Meeting Time: September 19, 2023 at 5:00pm PDT

Agenda Item

1. Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes File ID: 2023-01181

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    Ryan Messano almost 1 year ago

    Why does the City of Sacramento allow no comments on their presentations? It's as if they are shoving their leftist agenda down the throat of the unwitting 500,000+ people of Sacramento, and could care less about what the citizens think.

    Notice, they honor nearly every racial group but Whites. Why do they do this, when America was 90% White just in 1960? Because they want to create racial tensions. This divide and conquer strategy is what helps them rule. While all the races are at each other's throat, the Talmudic Jew instigators run the whole system. If you wanted to destroy America, how would you do it? You'd create animosity towards the majority group, Whites. That's what the puppet mayor and City Council do at every meeting.

    Last week, members of the City Council and Mayor arrogantly had the audacity to get up and walk out when it was public comment on matters not on the agenda. At least now they are open about it, they really don't give two hoots what the citizens and voters want, they are all puppets and do not answer to the people at all. They answer to the international Jews who own the media, schools, unions, and victim groups. That's why these puppets screech and yell about 'anti-semitism' and 'hate' so much, like a stuck pig, because they know who butters their bread.

    They Mayor is living in a palace, costing millions, while the city is being looted, and he wastes millions of dollars and thousands of hours talking about and funding fairy tales, like police brutality, climate change, systemic racism, and dozens more. It's the Jewish idea of Tikkun Olam, or making the world whole. Just like the Rothschild family motto, 'Out of chaos, order.' So they deliberately create chaos, then they step in and create order, with brutal and ruthless control.