Meeting Time: May 21, 2024 at 5:00pm PDT

Agenda Item

16. Fiscal Year (FY) 2024/25 Proposed Budget Deliberation and Council Direction File ID: 2024-00822

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Delta Mello 4 months ago

    As the Executive Director of the Sacramento History Alliance which manages the Sacramento History Museum and Old Sacramento Visitors Center, I want to thank both the Mayor for his council direction to reinstate the proposed $87,000 cut to the Museum's budget through TOT funds, as well as the council members who spoke at last week's council meeting in favor of restoring the proposed cut. The Sacramento History Alliance wants to be part of the future success of the National Historic Landmark Old Sacramento Waterfront District by providing important visitor services to our tourists and educational and entertaining historic programming for our community. I urge you once again, to approve the Mayor's suggestion to reinstate the $87,000 to the Sacramento History Museum. Thank you all for the essential work you do for Sacramento and our citizens. -- Sincerely, Delta Pick Mello

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    Heather Brantley admin 4 months ago

    Additional eComments received by the Office of City Clerk.

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    Kristina Rogers 4 months ago

    Since the city is experiencing a $66 million dollar deficit. I support the City Manager's belief that core services should be the priority. Like this thread, there are always going to be non-profits putting their hands out. That is not the city's job, it is the city's job to provide well-maintained, clean parks, roadways and city cores. It is the city's job to provide robust public safety service such as fire, police and first responders. It's the job of non-profits to hustle and apply for grants and do their own fundraising. If there is money left after core services are well funded, then I expect the city to fully vet any non-profit before handing out money to them. A non-profit should have an annual accounting to the city about where that money went and how it served it's purpose.

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    Rhonda Rios Kravitz 4 months ago

    Maintaining funding for the FUEL Network has sent a valuable and critical message to our immigrant communities and has reinforced Sacramento’s deep commitment to maintaining a just and humane commitment for all its residents. This Network has been essential in providing importantly needed legal consultations, know your rights presentations, family emergency preparedness assistance, mental health services, and EOIR orientations. The Network has demonstrated a strong commitment to developing concrete strategies that ensure that immigrants and refugees have access to the tools and support they need to succeed. Do NOT cut this valuable program so critical to providing humanitarian and social services support. Rhonda Rios Kravitz, CEO Alianza on behalf of Alianza and the Sacramento Latino Democratic Club who advocates, defends, and fights for the rights of all immigrants. Rhonda Rios Kravitz CEO Alianza and Sac Latino Democratic Club

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    Shireen Miles 4 months ago

    Please support continued funding for the FUEL Network. It has been an amazing resource for our community as we try to support newcomers. I have personally used the system on many occasions with great success to link refugees and immigrants with resources in the community. Please do not eliminate it.
    Shireen Miles / Sacramento ACT

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    Jessie Mabry 4 months ago

    Dear Sacramento City Councilmembers,

    My name is Jessie Mabry, and I am the CEO of Opening Doors, a Sacramento-based non-profit that supports immigrants, refugees, and survivors of trafficking on their path to stability, self-sufficiency, and belonging. Opening Doors is part of the FUEL Network.

    Our community is made stronger by the contributions of refugees and immigrants
    • In 2019, immigrants composed 27% of California’s population and had $291 billion in spending power.
    • In that same year, Sacramento’s immigrants paid over $300 million in State and local taxes, and had $2.4 billion in spending power.
    • Immigrants and refugees have entrepreneurship rates 2% and 4% higher than the rest of the population.

    Sacramento has a long history of being a place of refuge for those seeking safety and a chance at a better life.
    • The City of Sacramento established the FUEL Network in response to the policies of the previous administration.
    • We have seen how our immigrant neighbors have been used as political pawns. As we move through this election year, these tactics will surely increase.
    • Sacramento must demonstrate our commitment to welcome and support our newest neighbors.

    I urge you to renew the FUEL network’s funding. When immigrants thrive, we all thrive. Through continued support of the FUEL, we can continue to lead with our Sacramentan values of welcome, while also creating a pathway for our neighbors to reach stability and self-sufficiency, creating a stronger Sacramento for everyone.

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    Rosanna Montesinos admin 4 months ago

    Correspondence received by the City Clerk's Office.

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    Robert Gonzalez 4 months ago

    To Sacramento Council for Proposed 2024/25 Proposed Budget Deliberation and Council Direction

    The California Immigrants Resources Center submits comment in support of all the work that the FUEL nonprofit does. Without them, our organization would not be able to forward and advise client referrals to FUEL for the many services they provide ranging from education on Know Your rights, food, Family Emergency Planning, Health Referrals, clothing, and shelter assistance and even transportation assistance for numerous clients to various destinations from numerous volunteers throughout Sacramento and its surrounding neighbors. Thank you for your continued support of FUEL and this opportunity to support a vital and effective organization serving immigrants in the spirit of Sacramento's and California's welcoming attitude to vulnerable people. This attitude of Belong and Welcoming is a unique and humanitarian feature of Sacramento people.

    Robert Gonzalez
    ED, CIRC
    1600 Sacramento Inn Way, Suite 128
    (Headquarters at Law offices of Patrick Gihana)
    Sacramento, CA 95814

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    Basia Ellis 4 months ago

    May 20, 2024

    Dear Council Members of the City of Sacramento,

    I am writing this letter to strongly recommend sustained funding of the Family, Unity, Education, and Legal (FUEL) Network. I am an Associate Professor of Child and Adolescent Development in the College of Education at Sacramento State, and my work focuses on the psychology of immigration. Since February 2018, I have collaborated with FUEL to help coordinate mental health services, recruit interns from Sacramento State, and serve on the FUEL Grant Committee.

    Since the start of my collaboration with FUEL staff, I have been greatly impressed by the speed with which the Network has grown and the significant impact it has had on diverse immigrant communities in Sacramento. There is no doubt that immigrant communities require and will continue to require sustained support in the years to come, especially as the federal administration continues to increase restrictions and barriers to newcomers. Additionally, in a globalizing world, the number of international migrants—both documented and undocumented—is growing, leading to increasing demands for immigrant service organizations to support their successful integration. Further funding will help strengthen and support the challenging work of FUEL Network staff, allowing for even broader reach and support of immigrant communities in Sacramento.

    The staff at FUEL is dedicated, professional, and knowledgeable of immigrant needs. Their continued work and coordination are necessary to address pressing immigration issues in the region.

    FUEL has demonstrated its capacity to serve as a reliable organization for immigrant communities in the Sacramento region. My hope is that the City Council Members will agree that further funding is needed to sustain this important work in the future.

    Thank you for considering this letter of support. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


    Basia D. Ellis, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor, Child and Adolescent Development
    College of Education
    California State University, Sacramento

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    Muriel Strand 4 months ago

    please find several specific and indepth comments attached.

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    Cecelia Ventress admin 4 months ago

    eComment received by the Clerk's Office.