Meeting Time: November 14, 2023 at 5:00pm PST

Agenda Item

19. 2023-01395 Grant: Fiscal Year 2023/24 Office of Traffic Safety Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Bill Motmans 10 months ago

    The Police Dept. needs more traffic officers. In addition to providing overtime pay for existing officers, more resources should be dedicated to hiring and training more traffic officers. More confusing street striping and bullards are not the answer to making streets safer.

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    Matt A 10 months ago

    Thoroughly support this item and happy to see staff continuing to support traffic safety work!

    One item to note - some of this funding is going toward 13 enforcement actions against pedestrians and bicyclists.

    I'd urge future applications consider not penalizing pedestrians and bicyclists as a part of 'traffic safety' as they are not the ones driving at unsafe speeds (number one factor in 2022) or crashing into and killing others on and around the road.

    Thanks for your consideration.

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    Miguel Barraza 10 months ago

    To many close to home sideshows and donuts (vehicles) , because our care counts ,IHSS caregivers