Meeting Time: February 21, 2023 at 5:00pm PST

Agenda Item

14. Third-Party Appeal: 7909 Bruceville Road - Proposed Storefront Dispensary (P22-020) [Noticed 02/10/2023] File ID: 2022-02448

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    LaCedra Inman over 1 year ago

    Good evening honorable mayor and esteemed city council members.

    LaKrisha has tried for 6 months to mediate.

    I stand before you not only as a concerned community member but also as a CORE graduate AND an orphaned drug baby who grew up as a foster child who lost both parents to drug addiction and the war on drugs. Noting that neither parent was addicted to cannabis.

    I stand here also in full support of CULTURE, the CORE woman and minority-owned retail cannabis storefront that's currently facing opposition. I'm here to urge you to approve their application and support the creation of more equitable opportunities in the cannabis industry.

    CULTURE's team has worked tirelessly to meet all the regulatory requirements and to address concerns raised by the community. They have held public outreach events, answered questions, been interviewed by several media outlets, and provided detailed plans for security, waste management, and community engagement. Furthermore, they have pledged to allocate a portion of their profits towards social equity programs that help underserved communities that have been disproportionately affected by the war on drugs.

    It's essential to note that CULTURE's appeal is not only about a competing cannabis business, but also their business affiliate and appellant who is the nearby rehab facility that moved in next to them several months after CULTURE secured their lease and started their application process. The rehab facility moved in and has been publicly recorded admitting that they did not research the area, the existing nor proposed businesses of this location and further clarified their primary concern was being close to their contractor - Kaiser Permanente - no matter what other businesses were around. You can go back and listen to the previous Planning Commission recordings to hear these admissions yourself. But, once they found out about the liquor stores and beer and spirits being sold across from their front door, they somehow reconciled with these so called triggers and made the decision to move in anyway - still without researching proposed businesses that may not have opened. Now, CULTURE is the only business they are contesting.

    CULTURE's team has made it clear that they are willing to work with the rehab facility to promote rehab and addiction treatment and address any concerns they may have, and Vicky has refused. It's also important to recognize that CULTURE was there first and had already started their approval process.

    The city council has an opportunity to support diversity and equity in the cannabis industry by approving CULTURE's application. Denying it would not only hurt a local small business but also continue to promote the detrimental effects caused by the war on drugs by promoting a stigma that has long been dispelled. Please send a message that the city is committed to providing equal opportunities for all and will not tolerate intentional interference.

    As a community member, I urge you to carefully consider all the facts and the impact of your decision on the well-being of the community.

    And to the appellant and supporters, I find it disgusting that you could even joke while walking in this very building about being in support of this business if they were selling opioids. It’s not a joking nor laughing matter.

    Thank you for your time.

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    Claudia Bow over 1 year ago

    I support the Cannabis storefront being allowed to continue and work towards opening.

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    Diane DiSalvo over 1 year ago

    My name is Diane DiSalvo and I am one of the owners of Valley-Hi Shopping Center on Bruceville Road. On behalf of myself and the other owners, we strongly encourage the council to deny this appeal based on the following: 1) The previous approvals for the establishing of this business. 2) The applicant has been in the process of getting her dispensary up and running with all the proper permits since August of 2021 and paying rent on the space the whole time. 3) The partners feel we are being unfairly targeted by this appeal due to the fact that there are other dispensaries in the near vicinity. 4) Lastly and most importantly, we feel that this project poses no threat to the operation of the detox/rehab center. And in fact, considering the proven medical benefits of cannabis, and of course its legal status in this state, that these two businesses can help each other provide crucial services for the welfare of our community. Thank you.

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    Shawanna Mccoy over 1 year ago

    I want to express my support to open this dispensary business.

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    Janelle Eberhart over 1 year ago

    I want to express my support for the opening of this dispensary.

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    Christina Anderson over 1 year ago

    I wanted to express my support on behalf of the Youngs dispensary in South Sacramento. It pains me to see them go through all of the hurdles they have overcome just to have this last minute objection from an irresponsible, and extremely rude individual.

    I have known the Youngs for 20 years and you will rarely meet such a loving and giving family. They are pillars in the church, their children's schools, and the community. Have watched Krisha struggle with her illness for many years. She found that cannabis had help her cope with the side effects of her medication and decided to do years of research and put a plan to action to help others.

    She was granted 1 of 14 given grants by Sacramento to start up this business.
    **she did months of research prior to finding this particular location. The rehab facility was no where in vicinity of this at the time lease was signed.

    They went over and above to pass all guidelines put forth by the city to open at this location

    The Rehab tenant is very vial and is completely contradictory. She didn't do research before moving in or signing lease and come to find out, didn't have business license until Nov 2022 and opened Nov 2021.

    Please do not punish the Youngs hard work because of an irresponsible move on the other tenants part.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Christina Anderson,

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    Katrina Blair over 1 year ago

    I support this dispensary. We need a legal highly trusted place to get our medicine. Not to mention our city could profit and benefit from this dispensary as well. Please do the right thing and rule in favor of the people and the dispensary. Thank you.

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    Johnny Chang over 1 year ago

    i think light needs to be shed on the fact that there are a series of coincidences with this situation including, but not limited to:

    A dispensary in the same neighborhood has spoken publicly against this dispensary’s CUP application and has urged others to oppose it and said dispensary’s owners appear to have a business connection with at least one employee at Diamond House - the Director of Sales and Marketing.

    If you follow the very public breadcrumbs, it will become remarkably obvious that this is a case of interference. Please deny this appeal and approve this applicant. This final approval is long overdue.

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    Dan Baez over 1 year ago

    I support this project and Mrs. King-Young. Please deny this appeal.

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    Trameka Stafford over 1 year ago

    Ms. La Krisha King has my full support on her dispensary on Bruceville. I believe her dispensary is in a excellent location. Having a new dispensary will be creating opportunities for employment and provide a product that is legal and highly needed. The community would benefit really well, by providing a safe and friendly environment.

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    Crystal Golden over 1 year ago

    We that suffer from chronic pain, eating disorders, MS, Autism and many other horrible conditions need places like this in our communites! We need help coping and we deserve to be heard and understand. We haven't chosen these afflictions.....they are thrusted upon us and we must still go on with our lives. I hope this is the end of the battle and the begging of the help, support, understanding and moving forward of this dispensary. Our city will profit in multiple ways by supporting this goal! You can help us. PLEASE STAND WITH US!
    Thank you for the opportunity to speak on behalf and support of this much needed and deserved dispensary!

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    Yvette Magee over 1 year ago

    I support. We need more dispensaries that have natural heath alternatives. The family is local to the area and have also supported other dispensaries. They have done their homework in the community and deserve a chance to give back.
    Yvette Magee
    Local business owner, entrepreneur

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    Wadie Scott over 1 year ago

    I am supporting the Bruceville Dispensary. There will be increased revenue for the city and state as well as the owners. This is a win/win situation for all parties involved. Please make the right decision by approving the Bruceville Dispensary's proposal.

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    Javier Velasco over 1 year ago

    I support the opening of this dispensary

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    Ebony Tatem over 1 year ago

    I'm writing in support of this Dispensary. I have listened in to previous hearings and think what they are offering in the community is what we need and also will be beneficial in many perspectives. I have grown up in Valley HI had my first child at the Kaiser South and have attended Las Flores High School I am familiar with the proposed location and surrounding areas. I also have heard the Rehab facility admitting the failure to register her business prior to operation ultimately leaving her business as a unknown entity. After that knowledge nothing else should matter. She neglected to do her part. Seems like this Dispensary owner has been targeted and i hope it isnt because she is a woman of Color. I Do not even Believe the owner of the Rehab center Vicky is a Sacramento resident. This appeal process should not change the previous approval for this Dispensary business to begin operation. I fully Support this Business, it's location and the Owners.

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    Lauren Carpenter over 1 year ago

    Honorable Mayor Steinberg and Esteemed Councilmembers,

    As the first operational cannabis equity retail storefront in Sacramento, we know first-hand the difficulties in navigating the municipal process in order to open a storefront cannabis retail business and are sympathetic to the hurdles facing Ms. La Krisha King.

    Historically and tragically, cannabis policy has marginalized and disenfranchised low-income communities and communities of color, which is why we stand in support of Ms. King and all social equity applicants who are modern day change agents.

    We believe that Ms. King shares our commitment to continuously seeking ways to recognize and address the impacts of the failed war on drugs in our communities. While Culture Cannabis Club and Embarc may be business competitors given our proximity to one another, we are partners in our pursuit for a more equitable future.

    It is tragic to witness this process pit two female entrepreneurs of color against one another in the pursuit of operating community wellness businesses. This experience has underscored flaws in the municipal licensing system and it is our hope that such a situation prompts immediate reflection on opportunities for the City of Sacramento to refine its social equity policy to ensure it is equitable.

    One of the most immediate opportunities for redress is reconsideration of the “shot clock” placed on social equity businesses to open their doors, not just for Ms. King but for all equity awardees. This community faces no shortage of access to legal cannabis; placing an artificial deadline on equity license recipients further disadvantages entrepreneurs who already face significant barriers to entry.

    After meeting with Ms. King, we are writing in support of her efforts to operate a local cannabis business and urge the City to utilize this situation as an opportunity to ensure responsible local cannabis policy that does no harm to its intended beneficiaries.


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    Maisha Bahati over 1 year ago

    I am writing in support of La Krisha King and her dispensary on Bruceville. She will be creating opportunities and employment for her community and that is something we need more of. La Krisha has done her diligence throughout the process of securing her location and neighborhood advocacy, she deseverves this opportunity that the City of Sacramento awarded to those affected by the war on drugs. I ask the Mayor and council to allow La Krisha the opportunity to continue moving forward with her storefront dispensary.

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    Rhonda Henderson over 1 year ago

    I represent North Laguna Creek Valley Hi Community Association and we support the opening of this dispensary. Other dispensaries in the area have not had any problems. Since there will be 24-hour security, I don't think there will be any problems with this dispensary. we emphasize the importance of allowing this business to move forward, enabling Ms. Young to be a leader in social equity justice by creating a space in an industry that disproportionately impacted the black and brown communities.

    We fully support this applicant as a business owner and ask that you approve the application for Sacramento King Equity Venture, Inc. so Ms. Young can move forward to get her store up and running to provide valuable tax dollars to the city. It's time! No more delays.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Rhonda Henderson, President
    North Laguna Creek Valley Hi Community Association

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    Brenda Davis over 1 year ago

    Dear Mayor Steinberg and Councilmembers,
    I support the staff recommendation to deny this third party appeal. The applicant, La Krisha D. King, is a successful graduate of the City of Sacramento’s Cannabis Opportunity Reinvestment and Equity (CORE) program and an avid proponent of building back communities devastated by disproportionate arrests and convictions during the War on Drugs. She is the embodiment of inspired entrepreneurship; has overcome many obstacles and will continue to do so. Ms. King will always be a community asset by generating tax revenue, creating jobs and being a good and supportive neighbor. As the Program Director for the CORE facilitation of business support and technical training at the Greater Sacramento Urban League, I had the pleasure of meeting her and witnessing her complete the course work with enthusiasm and regard for her fellow cohorts. She is what CORE was intended to encourage in the business arena and neighborhood revitalization that only happens with dedicated business owners who commit to making it a reality.
    I join others in strongly urging you to give Ms. King this chance to succeed.
    Best regards,
    Brenda W. Davis, Principal
    The Brenda Davis Law Group