Meeting Time: November 14, 2023 at 5:00pm PST

Agenda Item

Public Comments-Matters Not on the Agenda

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    Anna Molander Hermann 10 months ago

    It is time for Councilmember Loloee to do the honorable thing and resign. Sacramento has difficult problems to solve and CM Loloee’s criminal investigations are a distraction for more than him; it’s a distraction for every person doing the work of our City. If he loves Sacramento, CM Loloee will do the right thing and resign. If he doesn’t love Sacramento enough to do what’s right, I call upon our Mayor and City Council to investigate these serious allegations and determine whether he must resign or be removed.

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    Ilene Toney 10 months ago

    I oppose Council member Lololee for not only going against the workers he clearly and illegally violated and went against labor laws, But he ALSO EVICTED 8 TENANTS from his PROPERTIES located in North Sac. NONE of THIS is Ok. YOU SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES, And KAPLAN, YOU WANT YOUR DATA, just look at your fellow council man Lololee, THATS YOUR DATA, ITS PEOPLE LIKE HIM AND YOU THAT MAKE THIS CITY AS SCREWED UP AS IT IS< YOU ARE CONTRIBUTING TO OUR VERY CLEAR HOMELESS HUMANITARIAN CRISIS SHAME ALL OF YOU AND ASK THAT YOU IMMEDIATELY REMOVE LOLOLEE AND KAPLAN> thanks,


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    Tamika LEcluse 10 months ago

    I am writing today to demand Councilmember Loloee to step down from his position on City Council. If Councilmember Sean Loloee refuses to step down, then please add my voice to the chorus of community members and leaders asking that an Ethics Investigation be launched against him.

    I am a D2 resident and voter. 4 years ago, Sean and I stood on my driveway on Wendell Echols Drive, and I listened and challenged his ideas for the City of Sacramento. Specifically, I challenged his perception and solutions to homelessness and housing affordability in Sacramento. Over the last 4 years, Councilmember Loloee has shown the entire community who he really is. Serious labor allegations, demeaning and degrading community members who rise concerns, dismissing and intimidating women who challenge his leadership…these are not the actions of a Councilmember with integrity and respect for the office they hold, nor for the people they were elected to serve.

    As a council, I would expect you to hold your colleagues accountable. As leaders, I would expect there to be a general agreement to do no harm to the people who call this city “home.” You all hold constituents to a standard of being good citizens and neighbors. Loloee has not been any of these and has shown over and over again that he is a liability for the council and the city.

    Loloee has broken the necessary trust between those who govern and those who are governed in the City of Sacramento. He has been shrouded in controversy and should step down.

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    Richard Estes 10 months ago

    I am submitting this comment to request that the City Council take action to support a cease fire in Gaza. The US, Israel and the European Union are committing a genocide against the Palestinian people, subjecting them to starvation, dehydration, the loss of electricity and fuel, and essential medical services as they continue to be massacred by Israel, with the financial, diplomatic and military support of the US and Europe. In addition to the daily massacres, Israel is making much of Gaza uninhabitable through the mass destruction of housing, hospitals, sites of worship, schools and even bakeries and water supplies. Israel seeks to erase the Palestinian culture of Gaza to the greatest extent possible, a cultural genocide that accompanies the physical one. Israel, with the unequivocal support of the US and Europe, is implementing the genocide of the Palestinians, and the ethnic cleansing of the survivors, so that it can expropriate Gaza for future settlements.

    There is a way to stop this, a cease fire that stops Israel from slaughtering Palestinians, allows them safe passage throughout the territory and provides them with humanitarian assistance to save the wounded, feed the hungry and provide support for the indescribable trauma they have experienced. Like much of the Global South, Gaza is disproportionately populated by children under the age of 18, and, instead of the being massacred by Israel, they need extensive assistance and services to physically recover from their injuries and the trauma they will experience for the rest of their lives.

    At least half of the people of Gaza are internally displaced. There is therefore an urgent need for countries to provide Gaza with assistance to construct new housing and facilities to support all of the activities of daily lives, without interference from Israel, who has perpetually interfered in the economic development of the country. I therefore hope that the City Council will emphasize this in a cease fire resolution as well.

    Lastly, while it is a difficult subject for many to discuss and understand, Israel is an apartheid state that was build upon the infliction of perpetual brutality upon the Palestinians, their cruel dehumanization and the arbitrary suspension of their most basic rights, such as movement between homes and villages, the ability to construct and renovate their homes, farm their lands and have access to water. It will have to be be dismantled in order to stop the violence that has been ongoing since the British set aside Palestine for Jewish migration in 1917. Such violence and dehumanization is necessary for the preservation of a state that privileges Jews from all over the world over the indigenous inhabitants.

    Otherwise, there will be an intensification of the horrifying violence with each passing day, and it will engulf Israelis as well as Palestinians, and possibly even Americans and Europeans. While it may seem implausible, there is no time to waste, we cannot wait while the situation spirals even more out of control. Israel will be dismantled, brick by brick, but the sooner we act, the less violent the process will be. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free, but the question remains as to how many dead bodies will be strewn along the way, killed mostly by the IDF, and continued support for Israel by the President, nearly all of Congress, the Governor and members of this council will not prevent the substitution of one secular state, governed by the majority, for Israel, but it will have the consequence of facilitating the deaths of many who would have otherwise lived.

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    Karen Solberg 10 months ago

    Is Talamontes really engaged to the head of the Central Labor Council, Fabrizio Sasso, who is leading tonight’s rally against Loloee? So that whole residency thing was really a red herring designed to cover a corrupt union move. At least Jimmy Hoffa was upfront in his moves. MVM, my vote matters. Trying to negate my vote because you don’t like the victor of an election is no different than the Trump deniers.