Meeting Time: December 14, 2023 at 5:30pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2. El Camino Monopole (P23-008) (Noticed 12/01/2023) File ID: 2023-01518

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    Angela E Hearring about 1 year ago

    December 14, 2023

    Chair Hernandez, Vice Chair Wallace, Planning and Design Commission, my name is Angela E. Hearring, I am a parent, advocate and a champion for District 2. I support the placement of a monopole/monopine telecommunication equipment in the city of Sacramento. Investing in such projects is needed and necessary. However, I do not support the suggested area of placement for this equipment, which will be adjacent from a park. I am concerned with the close proximity to a vulnerable population and exposure of radiation that will be emitted from the cell tower.

    Radio frequency radiation from cell towers in urban areas, unfortunately, are known and related to causing cancer. I do not wish for the youth (and citizens) that frequent this park to be in such close proximity and exposed to such carcinogens. My fear is that this cell tower in an urban residential community will become an environmental danger. I do not wish to see what happened in the city of Ripon with students at a local elementary school (Weston Elementary) being diagnosed with cancer. The similar proposed cell tower (without the tree decoration) from T-Mobile’s merging partner, Sprint, eventually had to remove the tower, but not before the health of young people under the age of 10 were exposed to radiation and diagnosed with cancer. I am not stating that this proposed particular cell tower will produce carcinogenic pollutants, but I do believe the city should not take that environmental risk.

    I share the vision to make Sacramento a sustainable city to improve the gaps in cellular coverage, however, I oppose the proposed placement of this monopine equipment. Thank you for your consideration of my public comment.

    Angela E. Hearring