Meeting Time: March 26, 2019 at 5:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4. Environmental Impact Report and Preliminary Design Approval for the Del Rio Trail Project (K15165100) File ID: 2019-00247

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    Keith Umemoto almost 6 years ago

    I urge APPROVAL of the proposed Trail Project. The proposal is the perfect project for the coordinator, closed by SP 42 years ago. It's an ideal utilization of the land for human/dog walkers, bicyclists, joggers, and runners, particularly in the area. The trail is already being used by grade school children, residents, and the neighborhood, but is not safe as is. With the project, it will provide safety for users and its utilization will increase dramatically. Conversely, rail usage is not appropriate as train passengers could look through so many bedroom/home windows, violating the privacy of the residents. Furthermore, a train would be dangerously noisy, environmentally hazardous, and an unnecessary contributor to traffic issues as each crossing along the various streets would require railroad crossings. Lastly, the investment in the Del Rio Trail is an affordable and sound investment for Sacramento, while a train would be so costly for extremely limited usage.

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    Ajay Reed almost 6 years ago

    In FULL support of Del Rio Trail. If it’s going to turn into something it might as well promote health and wellness and less cars and be the last of what is left to enjoy of nature in the suburbs. I’m all for history and railroads but I can’t see how a “produce train” would take precedence over health, property value and overall current interest and need of our present day society. Create historical markers at every .5 miles to honor what was or even have a National Fruit Day to honor the produce of our area-but NO TRAINS! The Del Rio Trail is a sign of our adaptivity and evolution. It’s time for a new chapter, new generation and new thought less our whole neighbor hood will be filled with rentals. If trains go in I’ll be the first to move!

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    Larry Turner almost 6 years ago

    build the trail.

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    C Little almost 6 years ago

    It will allow easy and safe bike and pedestrian travel from residential areas to shopping centers, schools, and parks. It allows bike commuters to reach downtown on a Class 1 off-street path.

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    Bob Johnstone almost 6 years ago

    I believe the proposed bike trail is poorly thought out both in the reluctance to remove the rail tracks which leaves the only option for a path to be a straight line with the cutting of many heritage trees, but more importantly the poor design of street crossings on very busy fast moving streets. Until the city is willing to provide bridges for bicycles and pedestrians a no vote is the correct response.

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    Rick RODGERS almost 6 years ago

    This trail would be a welcome addition to the neighborhoods.

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    Fred Delevati Jr almost 6 years ago

    I oppose this action because it does not take into account the historic Sacramento Southern tracks right of way. This is a historical railroad right of way that brought produce from the Delta to Sacramento and helped support the City.

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    Matthew Lieberman almost 6 years ago

    I am in support of the Del Rio Trail Project. I believe the project will have a positive environmental impact in the region by encouraging walking and biking with fewer car trips. I also do not want to see trains rumbling through our quiet residential neighborhood.

    South Land Park Resident

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    Daniel Savino almost 6 years ago

    I remain opposed to the removal of the train tracks. To do so virtually guarantees that at no point in the future will any type of rail transit be considered in this area - regardless of long-term transportation needs or goals, including recreational use. It also overlooks the historical importance of rail to Sacramento. To retain the tracks has minimal cost compared to what it would take to install new tracks if desired. Arguments about air and noise pollution are also challenging when this location's proximity to Interstate 5 is considered - a massively larger source of both. What benefit comes from destroying a prospective transit resource?

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    Marguerite Ries almost 6 years ago

    Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment. I support the efforts to improve the Del Rio Trail, and believe it will improve several City neighborhoods, and the entire regional trail network. It will allow easy and safe bike and pedestrian travel from residential areas to shopping centers, schools, and parks. It allows bike commuters to reach downtown on a Class 1 off-street path. Children, especially my own, will use it frequently. It will connect our neighborhood in a wholly new way.

    I Support the Del Rio Trail Project, and urge the Council to support it too.

    Marguerite Ries, Parent of children attending preschool in South Land Park

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    Ed Moriarty almost 6 years ago

    I oppose any remove of any rail at grade crossings along the former Walnut Grove Branch of the Souther Pacific Railroad. Bike paths and rails can co-exist just as they do in Santa Cruz as an example. Sacramento has a rich historic past with respect to railroads. Removal of track at grade crossings essentially "derails" long term plans that the Rail Muesum has created.The EIR submits the idea that such a path will reduce dependency on fossil fuel is absurd. I have traveled along the existing bike path for over fifteen years and have not observed any significant usage that would mitigate the use of fossil fuel. The bike path is a means for recreational usage. However, of importance and overlooked it is also a channel for criminal activity as well. Only look to the American River bike path. Ed Moriarty

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    Bruce Runner almost 6 years ago

    I oppose approving the current EIR which eliminates some of the existing rail line, removes or encases crossings in concrete, etc. It's not that I opposing a bike trail. It's simply that we don't want the rail line destroyed or altered to the extent that any future use by the museum will become cost-prohibitive.

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    Bill Griffin almost 6 years ago

    I am absolutely AGAINST this project. Once the tracks are removed, an important piece of history that belongs to ALL OF US IN THE SACRAMENTO REGION will be gone. Please don't do it...

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    Robin Netzer almost 6 years ago

    I believe the Del Rio Trail will improve several City neighborhoods, and the entire regional trail network. It will allow easy and safe wheelchair access, bike and pedestrian travel from residential areas to shopping centers, schools, and parks. It allows bike commuters to reach downtown on a Class 1 off-street path. Children will use it frequently. It will connect our neighborhood in a wholly new way.

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    Harry Forni almost 6 years ago

    The Railroad Museum and it's train operation are the #1 family attractions in the Sacramento area
    according to Trip Advisor. Hiking and bike trails are a dime a dozen but there's only one historically
    significant tourist train in the area and it should be cherished, supported and encouraged to improve.
    Not reduced and sidelined.

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    Scott Inman almost 6 years ago

    As a native Sacramentan, I oppose the removal of any railroad track along the proposed Del Rio Trail. There is no logical reason to remove track at grade crossings simply to leave track alongside the trail as an ornament to history. This is not preservation. The neighborhood should recognize the legacy of the Southern Pacific Railroad and the former Walnut Grove Branch, and support the California State Railroad Museum's plans to operate a tourist railroad between Freeport and Hood. This is not possible unless the tracks remain intact between the I-5 overpass and Freeport for the rare and infrequent movement of equipment through the corridor. Preserve the rails, and have your trail. Very simple and everyone's happy in the long run.
    Scott Inman
    Director, Southern Pacific Historical and Technical Society

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    Richard Clark almost 6 years ago

    Sacramento’s railroad museum is one of the drawing points to this city and all history related to trains and tracks should have a special place in our hearts. To damage or allow disintegration if a currently successful and attractive and enriching part of rail history is almost criminal. The cost is a pittance compared to the boondoggle elitist Bullilet train. What happened to the power brokers love of trains?

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    Brad Reinschell almost 6 years ago

    I support the Del Rio Trail project. The trail provides easier access for the neighborhood to enjoy the park, go shopping at Sprouts and the other shops at the corner of Sutterville and Del Rio. Since parts of Del Rio Road do not include sidewalks, it is safer for residents to have a dedicated trail to stay off the street. Providing an accessible route along the trail will also be a benefit for those with mobility issues to have a safe area to transverse without being on a busy street. I feel it is safer to remove a small percentage of the tracks for those in our community who are not as mobile as the rest of us than to leave the obstacles for them to navigate against.
    I also feel the bike trail is a huge benefit to the area being able to connect the southern neighborhoods with downtown. I work downtown and fully intend to use the trail as designed to commute to work. The trail is ideal for connecting the city together.
    Thank you,
    Brad Reinschell

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    Jacquolyn Duerr almost 6 years ago

    Please proceed with the full development of the Del Rio Trail Project. It will be a great asset to our city's livability and health. My family lives nearby, and would use the this trail to commute into downtown by bicycle. Currently, there are no safe, continuous north-south bicycle routes in the core city area. This project invests in active transportation, which promotes more physical activity, air and water quality improvements, and mental health and resilience. I urge that the Trail development plans include reaching out and incorporating Safe Routes to Schools, Parks and Recreation, law enforcement and other resources to realize the full benefits of the Trail.

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    Lisa Ashley almost 6 years ago

    I support the Del Rio Trail Project. I love to bike n walk in the area and would love to have it be an official place to enjoy.