept of the Del Rio Trail project and am looking forward to using it because I live near it. However, The City is still proposing to remove tracks or encase tracks in concrete. The City claims that because only 2 percent of the track is being removed that the project would not preclude an excursion train from being proposed along this alignment in the future. The truth of the matter is that the tracks would never be replaced. That's just political reality.
Workable approaches are available to provide bike and pedestrian access while also preserving the functionality of the train tracks. The project must be redesigned to avoid damage to the Sacramento Southern Railroad. Protecting the Sacramento Southern Railroad as a working railroad is true to Sacramento’s strong ties to the Delta and its farm to fork heritage. It has been done successfully elsewhere and there is no reason why it cannot be done here!
The homeowners and the South Land Park Neighborhood Association are voicing false and incorrect information regarding the current Del Rio Trail Project and the affects the SSRR may have on their neighborhood. Removing ANY portion of the Railroad tracks is not acceptable. Removing the Railroad tracks would be removing a portion of history which has made the City of Sacramento and the Greater Sacramento Area the vibrant community it is today. Without the Railroad there would be no "Farm to Fork" as we know it today, it was the 'Farm to Fork' Train. If one were to look back at their own family tree they would without a doubt find someone in their family history who worked for a railroad. I was born and raised in Sacramento, my Father worked for Western Pacific, I also worked for Western Pacific during the Summer months while attending Sac. City College. Railroads and the SSRR are a part of Sacramento and it's history, don't let it become another Alhambra Theater.
The Del Rio Trail is an extraordinary opportunity to improve the quality of life in our city. It will provide a safe and beautiful corridor for adults and children to travel by foot, bicycle, and wheelchair between their homes and the neighborhoods' shops, schools, and parks. This is particularly important for disabled persons and older residents living in the neighborhoods in the corridor that have no sidewalks, requiring them to risk their lives to walk the dog.
Sacramento must not let a noisy, polluting, and dangerous pipe dream—a train that will never be funded to travel to a Delta that, under the nation's current leadership, will soon turn to a salty inland sea—stand in the way of an achievable project that will improve the city's environment and brighten the lives of its residents.
While I oppose the Project as currently planned, I DO support a SHARED trail INCLUDING retaining use of the historic rail tracks. I am a retired Naval Officer, retired Sacramento Superior Court Manager, and a proud California State Railroad Museum Docent for 8 years and nearly 2,000 hours. I am just one of hundreds of docents and volunteers who work hard to keep Sacramento history alive for residents as well as visitors from around the world.
Please support the efforts of these vital volunteers by providing unbroken access to the historic rails for the Sacramento Southern Railroad.
We are counting on you to do the right thing.
The Del Rio Trail will be a game-changer for the South Land Park community and I strongly support it! It provides a safe way for us to access the Sacramento River Parkway that is sorely missing at this time. From personal experience, it is shockingly difficult to access the parkway with my sons on bikes in a safe manner. The trail will be accessible for multiple uses and connect our neighborhoods. Neighbors I have talked to about it support it as well, when they learn about it. It will be a fantastic amenity for our city. Thank you for the attention to this project - I urge the council to move it forward!
Lisa Murawski, SLP Resident
I believe the Del Rio Trail will improve several City neighborhoods, and the entire regional trail network. It will allow easy and safe bike and pedestrian travel from residential areas to shopping centers, schools, and parks. It allows bike commuters to reach downtown on a Class 1 off-street path. Children will use it frequently. It will connect our neighborhood in a wholly new way
I Support the Del Rio Trail Project, and urge the Council to support it too.
The Del Rio Trail will facilitate seemless transportation through core neighborhoods and reduce our carbon footprint. Kids and adults alike will enjoy being able to get to the park, to downtown, to work, to school, to run errands easily and safely by bike and by foot. This promotes a healthy and active life style while reducing traffic congestion and associated air quality issues. The trail system is one of a select few public amenities that everyone can enjoy, regardless of income. It will improve Sacramento for everyone.
The Del Rio Trail will be constructed in the corridor purchased for a railroad which was abandoned forty years ago; vegetation, even medium-size trees, now occupies the tracks in many locations. The Del Rio Trail will transform this derelict corridor into a valuable community asset. The Trail will be a long-desired important link in the regional off-street bicycle network, valuable for both commuting to downtown and recreation. Pedestrians, ranging from leisurely strollers and dog walkers to strenuous exercisers, will also enjoy and benefit from the Trail. The neighborhoods adjacent to the Trail enthusiastically support it. I urge the Council to certify the Del Rio Trail EIR and approve the preliminary plans.
John K Moore, Tahoe Park
I believe the Del Rio Trail will improve several City neighborhoods, and the entire regional trail network. It will allow easy and safe bike and pedestrian travel from residential areas to shopping centers, schools, and parks. It allows bike commuters to reach downtown on a Class 1 off-street path. Children will use it frequently. It will connect our neighborhood in a wholly new way.
I Support the Del Rio Trail Project, and urge the Council to support it too.
None of the neighbors that live on either side of these tracks want trains running down this path. Do not allow trains in this area
Go for it! I used to walk and run down a large portion of the proposed pathway. I would love to see it become an official trail and connect to other trails.
I am for a bike trail, but I am not for making the tracks unusable. I would like to see the State Railroad Museum be able to have excursion trains going down to Freeport and Hood. This trail need not be designed in a way to destroy the tracks. They can both coexist as they do along the river. Therefore, I am adamantly against the current plan!
I fully support the Del Rio Trail Project and urge your support/approval of the Final EIR. The Del Rio Trail will be a crucial link in providing a county-wide bike/hiking path for Sacramento.
My residence in the South Land Park neighborhood goes back to 1960 and I have walked the rail spur for over 58 years and look forward to it formally being dedicated as a bike and foot path.
Thank you for your support of this project.
C.A. Kennedy
I support approval of the EIR and moving forward with the Del Rio Trail project. This project is an excellent use of the corridor and will provide safe bicycle and walking access for residents of the area and beyond. I do not want the slightest potential for a rail line similar to the one that billows black smoke into the air every weekend during the summer.
I support adoption of the EIR and proceeding with the Del Rio Trail project immediately. This trail promises enhanced recreational opportunities for all Sacramentans, not just those in the Land Park area. The design respects the principles of historic preservation by retaining more than 98% of the old Walnut Grove Branch Line railroad while still providing for bicycle and pedestrian safety. 98% is a better preservation rate than was met in Old Sacramento, City Hall, and The Bank -- even Sutter's Fort doesn't come close! Or, the City Council can surrender to a small group of railroad fanatics* who sometime in the next 15-20 years hope to find $30-40 million, buy the right of way, and survive their own CEQA and EIR process, so they can run a tourist dinner train into the Stonelakes National Wildlife Refuge. Puhleez!
*(BTW, I used the word 'fanatics' above instead of 'buffs' or 'enthusiasts' as an homage to some of their distasteful tactics.)
I strongly support the Del Rio Trail Project because it would increase the connectivity of my neighborhood to other parts of Sacramento, reduce my need for car trips to nearby businesses (e.g., LaBou, Sprouts), and enable my family to use the trail for recreation purposes. Please approve this positive, well-supported project!
I support trails not trains for our backyards. I am a resident of South Land Park and am excited about enjoying the simple and quiet dignity of going for a bicycle ride with my family along the trail. I would not enjoy the soot, noise, or violation of my family's privacy that trains bring. As you can see from the attached photo, engineers, conductors, and passengers on trains will have a much better view of our backyards than that pedestrians and cyclists.
I oppose the project as it is now defined in the FEIR and ask that the City Council vote to not approve. A very viable alternative, the Rails with Trails alternative was suggested at the public meetings in 2015 and not acted upon. A connective, facilitative and accommodating trail can be built and allow for the eventual operation of infrequent maintenance and service trains through the corridor. The FEIR, as currently written removes track at significant locations albeit a small percentage. Removing track at the grade crossings will require extensive replacements when access for the Delta-Farm to Fork train is placed in operation. It is short sighted to not design a trail with the Trails AND Rails alternative. Sacramento is the Farm to Fork Capitol and the City needs to do all it can to promote this part of our community's history. Destroying the rail connection to the Delta is destroying an important piece of history. The appearance/feeling of the Walnut Grove Branch will be lost.
I am a docent at the Railroad Museum with about 14000 hours in the last 25 years. The Sacramento Southern RR attracted 44000 riders to Old Sacramento last year. There is no need to remove any of the Sacramento Southern track to Freeport. A bike path and the railroad have existed for many years from Miller Park to just short of the I-5 bridge (known at Baths siding). The majority of this extension is much wider than what is currently shared. There have been very few problems sharing this part of the right of way and I don't see any valid reason that can't be true of the Land Park extension. This part of the railroad will not see hourly service, just occasional movement between Meadowview Road and Old Sacramento. It is envisioned not to carry passengers on this part of the railroad. Alan Utzig
I am a docent at the CSRM logging in close to 4,000 hours of my time. I support the museum keeping the continuous railroad line to Isleton. The museum is world class and is the number one tourist attraction in Sacrmento according to TripAdvisor. The hottest ticket in town is the annual Polar Express Trains. The museum also runs trains throughout most of the year. Please do not sever this rail line as it is needed for future use and expansion of attractions. It is very, very valuabe section of real estate. An example of the value of this is the White Pass to Yukon Railroad from Skagway, AK to Whitehorse, YT, recently sold for $290,000,000. This is verifyable with a Google Search. Thank you, Charles R. Boley, Lincoln, CA.
I support the concept of the Del Rio Trail project and am looking forward to using it because I live near it. However, The City is still proposing to remove tracks or encase tracks in concrete. The City claims that because only 2 percent of the track is being removed that the project would not preclude an excursion train from being proposed along this alignment in the future. The truth of the matter is that the tracks would never be replaced. That's just political reality.
Workable approaches are available to provide bike and pedestrian access while also preserving the functionality of the train tracks. The project must be redesigned to avoid damage to the Sacramento Southern Railroad. Protecting the Sacramento Southern Railroad as a working railroad is true to Sacramento’s strong ties to the Delta and its farm to fork heritage. It has been done successfully elsewhere and there is no reason why it cannot be done here!
The homeowners and the South Land Park Neighborhood Association are voicing false and incorrect information regarding the current Del Rio Trail Project and the affects the SSRR may have on their neighborhood. Removing ANY portion of the Railroad tracks is not acceptable. Removing the Railroad tracks would be removing a portion of history which has made the City of Sacramento and the Greater Sacramento Area the vibrant community it is today. Without the Railroad there would be no "Farm to Fork" as we know it today, it was the 'Farm to Fork' Train. If one were to look back at their own family tree they would without a doubt find someone in their family history who worked for a railroad. I was born and raised in Sacramento, my Father worked for Western Pacific, I also worked for Western Pacific during the Summer months while attending Sac. City College. Railroads and the SSRR are a part of Sacramento and it's history, don't let it become another Alhambra Theater.
The Del Rio Trail is an extraordinary opportunity to improve the quality of life in our city. It will provide a safe and beautiful corridor for adults and children to travel by foot, bicycle, and wheelchair between their homes and the neighborhoods' shops, schools, and parks. This is particularly important for disabled persons and older residents living in the neighborhoods in the corridor that have no sidewalks, requiring them to risk their lives to walk the dog.
Sacramento must not let a noisy, polluting, and dangerous pipe dream—a train that will never be funded to travel to a Delta that, under the nation's current leadership, will soon turn to a salty inland sea—stand in the way of an achievable project that will improve the city's environment and brighten the lives of its residents.
While I oppose the Project as currently planned, I DO support a SHARED trail INCLUDING retaining use of the historic rail tracks. I am a retired Naval Officer, retired Sacramento Superior Court Manager, and a proud California State Railroad Museum Docent for 8 years and nearly 2,000 hours. I am just one of hundreds of docents and volunteers who work hard to keep Sacramento history alive for residents as well as visitors from around the world.
Please support the efforts of these vital volunteers by providing unbroken access to the historic rails for the Sacramento Southern Railroad.
We are counting on you to do the right thing.
Charles Robuck
The Del Rio Trail will be a game-changer for the South Land Park community and I strongly support it! It provides a safe way for us to access the Sacramento River Parkway that is sorely missing at this time. From personal experience, it is shockingly difficult to access the parkway with my sons on bikes in a safe manner. The trail will be accessible for multiple uses and connect our neighborhoods. Neighbors I have talked to about it support it as well, when they learn about it. It will be a fantastic amenity for our city. Thank you for the attention to this project - I urge the council to move it forward!
Lisa Murawski, SLP Resident
I believe the Del Rio Trail will improve several City neighborhoods, and the entire regional trail network. It will allow easy and safe bike and pedestrian travel from residential areas to shopping centers, schools, and parks. It allows bike commuters to reach downtown on a Class 1 off-street path. Children will use it frequently. It will connect our neighborhood in a wholly new way
I Support the Del Rio Trail Project, and urge the Council to support it too.
Terri Clark - South Land Park Resident
The Del Rio Trail will facilitate seemless transportation through core neighborhoods and reduce our carbon footprint. Kids and adults alike will enjoy being able to get to the park, to downtown, to work, to school, to run errands easily and safely by bike and by foot. This promotes a healthy and active life style while reducing traffic congestion and associated air quality issues. The trail system is one of a select few public amenities that everyone can enjoy, regardless of income. It will improve Sacramento for everyone.
The Del Rio Trail will be constructed in the corridor purchased for a railroad which was abandoned forty years ago; vegetation, even medium-size trees, now occupies the tracks in many locations. The Del Rio Trail will transform this derelict corridor into a valuable community asset. The Trail will be a long-desired important link in the regional off-street bicycle network, valuable for both commuting to downtown and recreation. Pedestrians, ranging from leisurely strollers and dog walkers to strenuous exercisers, will also enjoy and benefit from the Trail. The neighborhoods adjacent to the Trail enthusiastically support it. I urge the Council to certify the Del Rio Trail EIR and approve the preliminary plans.
John K Moore, Tahoe Park
I believe the Del Rio Trail will improve several City neighborhoods, and the entire regional trail network. It will allow easy and safe bike and pedestrian travel from residential areas to shopping centers, schools, and parks. It allows bike commuters to reach downtown on a Class 1 off-street path. Children will use it frequently. It will connect our neighborhood in a wholly new way.
I Support the Del Rio Trail Project, and urge the Council to support it too.
Louis Cashatt
South Land Park