Meeting Time: April 26, 2021 at 6:00pm PDT

Agenda Item

2. Overview of Fiscal Year (FY)2021/22 Proposed Measure U (MU) Budget File ID: 2021-00454

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Taylor Kendal almost 4 years ago

    On behalf of a broad range of national projects supporting creative learning/employment infrastructure, I write to support the focus on the Creative Economy / Creative Edge. The City of Sacramento has the opportunity to help define what comes next or follow other cities who act as the creative economy pioneers. We're invested in this work for years to come if the city chooses to make a bold step towards building modern learning and employment infrastructure that equitably serves citizens for generations to come.

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    Claire Curley almost 4 years ago

    I want to write in support of the allocation of 2.8mil to the Office of Arts and Culture. The last year has had an outsized impact on the artists in our city. Broad Room Creative Collective, the organization that I lead, provides low-cost studio space and free art supplies to over 100 artists from every city district. The lack of in-person events and paid gigs, rising cost of living, and insecure housing has devastated the artists we serve. A healthy Office of Arts and Culture is necessary to ensure these artists are able to sustain their livelihood and that our organization can continue to support them.

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    Liv Moe almost 4 years ago

    I want to write in support of the allocation of 2.8mil to the Office of Arts and Culture. The past year plus has taken a devastating toll on our industry and these resources will provide vital support to our sector. Verge Center for the Arts, the organization I direct, supports hundreds of artists annually providing low cost work space, exhibitions, educational programs for youth and adults, as well as facilitating a county wide studio tour. Just the studio tour alone enables over 250 artists in all council districts to connect directly with their communities. Last year the loss of the in-person piece of the program due to Covid further undermined the annual income of many regional artists who use the tour to support their livelihood. Our sector was one of the first to close and will be one of the last to reopen. Having a healthy OAC will provide us with essential infrastructure to help those we serve face what comes next.

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    Saba Moghtader almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for your allocation and support of the proposed 2.8 million in funding for the office of arts and culture. The arts are vital to our communities and need funding such as this to survive, thrive, and aid in the recovery from the impacts of Covid-19. A resident of lively district 4.

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    Brooke Abrames almost 4 years ago

    I write in support of the proposed Measure U allocation of 2.8 million fort the Office of Arts & Culture. Investments in the arts through neighborhood-level projects, arts education, and the pursuit of cultural equity are essential after the impacts COVID-19 has had on our communities, and especially arts organizations and small business owners in creative industries over the last year. The continued wellbeing of creative workers and organizations within Sacramento has a far-reaching impact throughout the Greater Sacramento Region in terms of economic development and quality of life. Thank you for your leadership!

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    Charlie Cooper almost 4 years ago

    I wholeheartedly support (MU). It's important to recognize how important the Arts Community is to our economy and cultural diversity. We not only contribute to the financial growth of our city through theater, night clubs, musical conventions, but most importantly by partnering with our school districts which empower and teaches our youth the value of community, diversity, inclusion and hard work through the arts. MU will help fund these much needed endeavors. Charles Cooper Images Theatre Company

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    Doni Blumenstock almost 4 years ago

    I write in strong support of the proposed allocation of $2.8 million for the Office of Arts & Culture. Our city’s vibrant and diverse arts scene has been a significant driver of both our economy and our cultural vitality. Covid has had a terrible impact on our arts organizations. While federal relief dollars have helped, we need to ensure that sufficient funds are now provided to keep these essential assets viable and thriving. Both the department and the commission are deeply committed to supporting neighborhood cultural programs, but without funds these are empty promises. As a resident of D7 and a proud appointee to the ACCE Commission appointed by Rick Jennings, I encourage you to vote in favor of the $2.8 million.

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    Shira Lane almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for approving these very much needed funds for the office of Arts and Culture. At Atrium 916, we work with close to 500 independent creatives and small nonprofits who are struggling not only financially but emotionally and mentally, and look towards the city and particularly the promise of measure U for help. The lack of events and creative businesses that surrounds those events have been lost this past year which has created a large deficit particularly to those most marginalized. We need to support creatives and embolden creative thinking because strengthening the creative mindset is strengthening our ability to innovate. If we don't innovate fast, we will find ourselves literally up Schitt Creek without a paddle. We are the city we want to be when we support creativity in every sector.

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    Michael Stevenson almost 4 years ago

    Please allocate 2.8 million in the budget to support an increase in the Arts/Creative Edge budget - the arts are critical to Sacramento's recovery! As the pandemic continues we need to invest in the arts so they can survive - they have been closed to patrons for over a year, and the city's support is critical to their very survival - thank you for your help!

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    Allison Cagley almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for your leadership and support of the Office of Arts and Culture by approving $2.8 million. The creative economy is vital to a thriving community and contributes not only to health and vitality of our city but to the economic benefits for individuals and businesses. The tremendous impact to our economy from Covid can be seen as you drive downtown and throughout the city and experience deserted streets and boarded-up businesses. Thousands of people are out of work or barely working not only in the arts and culture community but other industries who rely on the creatives and patrons who support the arts. The investment in the arts in our city is imperative to the long-term health of our city. The goals set forth in the 2018 Creative Edge Culture Plan must be honored and continued work on it's fulfillment. Thank you for your dedication to the residents of Sacramento. I am proud to be a 35-year resident of the City of Sacramento in District 3, served by Jeff Harris

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    Michele Noufer almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for supporting the Office of Arts and Culture and approving 2.8 million. The Arts will be a major contributor to revitalizing the city economy as arts organizations and artists bring people back downtown to attend restaurants, utilize parking, etc... The office of arts and culture is ensuring arts are in the schools by supporting artists and arts organizations through grants. These funds will highlight neighborhood level projects, cultural equity investments, artist housing and arts education. These funds are vital to ensuring the aforementioned goals are attained. Thank you!

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    Becky Grunewald almost 4 years ago

    The arts are vital to why I choose to make my home in Sacramento. Arts organization such as Verge Center for the Arts and Sol Collective serve and support communities that are traditionally underrepresented in arts education, and we need to financially support their efforts. I live in district 4.

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    William Blake almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for approving these needed funds for, among others, the office of Arts and Culture. As our community emerges from the pandemic, our artists, creative workers, and arts educators need support to help restore Sacramento’s economy and community life, and provide a source of healing for mental health and social isolation suffered by many during the pandemic. The arts are not a frill or an amenity, they are a tool for building strong neighborhoods and engaged individuals. Strong communities have strong arts and cultural offerings. They also have strong public support. Thanks!