Agenda Item

eComments Report as of 10:15 AM (eComments received after 10:15 a.m. will be posted after the meeting) [Updated 08/11/2020 @ 11:05 AM]

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    Debra Banks over 4 years ago

    Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates is urging you to take action on directing staff to establish a plan for creating Slow Streets in Sacramento as a direct response to the Covid-19 pandemic. We also urge you to allocate $5 million dollars in emergency CARES Act funds necessary to physically implement those plans in the coming weeks and months. Sacramento is one of the only major cities in America to have not implemented this critical, life-saving infrastructure since the pandemic began in March. Relative to other city projects, the costs involved are minimal (as little as $1,000 per mile for Slow Streets), and our own city staff is already deeply knowledgeable about the necessary steps needed to enact these measures. We ask that you allocate CARES Act funding to implement a program for the residents of Sacramento and that the City of Sacramento should set a goal of no later than September 22, 2020 — the first day of fall — to begin the implementation of a Slow Streets program. Thank you
