Meeting Time: February 21, 2023 at 5:00pm PST

Agenda Item

15. Overview of the City’s Prohousing Designation and 2023 Housing Programs and Authorization to Apply for the State’s Prohousing Incentive Pilot Grant Program File ID: 2023-00008

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Madihah AlmustafaStewart over 1 year ago

    I represent Sacramento Quality Housing Room & Board and Board & Care Coalition. We have over 30 operators and 300 beds, provided with meals currently available however we are not being used or recognized. We partner with multiple agencies but are still being excluded from the Master Plan and any funding. We have provided housing and meals and toiletries and clothing to sacramento homeless for more than 20 years but as Black owned and operated are constantly left out of planning. We have met with Daniell Foster and spoke with the mayor's office and still nothing. We have attended CC meetings and talked a great deal without any acknowledgement. We want to partner with Sacramento and ask simply what do we need to do to be of service? Some of the operators have had to close their doors because of inability to access funding on a continued basis to house individuals facing homelessness. We help with wrap around services reconnecting to SSi mental health our medical health services. We need funding to continue. No one should go hungry or unhoused. Let us HELP!