Meeting Time: October 13, 2020 at 1:00pm PDT

Agenda Item

4. Limit on the Number of Southeast Industrial Area Cannabis Delivery Business Operating Permits File ID: 2020-01182

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Alan Fong almost 4 years ago

    We are commercial property owners in district 6 an believe a cap on delivery retail dispensaries should not apply to social equity (CORE) participants as this would seriously damage the chances of social equity applicants to find properly zoned and entitled spaces to operate which contradicts the City’s mandate to help CORE applicants. Sincerely, 5360 South Watt LLC Alan Fong

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    Steve Blanton almost 4 years ago

    Steve Blanton, Executive Director, Power Inn Alliance. The Power Inn Alliance feels that given the disruption to established traffic patterns caused by the Covid 19 pandemic, it would be prudent to gain more data on traffic before proceeding. However, if there is a desire to go forward with the permitting process sooner rather than later, we would like to reiterate our position that Cannabis delivery businesses should be evenly distributed across the city and not clustered in one or a few areas. Initially, our area was to have thirty four such businesses, but we subsequently agreed to thirty seven and then to fifty. We view fifty as a hard limit. Finally, if and when the City does choose to approve new cannabis delivery operating permits in our area, we feel that they should be granted solely to CORE applicants.

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    Raquel Brown almost 4 years ago

    As a core participant who has graduated and who worked hard to get in that que of applicants in the BOP process. I OPPOSE caping the delivery dispensary operating permits it would strip me away from another opportunity that I have worked so hard for and invested in I am in support of LIFTING the cap on delivery dispensaries. Using The Data from the Sacramento police department that was conducted by council staff the data clearly shows no crime or increase in burglaries in the area And what the data did not include was the enormous amount of revenue generated during covid due to delivery services and or how the low or zero infection rate was reduce due to the spread of covid19 related due to option of delivery of products.Delivery has been vehicle for revenue that has kept alot of business open during thsi crisis Expanding the delivery dispensary cap would not only generate revenue to the 4.4 million dollars but it would also create jobs in a crisis helped keep our city residents safe

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    Frank A Louie almost 4 years ago

    Request this to be shared with the Law and Leg committee.

    Dear Law and Legislation Committee:

    On behalf of the Sacramento Asian Chamber Grow Green Program, we are respectfully requesting that you abandon the limit on Delivery only retail licenses which can be located in District 6. There have not been any increases in calls for service as a result of the Delivery only retail cannabis businesses located in District 6. As staff has pointed out, there is no real way to track any impacts on traffic, especially in light of the Pandemic.

    Delivery Only Retail Dispensaries are the easiest opportunities for CORE graduates to pursue from a timing and expense standpoint. A limit on the number of available licenses in District 6 would only work to artificially limit the actual business opportunities available to the City’s CORE graduates.

    Respectfully Submitted,
    Frank A. Louie