Meeting Time: September 19, 2024 at 5:30pm PDT


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Agenda Item

4. Active Transportation Commission 2024 Draft Annual Report File ID: 2024-01625

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    Saphire Xiong admin at September 19, 2024 at 10:43am PDT

    eComment received by the Office of the City Clerk.

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    Faye Kennedy at September 19, 2024 at 10:29am PDT

    City of Sacramento Transportation Plan 2024 Draft #2
    Eric Guerra, Sacramento City Councilmember, District #6
    Jeff Jelsma, Transportation Planner, Transportation Planner, Department of Public Works
    RE: Agenda Item # 4: Active Transportation Commission 2024 Draft Annual Report
    Hello, my name is Faye Wilson Kennedy, and I am a member of the Southeast Village Neighborhood located in City Council District #6.
    A special thank you to the members of the Sacramento Active Transportation Commission for their hard work.
    In 2022 the Southeast Village Neighborhood Association submitted a letter (please see
    attachment) outlining our concerns and recommendations.

    We appreciate the efforts of City staff and the Transportation Commission to hear and actually listen to community priorities centered around: improving our air quality, centering equity, connecting impacted communities to important and valuable destinations, and reducing the rates of serious injury or death (where we are dramatically overrepresented) by addressing our safety. These are “environmental Justice” issues.

    How will community members (low-income community members and the unhoused) without access to computer and technology access an ATC Dashboard?
    Develop an ATC Dashboard Details: Creating an online ATC Dashboard will have a positive impact on the community’s ability to stay updated on efforts underway by the City and the Commission. The purpose of this dashboard will be to streamline information so that any member of the public can quickly see all our efforts in one location, and access important data that is collected around walking and biking. Information to include on the dashboard could be:
    • The proposed prioritization criteria will work to address past and current harms at the intersection of transportation, race, and class.
    • The existential Climate Emergency that threatens our city.
    • Better connect community members (both the housed and unhoused) to jobs, schools much needed community resources, and parks.
    • Support transportation safety in communities that need it most, and address Sacramento's most deteriorated infrastructure.
    The Southeast Village Neighborhood Association supports staff’s recommendations for the transportation prioritization criteria including:
    Improving Air Quality and Health by prioritizing investment in walking, bicycling, e-bikes, transit use and supporting electric vehicles.
    Providing for Equitable Investment by prioritizing investment in Sacramento’s communities that lack basic transportation infrastructure like sidewalks, streetlights, trees and more. Additionally, in recognition of racial equity, we support prioritizing investment in areas that are majority Black, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, Unhoused, and/or Indigenous.
    Providing Access to Destinations by prioritizing transportation projects near jobs, schools, and parks to reduce spatial inequalities.
    Improving Transportation Safety by prioritizing transportation projects on Sacramento’s 10 corridors with the highest number of fatal and severe crashes. These also are in Sacramento’s under-resourced communities.
    Fixing and Maintaining the System by prioritizing maintenance on streets and bridges with the worst conditions and the most use.
    Thank you for your consideration, attention, and cooperation.
    Faye Wilson Kennedy, The Southeast Village Neighborhood Association
    916 812-7429

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    Mark Rodriguez, activist at September 14, 2024 at 4:38pm PDT

    Please do not go to Sun Spa, located at 6804 Fruitridge Rd #A
    Sacramento, CA, 95820, They will claim that they are too busy for you.