Meeting Time: October 24, 2024 at 5:30pm PDT


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Agenda Item

4. Overview of the Ralph M. Brown Act and Fair-Hearing Requirements [Oral Report] File ID: 2024-01518

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    Matt Anderson at October 23, 2024 at 8:17am PDT

    I hope the commission to includes a discussion on not just adhering to the letter, but also the spirit, of ‘right to attend and participate’

    I understand disabling remote verbs comment (but hope a solution is found) and don’t think staff or public officials should have to endure hate speech or worse from people abusing the first amendment.

    That said, approximately 3 in 10 Sacramentans don’t have a drivers license, making attending many meeting impossible without taking time off of work. At this point participating in meetings via e-comment is not really participation. More often than than not committees/commissions don’t even acknowledge e-comments (this commission is better than most - thank you) and it’s difficult to know if anyone has even read them, much less seriously considered their content.

    Additionally, the city recently passed an internal rule disallowing e-comments to even be read into the record and it seems to be getting harder and harder to participate in these public processes every day.

    I wish I had an answer to suggest and don’t think subjecting staff or you all to hate speech should be it, but hope you all can have a robust discussion on ways the public can continue to participate in their city processes and decisions.

    Matt Anderson
    Resident, D4

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    Mark Rodriguez, activist at October 19, 2024 at 5:40pm PDT

    Please do not go to Sun Spa, located at 6804 Fruitridge Rd #A
    Sacramento, CA, 95820, They will claim that they are too busy for you.