Meeting Time: September 19, 2023 at 5:00pm PDT

Agenda Item

18. African American Experience History Project Final Draft Historic Context and the Historic Building Survey Findings (M23-003) File ID: 2023-01114

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    Zuri KColbert over 1 year ago

    Discussion Item 18.
    My name is Zuri K. Colbert, the Founder of the Community Lead Advocacy Program, CLAP. Our organization is based in Sacramento, California and we are ecstatic about the final draft of The African American Experience History Project. CLAP provides free community resource connection and outreach services with an intentional focus on the Black community. As reflected in The African American Experience History Project, despite the invaluable contributions and valiant efforts by Black community members in Sacramento, the Black population continues to be over-represented in groups of oppression.
    CLAP is in full support of finalizing the draft of The African American Experience History Project that was led by the amazing Lynette Hall of City of Sacramento’s Community Engagement Team. For many generations, the Black community not only was brutally stripped of its cultural history but also of opportunities for substantial economic and social resources. The African American Experience History Project highlights the timeline of Black resilience and resistance in the face of systemic racism, repression, and redlining in Sacramento that still has not been rectified as of the year 2023.
    The African American Experience History Project preserves monumental oral, written, and designated places of Black history so Sacramento never returns but learns from the roots of systemic racism and social inequity. The African American Experience History Project archives the Black contributions that have advanced civil society in Sacramento and there is encouragement to continue the documentation and recording of present day events for Sacramento in the future.
    Lynette Hall and the City of Sacramento’s Community Engagement team continues to be instrumental with creating equitable opportunities for inclusiveness, economic development, training/education, cultural arts, and civic engagement for Black community members. We thank her, the staff, and volunteers with approval of the final draft of The African American Experience History Project knowing that Black history is made every day in Sacramento, CA.

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    Kameya Turner over 1 year ago

    The Roberts Family Development Center supports this survey and project. We serve the youth in the Del Paso Heights area and having access to this information will be beneficial in our efforts to work with their communities and uplift them. Our families and community have a story to tell and this project gives them that voice to do so. We see this project as a step in the right direction of empowering the community and gaining exposure to the historical significance of the community. We appreciate those involved and we fully support the efforts being made to make this happen.

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    Gretchen Steinberg over 1 year ago

    SacMod wholeheartedly supports the extraordinary efforts of everyone behind this survey and project. The amount of knowledge and history captured is vast, comprehensive, and important. The resulting document is well-researched and well-written. It will serve as a reference and framework upon which to highlight and honor additional historic places and associated significant stories. Kudos to all involved!

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    William Burg over 1 year ago

    Preservation Sacramento has proudly supported this effort through management of the National Trust Historic Preservation Fund grant, and matching funds to supplement the grant, and we are very happy to see the final product, including the surveys of historic properties associated with African Americans. We hope that the city will move forward with listing more of these properties, including the Richmond Grove historic district, whose survey, funded by Preservation Sacramento, included evaluation of the Women's Civic Improvement Club, in the Sacramento Register of Historic and Cultural Resources.

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    Katie Gresham admin over 1 year ago

    Comment received by the City Clerk's Office

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    Ryan Messano over 1 year ago

    I don't have a problem with the history of all races, but I do have a problem when there is a malevolent attack on Whites with the Kalergi Plan.

    Whites make up only 10% of the world's population and are the true minority in the world. The thanks they get for opening up America and being hospitable are now stabbed in the back by ungrateful wretches who constantly attack Whites to show their gratitude.

    Whites are not called minorities in any non-white country on earth. So why are non-whites in America called minorities?

    Why is the Mayor Jewish and constantly talking about stolen land in Sacramento when natives of America, South America, and Africa were committing genocide on each other and enslaving one another long before Europeans arrived? Make it make sense!!!

    And why is Israel kicking out black people, and you can hardly find any black, Asian, or Latino people in Israel, but they get the most foreign aid from America? And why are there millions of Jews in America hollering about racism and demanding open borders when they demand closed borders in Israel, and Israel is one of the most racist nations on earth?

    Further, why are we constantly hearing about White Supremacy being a problem in America when Whites make up 63% of the nation, and blacks make up 13%, and yet, black-on-white violent crime is 90% of the violent crimes between the races? And why do black men comprise 6% of the population and are responsible for 50-70% of all violent crimes, murders, and rapes in America? And why are Democrat politicians in Sacramento and in every Democrat city in America hiding this? And why is a Black man 18 times more likely to kill a police officer than to be killed by one? Yet we hear Democrat politicians ceaselessly wasting tens of thousands of hours and billions of dollars talking about systemic racism against black and brown people and the myth of police brutality. One can easily find proof that police brutality is a myth with a determined search, but why are social media and the regular media trying to hide this information?

    Why are we constantly being lied to by the Sacramento Bee, everyone on television, Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC, and all other channels? Why are we being lied to by the radio, and why are nearly all celebrities controlled? Why are almost all the major corporations owned by Black Rock and Vanguard, and they are run by Talmudic Jews? Why aren't we ever taught what the Talmud actually says, and why are 90% of Americans ignorant of the Talmud?

    Maybe the answers to these questions are why the Mayor and City Council keep censoring me when I call in and why they shamelessly interrupt my comments when I come in person and encourage their anonymous hoodlums, thugs, ruffians, and hooligans to interrupt and threaten me and others when we come to present the truth.

    For the record, I agree with the Mayor that racial slurs ought to be censored. That said, we disagree on the reasoning. He thinks anything he deems 'hateful' ought to be censored. That's completely unconstitutional, and the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in 2017's "Matal Vs. Tam" that there are no exceptions in the First Amendment for hate speech. The Mayor is quite hypocritical as he censors those whose opinions he doesn't like, but he will allow lies, profanity, and much more from those whose opinions he agrees with. He also instantly cuts off speakers using racial slurs towards Jews, which I agree with, but he will allow those stating the lie that 'black and brown people are being oppressed' to go over their times constantly, and he even gives the fraudulent oversight man Keyon Bliss extra time to talk about the fairytale of police brutality. Bliss has no business being in leadership at all, and it has nothing to do with his skin color; its because he's corrupt, inept, and incompetent and likely has never worked a 40-hour-a-week job in his life; he is too busy sucking on the government's teat for his living, never been weaned, just like Mayor Steinberg, who hasn't been weaned from the taxpayer's teats for decades and shows no signs of being weaned anytime soon.

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    Sandra Pierce over 1 year ago

    It is extremely important to have this Project pass and move to completion. Particularly since much of the value of the African American experience is not publicly voiced or appreciated. There are many things that are in fact attributed to the brilliance and endurance of the African American people.