Meeting Time: January 31, 2023 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

Consent Calendar

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    Kevin Sc about 2 years ago

    The militarization of the the police must stop 🛑. The funds are much better spent supporting any number of other programs like housing, infrastructure, education, environmental action, or social work. Item 13 is an unacceptable waste of money compared to the urgent needs in the other areas. STOP 🛑 this unnecessary & reckless spending on the police militarization at once.

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    Marlenee Heath about 2 years ago

    Not okay. Approving a large military vehicle valued at 450K further violates the people's trust in police and is a dangerous misuse of funding. As a current resident of Tahoe Park, and a former resident of Midtown, Oak Park, and Central Oak Park, I've seen firsthand how neighbors of different demographics are treated. Please, use the money to create communities, support mental health services, and build housing.

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    Sam Roodbar about 2 years ago

    Item 13 is exceptionally problematic. Sac PD doesn't need a new militarized vehicle. I live in Oak Park, and I frequently witness how SWAT teams attack and further harm communities of color for the simplest of things. The same money could be diverted to other more useful endeavors that would quite literally save lives including investing in more mental health training for officers as opposed to military training. In the rational section of the staff paper providing support for this purchase there is a claim that the purchase of this vehicle could lead to reduction of expenses in the future cause all vehicles will be the same brand. Equipping Sac PD with de-escalating tactics will have far more positive impacts (financially or otherwise) right now AND in the future. Please do not approve this purchase. Sam Roodbar

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    Nicholas Johnson about 2 years ago

    I do not think military grade equipment is a good use of funds nor does it help policing in Sacramento, or any city really. Item 13 is very problematic and a straight up waste of money.

    -Nick Johnson

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    Katherine Lauck about 2 years ago

    I oppose the contract for an armored vehicle for Sacramento Police.

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    Jeff Kessler about 2 years ago

    Item number 13 is absolutely not an acceptable use of city funds.

    We should NOT be using city resources to further militarize the police. The police have egregiously burned through city dollars, providing limited improvements to public health or safety. Why are the police not enforcing against wage theft, something that is a serious social problem, while they continue to demand additional budget for militarization. These resources should not be used to procure an armored vehicle, but instead should be used to better improve public health and safety by funding non-police services.

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    Kristina Rogers about 2 years ago

    Please leave item #13 on the agenda. Law enforcement need the tools to deal with the rise in gang/gun/cartel violence in Sacramento. Violent criminals don't care about race, who is "marginalized" or following the law. They will harm anyone they desire and our police need to be prepared for dangerous situations that could harm ANY citizen from ANY neighborhood.
    If police can't do their job properly, there will be more victims - many who are not white.

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    Dr Corrine McIntosh Sako about 2 years ago

    Regarding Consent Item #13: Please pull this item off the Consent Calendar. A $439,894 gift to the Sacramento Police department in the form of an "armored critical incident vehicle" or rook is NOT in the best interest of the City. This purchase adds to the militarization of the Sacramento Police Department, which has demonstrated excessive force against Sacramento's most vulnerable, most marginalized, and most disenfranchised residents. SWAT teams frequently use a range of militarized equipment,
    and SWAT deployments also disproportionately impact Black and Latinx households. An ACLU study of SWAT deployments by 16 law enforcement agencies found that Black people were between four and 47 times more likely to be impacted by SWAT deployments than whites. Moreover, these deployments impacting Black people were much more likely to be used for search warrants, while deployments impacting white people were more likely to be in hostage, barricade or shooter incidents. It is in the BEST interest of the City of Sacramento to NOT give Sac PD any more militarized equipment.