Meeting Time: May 14, 2020 at 5:30pm PDT

Agenda Item

6. Shift Change Alcohol CUP (P19-005) File ID: 2020-00441

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Arshdeep Singh almost 5 years ago

    I have objection against issuing the hard alcohol sales permit to Shift Change because my store, Discount Liquor and Cigarettes (4631 Freeport Blvd), is right across the street from Shift Change location which would negatively impact my sales the most. Also, there are many of hard alcohol sales permit issued within half a mile radius from this location such as Raley’s, Rite Aid, Tinku’s Market, Freeport Liquor, and CVS. Plus, new Raley’s has opened up right across the street from me. We are stilling trying to recover the sales from flavored cigarettes' being banned since January 2020. And on top of that, adding one more competitor to the list would make it harder for me as well as others nearby (listed above) to survive. Also, currently we have a problem in the neighborhood of too many homeless people and littering; adding one more would increase the problem even more. I hope the decision is made in good faith taking into consideration the consumers and small businesses located nearby.

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    gerine Williams almost 5 years ago

    Hello, I want to show my support for Shift Change. I love the shop, they have a great selection, especially for special occasions and gifts. The owner and staff have also been friendly and helpful. Including supporting community events. The first was our neighborhood elementary pancake breakfast, shift supplied us with flat top grills and helped pay for pancake mix and breakfast meat. And for the last two years Shift provide us at NeighborWorks with hundreds of dollars of beer to auction off at our Annual Wine event. Helping to raise funds to support Affordable housing and financial education for low income families in the region. I personally appreciate their support, its never a problem; just how can I help. I love having Shift Change in my community.

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    Bill Motmans almost 5 years ago

    There are several troubling issues regarding this application: the discussion regarding square feet dedicated to distilled spirits among them. The amount of shelf space is not indicative of sales, nor is it a predictor of sales, so these numbers/metrics are irrelevant regarding sales. I note also the use of "Good Neighbor" measures, one of which is to have the name and contact number for a responsible party posted 24/7. Based on past experience I would suggest the language be changed to "full name" and position ("manager/owner") so that the person making the complaint has someone to hold accountable. I note, too, that LPCA's letter said they had not been contacted by the applicant even though the applicant said they had done so. Yet the staff report does not address this apparent discrepancy. Further, the area has been overrun with transient activity particularly lately which several neighbors made abundantly clear. The City should listen to neighbors on this project.