Meeting Time: January 31, 2023 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

14. Third-Party Appeal: 7909 Bruceville Road - Proposed Storefront Dispensary (P22-020) [Noticed 01/20/2023] File ID: 2022-02448

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    Dan Baez over 1 year ago

    Good morning Mayor and City Council members,

    I would like to express my appreciation for taking time to consider and hear this matter. I believe it is important for all voices to be heard in this process.

    I understand that the proposed dispensary has been met with some opposition, but I believe it is important to take a closer look at the facts and evidence. It has been proven that the appellant and her rehabilitation center in question was not operating legally at the time of their move, and they have admitted to not properly researching the area before opening. Had they done so, the would have discovered this proposed cannabis dispensary amongst other businesses in the immediate vicinity providing legal access to the very things their own website says they treat, “drug (specifically opioids) and alcohol addiction.”

    I believe it is important to hold all parties accountable for their actions, and I respectfully request that a deeper legal examination be conducted into the operations of the appellant and their organization.

    I also believe that equity and fairness should be at the forefront of this decision-making process. Per public record, the proposed dispensary has been transparent and cooperative throughout this process, and I believe it would be beneficial for the community to have access to the services they offer.

    Furthermore, I believe that it is important to consider the impact that this decision will have on the community. The proposed dispensary has the potential to provide much-needed services to and will help fuel the coming in an underserved neighborhood and I believe that working together with the rehabilitation center to expand these services would be beneficial for everyone involved. I cannot figure out why the appellant refuses to work with the applicant, but it is very suspicious.

    I urge you to approve the dispensary considering all facts of this case as well as the researched and published facts that debunk the unwarranted stigma, assumptions, and general opinions surrounding cannabis.

    I thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to a fair and just resolution to this matter.


    A concerned community member.

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    Christina Xiong over 1 year ago

    Dear Mayor and City Council Members,

    I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention the recent situation involving the proposed dispensary in our community and the rehab center that recently opened near it.

    As a community member, I have been following this issue closely and have seen the evidence that has been presented in favor of the dispensary. The rehab center has admitted on recorded hearings that they were not yet fully legal and had not looked at the area before moving there. Despite this, the narrative the appellant is pushing forward and in the media is still that the dispensary is trying to open next to the rehab center, when there should be an outrage over the rehab center coming to open in such close proximity to a variety of businesses that sell [legal] drugs (opioids) and alcohol.

    I am frustrated that the rehab center is still trying to stop the dispensary from finishing the process they started before the rehab center even signed a lease, by providing a false narrative and misleading dates and information. It has taken the dispensary 10 times the effort to prove their innocence.

    I ask for fairness and for the truth to be revealed. The dispensary is an honest and transparent business that is trying to help expand rehab services to our impacted neighborhood. The appellant, on the other hand, is causing trouble for the dispensary by being misleading and not taking accountability for their actions or illegal operations for a significant duration of time. The media coverage of this issue has been biased against the dispensary and I urge you to consider this when making your decision.

    In addition, please enact legislation that prevents this unfair interference.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

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    Charles Thomas over 1 year ago

    I am writing to express my support for the proposed storefront dispensary at 7909 Bruceville Road. I believe that this establishment will bring significant benefits to the community, and I urge the city council to deny the Third-Party Appeal that stands in the way of its establishment.

    It is crucial to note that this location was secured for the proposed dispensary before the rehab facility moved to the area, and any concerns about proximity to the facility are unfounded. In fact, the proximity of local retailers that serve alcohol and hospitals that provide opioids present a greater risk of relapse for patients, but it appears these are of no concern to the appellant.

    Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge that cannabis does not cause addiction nor lead to relapse and is not a gateway drug.
    It is also crucial to have legislation put in place to prevent intentional and competitive interference in legal processes. I believe the proposed dispensary will bring positive change to the community, and I urge you to approve its establishment and firmly deny the unfounded appeal.