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Agenda Item

5. Ordinance Revisions to Chapter 5.138 of Sacramento City Code Relating to Tobacco Retailers (Passed for Publication 03/12/2019; Published 03/15/2019) [Continued from 03/26/2019] File ID: 2019-00361

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    Corbin Lindstrom over 5 years ago

    I'm 28 Years Old, i tried Nicotine Gum and other pharmaceuticals to try and quit smoking nothing worked. the only thing that does, and has it Flavored E-Liquids. it would be a public disservice to remove them from the market. The Argument that this is for the Children simply isn't true. it's about Big Tobacco. and we all know it.

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    Tobias Rieper over 5 years ago

    Flavored E-Liquids are the only product that helped my Mother quit after 34 Years of Smoking. Tobacco Flavors only made her Crave Cigarettes. now she is Healthy and Cancer Free. don't take away these life saving products.

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    Jim Keddy over 5 years ago

    Flavored vaping is just the latest tobacco industry strategy to make money off of getting kids addicted to nicotine. The people who created Juul are billionaires. They got rich by targeting the most vulnerable in our community. City leaders are elected to protect the health and welfare of the city. Do the right thing.

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    Nia MooreWeathers over 5 years ago

    I am in support. I understand the dangers of over-regulation for a particular market, and I also understand the responsibility that parents have to policing their children's usage of illicit substances (tobacco, alcohol, or otherwise) and how their non-action with their children can evolve into restrictive policies for responsible adults. HOWEVER, that does not change the fact that flavored tobacco products (including vaping pens, e-juices, etc) are specifically marketed towards children AND that over 80% of children who do smoke start with flavored products; targeted marketing is also an EQUITY issue, as the tobacco industry targets young youth of color as potential customers. Knowing this information, I feel strongly about taking a chance on this measure to ensure Sacramento children's health and safety, and to create better understanding around public health policy here in Sacramento.

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    Justin Swick over 5 years ago

    The flavor choice held me quit smoking cigarettes, the regular nicotine e-juices just make me want to smoke a regular cigarette. I have also reduced the amount of nicotine i consume from a pack an a half a day, to less then a pack a day.

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    Cameron Southward over 5 years ago

    I used to have a really bad chewing problem and cigar problem but now that I vape I don't consume as much nicotine and the flavors keep me away from the original or standard tobacco flavors. I have also known better breathing, less coughing, and more energy not as lethargic.

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    DeSean Liggans over 5 years ago

    I am heavily opposed. It's punishing adults for things other people's children are doing and have no control over. This is a steppingstone to the canceling of anything as long as children are getting their hands on it. Next there will be bans on alcohol due to it being flavored, then coffee. It should be on the parent and their ability to supervise their children to prevent vaping and keep other flavored "tobacco" products out of reach. The fact that after all this time vaping e-liquid and accessories are qualified as "tobacco products" already seems like a money grab to provide more taxable funding source. Now shops and their customers will suffer due to an abundance of misinformation leading to its cancellation. The banning of flavors to prevent teens and children from use is a backwards plan. This energy to cancel something that is good for tax paying adults should but utilized elsewhere. Newer taxes from nicotine being spent should be fully explained to the people paying.

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    Jason Gardner over 5 years ago

    I oppose this ordinance due to the fact that I would not be vaping without flavored vape juices. I have quit smoking regular cigarettes for almost a year now due to the availability of flavored vape juices.

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    Jessie Jones over 5 years ago

    vaping has been a huge help in me quitting and the flavor helps to keep from returning to cigarettes

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    John Adrian over 5 years ago

    Vaping has helped me breathe better, and has helped get rid of multiple body aches. My overall quality of life has greatly improved.

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    Daniel Jenkins over 5 years ago

    Vaping helped me quit smoking -- I was a 2 pack a day smoker before. Prohibition has proved ineffective in the past and will create a black market that is exempt from tax revenue that we need.

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    Jamie Miller over 5 years ago

    I greatly oppose the flavor ban, as a 6+ year vapor user honestly would've never quit my 21 year smoking addiction. This will also kill the local retailers who are providing crucial live-saving products to new smokers and old.

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    David Parker over 5 years ago

    After 25 years of smoking, Vaping was the only thing that could get me to stop the cigarettes. Flavors were a huge part of that. Please dont let big tobacco make the rules, they already have enough $$$$$

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    Antwon Zavertyaev over 5 years ago

    Vaping is the only thing that helped me quit smoking, and flavors are the reason. This technology needs to be available to adults, please don’t take away their right to choose a better alternative.

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    daniel magee over 5 years ago

    The only was able to successfully quit smoking cigarettes because of vaping. I made several failed attempts and then quit for good once I was introduced to vaping and interesting flavor profiles available. I have titrated down nicotine levels successfully to a zero and have been nicotine free for several year because of the flavors of vaping.

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    Sarah Blackmon over 5 years ago

    Vaping is a safer, non tobacco alternative to smoking. Not only is it much safer, it's also not a pollutant the way cigarette smoke is. There is no such thing as "second hand vaping" and cigarette butts are one of the most common types of litter. I'm all for being stricter on smoking but lumping vaping into this measure is ridiculous. This measure will not hurt big tobacco, but it will put mom and pops out of business, and send people back to cigarettes.

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    Arnold Legarda over 5 years ago

    Banning E-Juice flavors is a mistake, it actually is our right as adults to choose to Vape E-Juice with flavor. Let’s focus the attention to online Vape product sales. There are plenty of websites that allow minors to make purchases online just by placing fake birthdates or their parents DOB, since they are using their parents card to shop without them realizing what thier own kids are purchasing. It all boils down to “Responsible Parenting”. Brick and mortar businesse strive hard to operate with accordances and laws set here in Sacramento. This is how they feed their families, think about the impact to their lives if Flavors are banned and closures happen. This is America it’s a country where we the people have the right to make our own choices as adults. The real ? is why are you pushing this agenda so bad, do you want people to go back to a harmful and bad habit like cigarettes made by Big Tobacco?! Let’s push efforts to banning online tobacco sales, that is the root cause!

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    Alex Lser over 5 years ago

    I have been vaping for over a year now. I had been smoking and chewing tobacco since I was 17. I tried chantix, gum, patches a zyban and none of them worked as well as vaping. When I was in Chantix it made my depression worse, night terrors were to the point I would wake my roommates. As an adult I greatly enjoy the flavor variety available. Another upside to vaping is that you can decrease the amount of nicotine intake at a better and more controlled rate. I started at 12mg or 1.2% nicotine, now I'm at 6ng or .6%. Soon I'll be able to lower the amount again. Even when I am finally at 0mg I'll still vape as I like the flavors. Also propylene glycol, one of the main ingredients in vape liquid is also the asthma inhalers that I no longer need because of vaping.

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    Tristan Taylor over 5 years ago

    The proposed legislation will take a product, which is not derived from tobacco by any means, away from responsible adults who just want to quit smoking. As a consumer I have used vapor products and cigarettes to quit smoking at the age of 22 so my daughter wouldn't have to breathe in secondhand smoke. This legislation is "to protect children" and I'm all for protecting young ones but it's not going to change the ability to get products. It will just create a black market for these products in which children will not be sent out of a shop with no product in hand buy instead sold products that were not tested or mixed by professionals. There must be some way to compromise on this and I expect for that to happen. Give adults, who love flavors, a chance a better and healthier lifestyle. Thank you.

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    Kyle Shelton over 5 years ago

    This bill targets small business owners as well as addicts trying to use a healthier alternative. Banning companies from selling a flavored alternative to cigarettes will not prevent kids from doing things they're not supposed to. It will just shift their focus to other things they aren't supposed to do. Like smoking cigarettes. Or marijuana. Or alcohol. (Look at how well that being illegal has worked in California) I get that people vaping can be annoying. That doesn't mean that it doesn't have the potential to save lives.