No to Rezone -- This is not just about a real estate office. My husband and I oppose a rezone of the property at V and 51st Streets. We are not opposed to Mr. Cazneaux’s real estate office -- the rezone is the issue.
C-1 zoning includes restaurants, offices, athletic clubs, fitness studios, laundromats, commercial services, schools (dance music, art, martial arts), and retail stores. Such uses are allowed by right and are not reviewable by the City Planning Commission or the City Council. The owner, a lessee, or a future owner has the right to convert the property without notice or input from the neighbors. A decision to rezone this property would place a Trojan horse in our historic, residential neighborhood.
With UC Medical Center nearby in a constant state of development and expansion, even limiting the zoning to offices (RO) would set a precedent that may destroy our neighborhood. One need only look at other parts of town (such as Midtown) and see the homes that have been converted to offices and even restaurants.
Francesca Reitano about 8 years ago on Support for Real Estate Office in Elmhurst
No to Rezone -- This is not just about a real estate office. My husband and I oppose a rezone of the property at V and 51st Streets. We are not opposed to Mr. Cazneaux’s real estate office -- the rezone is the issue.
C-1 zoning includes restaurants, offices, athletic clubs, fitness studios, laundromats, commercial services, schools (dance music, art, martial arts), and retail stores. Such uses are allowed by right and are not reviewable by the City Planning Commission or the City Council. The owner, a lessee, or a future owner has the right to convert the property without notice or input from the neighbors. A decision to rezone this property would place a Trojan horse in our historic, residential neighborhood.
With UC Medical Center nearby in a constant state of development and expansion, even limiting the zoning to offices (RO) would set a precedent that may destroy our neighborhood. One need only look at other parts of town (such as Midtown) and see the homes that have been converted to offices and even restaurants.