Agenda Item

SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL added to Item 9 - See Agenda Item below [Updated 05/07/2024 @ 9:00 AM]

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    Claudia Rios 10 months ago

    Dear Mayor, Budget and Audit Committee and City Council Members,

    Thank you for your continuous support of the FUEL Network in the past. I am writing to support the continued funding for the FUEL Network Program. FUEL stands for Family Unity Education and Legal Network, we were established in 2017. Today we see the continuous need to continue funding this program as we meet community needs. The FUEL Network provides services for community members that are pillars in our community. Our immigrant community is a part of the contributors to funding of our public services but are left out of the resources they directly help fund.

    From July 2023 to March 2024 FUEL program provided Educational and Legal Services for over 3,000 Sacramento Residents
    Over 500 community education presentations. More than 150 provided mental health services in both individual and group therapy.
    Over a dozen community organizations attended Service Provider Trainings on how to facilitate Know Your Rights Workshops.

    One of our main goals at FUEL is to help build the capacity of other local organizations to be able to increase the amount of people we reach with our free legal education and services. Our Network also helps to increase visibility of local organizations and ensuring the community is aware of available resources. Now more than ever as we enter an unknown immigration political landscape let Sacramento lead the way in showing how to support and uplift the immigrant community, let us not turn our backs on our neighbor and support one another.
    Thank you