4. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6 for a matter pertaining to negotiations with unrepresented employee: the Interim City Manager. The purpose is to confer with the City's chief negotiator, Mayor Kevin McCarty.
Stop violating people's rights because they do not have a home, you are spending money on things that allow others to pursue happiness.
We demand that you stop using the police to bully people. "Give us your blanket or go to jail"-this is what you promote? There are no housing options, there is no room in the shelters-taking the little property they have will not get them into a house. How dare you do this to the people you are supposed to represent! How dare you say you are for us! You are against us!
In December 1967, Dr. King had announced a new campaign, to bring attention to issues faced by poor Americans of all backgrounds. He envisioned a march on Washington and a campaign of massive civil disobedience to demand jobs, housing and education. In order to achieve this, King called for a “new and unsettling force,” a multi-racial “nonviolent army of the poor, a freedom church of the poor.” In his last Sunday sermon, he preached:
We are coming to Washington in a poor people’s campaign. Yes, we are going to bring the tired, the poor, the huddled masses … We are coming to demand that the government address itself to the problem of poverty. We read one day: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But if a man doesn’t have a job or an income, he has neither life nor liberty nor the possibility for the pursuit of happiness. He merely exists … We are coming to ask America to be true to the huge promissory note that it signed years ago. And we are coming to engage in dramatic non-violent action, to call attention to the gulf between promise and fulfillment; to make the invisible visible.
If you a reading this contact me at sistergirl916@gmail.com
Stop being scared to speak against the EVILS they do to us. You give them reverence when they suppress us.
Stop violating people's rights because they do not have a home, you are spending money on things that allow others to pursue happiness.
We demand that you stop using the police to bully people. "Give us your blanket or go to jail"-this is what you promote? There are no housing options, there is no room in the shelters-taking the little property they have will not get them into a house. How dare you do this to the people you are supposed to represent! How dare you say you are for us! You are against us!
In December 1967, Dr. King had announced a new campaign, to bring attention to issues faced by poor Americans of all backgrounds. He envisioned a march on Washington and a campaign of massive civil disobedience to demand jobs, housing and education. In order to achieve this, King called for a “new and unsettling force,” a multi-racial “nonviolent army of the poor, a freedom church of the poor.” In his last Sunday sermon, he preached:
We are coming to Washington in a poor people’s campaign. Yes, we are going to bring the tired, the poor, the huddled masses … We are coming to demand that the government address itself to the problem of poverty. We read one day: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But if a man doesn’t have a job or an income, he has neither life nor liberty nor the possibility for the pursuit of happiness. He merely exists … We are coming to ask America to be true to the huge promissory note that it signed years ago. And we are coming to engage in dramatic non-violent action, to call attention to the gulf between promise and fulfillment; to make the invisible visible.
If you a reading this contact me at sistergirl916@gmail.com
Stop being scared to speak against the EVILS they do to us. You give them reverence when they suppress us.