Meeting Time: April 18, 2023 at 3:00pm PDT

Agenda Item

3. Sacramento Ethics Commission Recommendation - Modernize the City of Sacramento Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Code (Sacramento City Code Chapter 2.15) File ID: 2023-00231

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Charlene Jones over 1 year ago

    As a Board member of League of Women Voters of Sacramento County, I am pleased to see the lobbying ordinance modernization item before you today and urge your Committee to accept recommendations submitted by the Sacramento Ethics Commission. While our LWVSC advocacy on this issue is not prompted by news of any possible violations, we applaud the Ethics Commission’s diligence in carrying out its charge by seeking to improve the city’s current lobbying ordinance, unchanged now for 20 years, and upgrade lobbyist registration and reporting requirements, as well as clarify the Commission’s oversight jurisdiction in this area. Sacramento’s current ordinance focuses on a wide doorway for lobbyists and on only some disclosure, whereas the lobbying laws of other California jurisdictions also include prohibitions on lobbyist activities that may undermine public trust in government. For all these reasons, we ask that you support this modernization of our city code and move such recommendations to the Council’s Law & Legislation Committee in the next steps of this process. Thank you, Charlene Jones