Meeting Time: February 27, 2024 at 2:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

Public Comments-Matters Not on the Agenda

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    Laura Ashley 7 months ago

    I want to address the fact that almost every item up for discussion today is about money for projects, salaries, contracts, etc.; and not one of them addresses the need for shelter this week for the storms about to roll in again with a couple of those days having temperatures below 30 degrees. If you think that Roseville Rd, or the Respite Center out on Auburn Blvd is enough for the 20,000 or even the 9,278 people according to numbers from 2 years old – then you are failing your city in a criminal inhumane way. All these money issues and shortage of funds that you confess to be in existence that are stopping you from actually doing something to help those suffering outdoors is proof you are either blatantly lying to the public, or are really inept at handling money/funds/grants/taxpayer’s money, etc. It is unacceptable either way you look at it.
    Capital improvement projects, vehicle purchases, costs for consulting services, hiring overpaid positions – all these projects or activities DO NOT COME BEFORE HUMAN LIVES. You know the risks to the lives of citizens that are unhoused during storms and out there in low/high temperatures (of which there are 1500 children, many are newborn babies) and you do nothing to help them then you are guilty of Negligence and Reckless Endangerment.

    In the law Negligence is defined as: failure to use reasonable care, resulting in damage or injury to another.
    Reckless Endangerment is the criminal offense of recklessly engaging in conduct that creates a substantial risk of serious physical injury or death to another person. Whether you meant any harm or not, creating a situation that puts someone else at risk is illegal.
    Do not continue to deceive the public with the “lack of funds” language. We can look right here at today’s agenda and see the overspending, and the unnecessary spending that you are voting on. For example: Ambulances run between $120,000 to $150,000 each but you have them down as costing $175,000 each for 11 of them. That is $25,000 too much for each one. Better spending would save the City at least a quarter of a million dollars. How many of these agenda items and others recently passed and those still to come could be better evaluated? Better than that, you could vote on postponing such expenses until you have handled your number one priority….the PEOPLE SUFFERING that you have sworn to serve. They wait, they lose hope, and they die on your watch, with your negligence, and with your indifference.
    No more stalling, and no more giving out big pacifiers to quiet the public hoping they won’t notice the lack of delivery of your promises.

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    Holly Rivera 7 months ago

    Ceasefire for Palestinian people. Look around you. Can you not feel their blood? You stand on the wrong side of history, holding hands with murderers if not in suppport of Palestine. How complacent will you remain? Coated in blood and sealed with a nationalist kiss, do you not choke over the thousands of names of palestinian children? How you will hear their cries even in the deafening silence. What more do you need? Is the oil worth all of this? Is anything worth this? they are human.