Meeting Time: September 19, 2023 at 5:00pm PDT

Agenda Item

Public Comments-Matters Not on the Agenda

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    MS Kamau 12 months ago

    Is the city still using and allowing Mutual Housing California and Bay Area receivership group to conduct unethical evictions?

    You have All seen this question or others pertaining to it, and links to the Bee articles. You have each received it in your own districts emails, and in city council comments.

    Simple question: Is the city still using and allowing Mutual Housing California and Bay Area receivership group to conduct unethical evictions?
    Could this be part of the reason the homeless populations continue to increase?

    Why wont any of you answer the question? Rick and Mai, you don't remember me asking you in person??

    As elected officials, it's you job to answer constituent questions and concerns. Along with meeting regularly with the people in your districts to discuss issues answer questions and provide updates on future planned and current development??
    Simple question...

    Is the city also allowing Bay Area Receivership Group to conduct predatory takeover of people's homes??

    Peace and Blessings,
    M. Kamau,
    Meadowview D8 Resident

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    Shaun F 12 months ago

    Thank You Council! Hate has no place in our City or State! Let’s rejoice in OUR diversity! #CutThemOff

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    Miguel Barraza almost 1 year ago

    Thanks Council member Guerra for your support of item A ,gives us the finest voice,as we continue to strongly contribute to this economy.

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    Ryan Messano about 1 year ago

    The Mayor and City Council of Sacramento, as is true of every Democrat politician in America and nearly all Republicans, are run by Jew bankers.

    They very cleverly try to censor speech they don't like and say it's 'Not in their jurisdiction.' That's hilarious. The Sacramento Bee, every radio station, the television stations, and 90%+ of the major corporations in Sacramento are not run by people in Sacramento, so why are we listening to them, and why are we allowing them to shape our opinions with their media? Even the tech companies, do the owners live in Sacramento? They certainly don't, yet Twitter and Facebook are arguably the two biggest political forums in Sacramento, California, and America.

    We are never voting our way out of this mess. It's bad enough we have to deal with an ignorant, incompetent, and inept Mayor and City Council. Still, it's worse; they have their victim groups, like Sacramento Radical Education on Twitter, Dave Kempa, Borwin, and dozens more running cover for them, followed by tens of thousands of unwitting dupes. I can't believe Dave Kempa is paid a dime by taxpayers to teach anyone anything at college, as he's badly in need of an education himself. Then the dimwit tries to intimidate me on Twitter.

    Also, they have their LARPers (Live Action Role Players). These anonymous, primarily young people, mostly young women, come to every City Council meeting, practically and unload their scripted theater about how black and brown people are being brutalized. Why do the three ring leaders, M, MV, O, and Samuel, never give their real names, and why are they heavily masked? Who are they really, and what is their agenda? Are they being paid for their work, or are they just brainwashed?

    Who are these deluded callers constantly calling in to whine about the fairytales of racism, climate change, and police brutality? Do they rehearse their scripts together before the meeting? Why do they constantly call in and come into City Council meetings but never want to discuss their erroneous and heavily delusional beliefs? Why does this happen with these LARPers in hundreds of cities, if not thousands, across America, nearly every week, in coordinated efforts?

    Who are the anonymous types calling in with racial slurs, calling the Mayor a kike? I do believe there are some significant problems with Judaism, the Talmud, and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, but I don't believe all Jews are involved.

    When is the City of Sacramento going to put a stop to the international corporations, their media, their criminal gangs, and their victim groups that hold Sacramento and nearly every major city in America in their clutches?