Meeting Time: November 19, 2020 at 6:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

6. Information Item: Parking Services Division Curb Management Plan

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    Jennifer Ruiz almost 4 years ago

    I would like to know what the city is going to do about providing more parking in the city and residential areas in the city.
    In Boulevard Park, where there is already extremely limited parking, the effects of the new luxury apartments on 16th street leave the residential streets with a lot less parking. More buildings are in construction&the problem will worsen.
    On the street cleaning days, there are not spaces to move a car to & so people are being forced to stay parked in spots and receive expensive street cleaning tickets, which during cov-id this is even more burdensome. If not paid, they turn into almost 200$ bills for one ticket.,
    However, as is visible on the Sacramento City Calendar street cleaning happens only twice a month, yet we are forced to get tickets and pay the days the street cleaners do not come by. I contested and provided that calendar with a ticket that I received on a day when street cleaning didn't happen&was denied. Where else do we park?
    -Jennifer Ruiz

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    Dan Allison almost 4 years ago

    While I appreciate the efforts to date which have improved parking availability and reduced bike lane blocking in some areas, much more needs to be done. Specifically, I continue to see long-term parking (vehicles with a heavy coating of dust and spider webs) adjacent to residential developments that provide free parking to residents, which means that some households are storing extra vehicles on the street, in locations that should be made available to others. I would recommend that a household receive only one low-cost residential permit, and that all other vehicles are assessed market rate either through metering or market rate permits.

    I also see delivery vehicles continuing to block bike lanes. Sometimes this is due to laziness of the driver in using or seeking out legal delivery spots, but often it is because there is no delivery/loading spot on that block where frequent deliveries are occuring. I think more 'private' parking should be converted to delivery/loading.