Meeting Time: September 19, 2024 at 5:30pm PDT


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Agenda Item

3. Morrison Creek Revitalization and Trail Update (T15216100) File ID: 2024-01633

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    Faye Kennedy at September 19, 2024 at 10:28am PDT

    Eric Guerra, Sacramento City Councilmember, District #6
    James Kragh, Associate Civil Engineer, Department of Public Works
    Tamika L'Ecluse, Sacramento Community Land Trust
    Kathleen Ave, SMUD

    RE: Morrison Creek Revitalization and Trail Update (T15216100) File ID: 2024-01633
    Hello, my name is Faye Wilson Kennedy, I currently live in District #6, and I am an active member of the Sacramento Village Neighborhood Association and other related groups.
    Thank you for the opportunity to share our comments and concerns with the “Committee.” Since 2017 the Southeast Village Neighborhood Association and the Avondale Glen Elder Neighborhood Association have hosted joint community meetings and sessions to discuss the Morrison Creek Revitalization (please see attachments for documentation)
    So, what happened to the 2020 Environmental Justice Coalition for Water’s Morrison Creek Revitalization Project? They received a grant for $697,000 for planning and continued community outreach from the CA Department of Water Resources Urban Streams Restoration Program.
    We are concerned because we have shared our comments, input and vision with staff and consultants and still the Morrison Creek Revitalization Plan is not implemented.
    Community members would like to be part of the decision-making process, the planning process, the implementation process and finally the celebration of Morrison Creek Revitalization. We want our voices and ideas heard and implemented.
    If you have any additional questions, please contact me. Thank you for your consideration, cooperation, and attention.


    Faye Wilson Kennedy, Co-Founder, Southeast Village Neighborhood Association and concerned community member. My contact information: 812-7429

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    Clancy Taylor at September 18, 2024 at 7:51am PDT

    I am a community member, and live in Avondale. I support Morrison Creek revitalization efforts. I support efforts to continue this project. Please continue to put these items in the City budget and emphasize community and short-term and long-term safety and sustainability of this considerable investment. District 6 and this part of the City has been ignored for far too long. Would other parts of Sacramento be this dangerous and ignored for this long? Grateful for this project to be coming to my neighborhood and community and it is long overdue.

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    Mark Rodriguez, activist at September 14, 2024 at 4:38pm PDT

    Please do not go to Sun Spa, located at 6804 Fruitridge Rd #A
    Sacramento, CA, 95820, They will claim that they are too busy for you.