Meeting Time: September 05, 2023 at 5:00pm PDT

Agenda Item

Public Comments-Matters Not on the Agenda

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    MS Kamau about 1 year ago

    In case the "bug" ate the other messages too, here's a copy of a few previously sent messages to you and crew regarding city manager raises, and other unanswered questions that may have been eaten by the "bug" ....Look forward to response from the D8 elected representative. Hopefully D8 reps will be able to provide some feedback during the next MVA meeting.

    Email and city council public comments 8/31/2023
    May of 2021 the council raised Chan’s annual base salary from $308,016 to $372,700, an increase of 21%.

    November 2022, the council voted 8-1 to give Chan another 7.5% raise, increasing his base salary from $372,700 to $400,652.

    Now, the highest paid city manager in California now wants the City Council to vote on a proposal to give him another 5% raise and 10 weeks of vacation. That would make Chan’s base pay $420,664.33. A 60% pay increase since he became city manager just six years ago....

    City manager currently makes about as much as the president of the US. Homeless population increasing, long neglected neighbor hoods left undeveloped and underserved, while "do nothing non profits" and consultants can continue to rake in Big $$$$$ for "surveying and studying" problems and doing nothing to resolve them.
    The mayor is also seeking to increase taxes in 2024.....

    This is how our elected folks are wasting and stealing our tax $$. Anybody see a problem here??

    Copy of email sent to D8 staff 8/29/2023 re: City allowing predatory takeover of people's homes:

    Greetings Elected folks, You have All seen this question or others pertaining to it, and links to the Bee articles. You have each received it in your own districts emails, and in city council comments.

    Simple question: Is the city still using and allowing Mutual Housing California and Bay Area receivership group to conduct unethical evictions?
    Could this be part of the reason the homeless populations continue to increase?

    Why wont any of you answer the question?

    As elected officials, it's you job to answer constituent questions and concerns. Along with meeting regularly with the people in your districts to discuss issues answer questions and provide updates on future planned and current development??
    Simple question...

    Is the city also allowing Bay Area Receivership Group to conduct predatory takeover of people's homes??

    Copy of email inquiry sent to D8 8/18/2023:
    Greetings All, the city website lists this project as completed?? The photo shown on the website shows only a small portion of the complete project. When is rest of the project due to be completed? Meadowview Road and 24th Street Streetscape Improvements Project (#T151455000). Thanks

    Copy of email inquiry sent to D8 8/3/2023:
    Health and Safety and Operations Inspections of Navigation Center: The center was opened in 2020, and the community was informed that shelter was temporary, and would operate for 2 years. We’re past the 2 year mark. Have there been any recorded inspections of the facility to ensure proper health, safety and overall operations?

    Hopefully the "bug" doesn't eat this message and D8 reps will be able to provide some feedback during the next MVA meeting.

    Peace and Blessings,
    M. Kamau,
    Meadowview D8 Resident