Meeting Time: January 31, 2023 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2. Establish Capital Improvement Project and Budgetary Adjustments: Truxel Bridge Concept and Feasibility Study (T15235000) File ID: 2022-02456

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    Heather Fargo about 2 years ago

    Please remove this item from the consent calendar and send it back to staff for further analysis.

    I have had personal concerns about this project for decades, as it treats Truxel Road as an alternative to I-5, moving freeway traffic to a mostly residential street, without any mitigation to improve safety, noise or aesthetics. In fact, earlier presentations to the community have called for removal of the valley oaks on the east side of the street by the community decades ago to make room for light rail. While South Natomas (built as a transit oriented community without much transit) could benefit from improved transit service, it must be done in a way that does not harm the residential fabric of our community. It must come with enhancements.

    Truxel Road is already impacted by excessive speed and volume of traffic, failing sound walls, and poor lighting. It is generally considered unsafe and unpleasant to walk or ride bikes. Truxel will have to be tamed to avoid severe impacts and to gain support in the South Natomas community. There isn’t even a reference in the staff report to known impacts in South Natomas from the increased traffic. And the reference to improved access to the American River Parkway is just not true. Driving over the parkway does not improve access to Discovery Park or the parkway.

    This project is currently being treated as an engineering project only without regard for existing communities and residents, on either side of the river. That should change,

    Thank you for considering my comments.

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    Heather Fargo about 2 years ago

    Please remove this item from the consent calendar and send it back to staff for further analysis.

    I have had personal concerns about this project for decades, as it treats Truxel Road as an alternative to I-5, moving freeway traffic to a mostly residential street, without any mitigation to improve safety, noise or aesthetics. In fact, earlier presentations to the community have called for removal of the valley oaks on the east side of the street by the community decades ago to make room for light rail. While South Natomas (built as a transit oriented community without much transit) could benefit from improved transit service, it must be done in a way that does not harm the residential fabric of our community. It must come with enhancements.

    Truxel Road is already impacted by excessive speed and volume of traffic, failing sound walls, and poor lighting. It is generally considered unsafe and unpleasant to walk or ride bikes. Truxel will have to be tamed to avoid severe impacts and to gain support in the South Natomas community. There isn’t even a reference in the staff report to known impacts in South Natomas from the increased traffic. And the reference to improved access to the American River Parkway is just not true. Driving over the parkway does not improve access to Discovery Park or the parkway.

    This project is currently being treated as an engineering project only without regard for existing communities and residents, on either side of the river. That should change,

    Thank you for considering my comments.

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    Susan Herre AIA AICP about 2 years ago

    Dear Mayor and Council, please pull this item from the Consent Calendar and see the ECOS letter attached. Thank you.

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    Tom Matoff about 2 years ago

    I encourage the Council to remove this item from the consent calendar, and return it to staff for amendment and re-submittal in accordance with comments in the attached letter. Thank you.