Meeting Time: May 07, 2024 at 11:00am PDT

Agenda Item

5. Councilmember Proposal Request for Committee Consideration - Prioritize Funding for the Implementation of the Active Transportation Commission's Subcommittee's Nine Recommendations from Their 2022 Annual Report File ID: 2024-00850

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Dan Scott 4 months ago

    I support prioritizing funding for the implementation of the Active Transportation Commission’s Subcommittee 9 recommendations from their 2022 annual report. Despite our ongoing efforts to create safer transportation options in our city, much more needs to be done and this is an important step to improve public safety, our local economy and quality of life.

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    Ansel Lundberg, District 7 4 months ago

    My name is Ansel Lundberg. I am a resident and homeowner in District 7. I am extremely supportive of CM Valenzuela and Vang's request to include funding for the Active Transporation Commission's recommendations in the 2024-2025 city budget. Our streets are growing more and more dangerous every year for everyone, but particularly for people walking and biking. These 9 recommendations will go a long way towards improving safety and mobility in our city. Not all of them cost much and are designed to provide the most impact for the smallest dollar. However, active transportation is a place we should invest much more city dollars because of the beneficial effects it can have on our city on quality of life, emissions reduction, cost of living, public safety, and happiness.

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    Henry Feuss 4 months ago

    Supporting active transportation is the most fiscally responsible path for the management of public infrastructure. Quick build solutions in the short term, and permanent long term solutions that prioritize walking, bicycles, and public transit are inherently a better use a funds than furthering auto-centric infrastructure, which is heavily subsidized. Additionally, reducing dependence on automobiles is a goal of the new general plan. Lastly, and much harder to quantify, is the importance of having safe, walkable, interconnected communities that are designed at a human scale. Pedestrian-oriented communities are inherently more resilient.

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    Isaac Gonzalez 4 months ago

    Strong Support for Funding the Active Transportation Commission's 2022 Recommendations

    I am writing to you as the founder of Slow Down Sacramento, an organization deeply committed to enhancing road safety and promoting active transportation within our city. Today, I want to express our unwavering support for prioritizing funding for the implementation of the Active Transportation Commission's nine recommendations from their 2022 Annual Report.

    The vision laid out by these recommendations is not just transformative—it is essential for the future of our city. Each recommendation offers a strategic step towards creating safer, more accessible streets and thoroughfares that cater to all residents, regardless of their chosen mode of transport. From developing comprehensive speed management programs to expanding infrastructure that supports walking and biking, these changes are crucial.

    In Sacramento, we face significant challenges with traffic-related injuries and fatalities, exacerbated by inadequate infrastructure for non-motorized road users. By implementing these recommendations, we can address these challenges head-on, enhancing the quality of life for all residents and setting a standard for cities nationwide.

    The proposed citywide Safe Routes to School Program, establishment of quick-build bikeways, and efforts to improve crosswalk safety are particularly aligned with our mission at Slow Down Sacramento. These initiatives promise to not only reduce traffic incidents but also encourage a healthier, more environmentally friendly approach to urban mobility.

    As someone who has witnessed firsthand the consequences of delayed action in road safety, I urge you to consider the immediate and long-term benefits of fully funding these recommendations. We cannot afford to miss this opportunity to transform Sacramento into a safer, more vibrant city for current and future generations.

    We are at a critical juncture in our city's development. Decisions made today will resonate for decades. Let us choose a path that prioritizes safety, inclusivity, and sustainability. Let us invest in a future where every citizen can travel safely and efficiently.

    Thank you for considering this pivotal issue. I, along with the supporters of Slow Down Sacramento, look forward to seeing our city flourish as a result of these essential improvements to our transportation landscape.

    Yours in service,

    Isaac Gonzalez
    Founder, Slow Down Sacramento