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Agenda Item

5. Ordinance Revisions to Chapter 5.138 of Sacramento City Code Relating to Tobacco Retailers (Passed for Publication 03/12/2019; Published 03/15/2019) [Continued from 03/26/2019] File ID: 2019-00361

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    Frances Rebar over 5 years ago

    I started smoking after my car accident years ago. My fiancée died in that accident. I got tired of smelling like smoke and my asthma had me in the ER constantly from smoking. Tried the patch and gum and it didn't help. I was introduced to vaping. I have not not smoked in years or had a asthma attack since I have been vaping. I have even been taken off my CPAP machine because my breathing got better. Flavor choice vaping has helped me quit. Vaping even helps with my tremors from Parkinson's. Don't take that away from me. I don't want to go back to smoking. Thank you.

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    Douglas Otter over 5 years ago

    I'm 41 years old and I smoked for the better part of 25 years.When I decided that I wanted to be done with cigarettes I gave vaping a try.I've been smoke free for over 3.5 years now and still haven't had a cigarette & I attribute flavors for a big part of my success becoming smoke free my health has sky rocketed.I'm not coughing up black mucus anymore. I'm not wheezing when I take my dogs for a walk.I have more energy.My daughter hugs me again!The vape community is just that,a community.One that supports and educates each other. If flavored tobacco were to disappear so would countless jobs, businesses and tax revenue.I think we need to look a little harder at HOW kids are getting their hands on these products and control that.If we're can't hold kids responsible for doing adult things maybe look at punishing or fining the parents.If a cigarette that is riddled with chemicals that are KNOWN to cause death,why can't we give a try to a product that has helped people live a healthier life?

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    Jim Knox over 5 years ago

    Today's Sacramento Bee editorial says it all:

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    Nader Tahir over 5 years ago

    A tobacco shop is what put me through college and I'm graduating now. Not just that when I used to smoke, vaping is what got me off. I smoked cigarettes since I was 15 and now it's getting banned because other people can't parent their own children. You guys will do what you want, but what you're doing is you're disenfranchising people who legally do business and you're also disenfranchising all those people who are legal to buy. We pay our taxes, and that pays your salaries. We're all educated adults, and we can make decisions for ourselves. Thanks for reading.

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    Abraham Jami over 5 years ago

    We need better ways of prohibiting online sales. I have been vaporizing for over 10 years now. I personally have finally found a system that is working amazing. These devices are completely keeping me off of cigarettes. With that being said I now for the first time in my entire life I have been able to stay off of cigarettes. Now I can even run a full mile in less then 9 minutes. I have never been capable of running, when I smoked cigarette! I to cough of so much brown stuff!! I was only 24 years old coughing like a 85 year old man!! Now I work at a tobacco retailer, working hand in hand with people to help them make the alternative like I have. I personally have helped well over 20 clients make conversation. These people did not only smoke cigarettes but they also used forms like cigars, chewing tobacco, as well as pipe tobacco. The government need to use more time and work with businesses like mine that are FDA compliant and absolutely enforce our age restriction laws on tobacco.

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    Zee Sae over 5 years ago

    I oppose because as an adult who smokes flavored tobacoo, it is an infringement on my ability to enjoy my chosen habit. This will not stop minors from smoking but will put small business owners at tremendous loss as well as consumers who have enjoy smoking flavored tobacco legally. Advertisers who direct market to minors should be penalized, not adults and business owners who provide to a market.

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    Am Mohammed over 5 years ago

    I oppose because people should be able to choose flavored tobacco. This will not stop underage smoking. Its futile to punish everyone because manufacturers are making it easier to advertise to minors. Regulations regarding manufacturing should be altered and not access to flavored tobacco. Adults should be able to choose whatever they want.

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    Faiyaz Rajan over 5 years ago

    Let the adults make their own decision on the flavors they want to choose. Adults like to vape on flavors like candy and fruits, flavor ban will only cause people to go back to smoking..

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    Sohail Chaudhary over 5 years ago

    If kids are the issue. Remove the products from the sight of the youth from establishments that cater to youth or allow youths I to those establishment. Black out to accomplish store windows where they cannot see into them and restrict all store front marketing. You have essentially taken it out of the sight of youths and still keep businesses from having to shut down.

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    Tariq Nichelson over 5 years ago

    The flavor ban is a rotten idea because with out vape I'd probably have died of lung cancer a long time ago vaping has litterally saved my life and my doctors agree. DO NOT PASS THIS BAN OR YOURE KILLING US.

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    Noor Kachhi over 5 years ago

    I strongly oppose the Tobacco Flavor Ban, the Sacramento City Council is mixing emotions into policy making, just because someone from the councilman’s family passed away due to smoking cigarettes they want to pass the flavor ban. First of all if anything they should ban is cigarettes and not Flavored Vape juices, Vaping is saving lives, helping people quit smoking cigarettes, the Sacramento city council should encourage this, our city council needs to learn from countries like England where they publicly support vaping. Not only this policy is bad for consumers who vape but also for business owners who work extremely hard in helping smokers quit smoking and help them transition into vaping so they live healthier lives. As an adult the city should not dictate what we should and shouldn’t do, this is nothing illegal.
    I strongly oppose this.

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    Jackson Nichols over 5 years ago

    The Flavor Ban is not a good idea at all, why take away products that save people?

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    Sofia Espinoza Solis over 5 years ago

    Totally Opposed to the Flavor Ban. this is a way safer alternative to Smoking Cigarettes. why take away my right to chose a safer alternative? this is just another instance of men taking away my right to chose.

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    Nick Snow over 5 years ago

    Opposed to this Blatant Ban on E-Cigarettes for Profit, do not be fooled. this is for Big Tobacco!

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    Phillip Lancaster over 5 years ago

    DO NOT take away the flavors it saves Lives

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    Elizabeth Sutter over 5 years ago

    100% Opposed to anything that affects my Choice to choose Flavored E-Liquid as a safer alternative. City Leaders are Elected to protect the public. So protect us from Cigarettes, not the Solution to the Problem plaguing our Community and that is Cigarettes, Cigars, and Chew.

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    Tristan Hannah over 5 years ago

    Salutations, I am a 22 year old former smoker thatnks to a fantastic smoking cessatation product. I began smoking at 16 years old and managed to quit just 4 years later thanks to this smoking cessatation product. I tried cold quit, i attempted to quit with Nicotine Gum and other Pharmacy Available Products. Nothing worked. But i found something two years ago that did. The Electronic Cigarette. These Products are miracles. Safer than smoking, i noticed nearly immediate health benefits when i switched. A better more eco-friendly product that doesnt damage our Environment. And more impirtantly doesnt hurt me. These Miracle Products helped my Mother and my Grabdfather and Lung Cancer Patient finally quit smoking after 25, and over 50 years of Smoking. I believe it is a disservice to the Public and the people to remove E-Cigarettes by way of a "Flavor Ban" the Flavors made it easier to quit as it tasted nothing like a Cigarette. And i no longer craved them. Thank you,
    Tristan Hannah

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    TJ Johnson over 5 years ago

    started smoking at 14, i couldn't put down the Newports for 15 years. but i don't smoke Newports no more. because of Vape Flavors, don't taste like Cigarettes. so i don't crave them no more, and it's safer. why is this even a thing? taking them away? this is not a smart move for us.

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    Eduardo Rojo over 5 years ago

    Vaping Flavors helped me quit Cigarettes, Everyone worried about the Kids. should parent their kids. why do i not matter?

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    Keith Richardson over 5 years ago

    i quit smoking thanks to these Flavored E-Cigarettes. i am now Cancer Free and was able to put down Cigarettes, thanks to a safer alternative that did not taste like a Cigarette.