Meeting Time: May 05, 2020 at 1:00pm PDT

Agenda Item

2. Ordinances Amending Sections 5.150.350, 17.216.510, 17.228.920, 17.424.060, and 17.424.070 of the Sacramento City Code Relating to Storefront Dispensaries and Cannabis Uses in the Shopping Center Zone and Del Paso Boulevard/Arden Way Special Planning District File ID: 2020-00303

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    Gordon Lew almost 5 years ago

    I am opposed to any additional cannabis businesses, storefronts, manufacturing, delivery, harvesting in district 2. This district already has too many cannabis businesses.
    These types of businesses are not what we want for our families or our neighborhoods.
    Del Paso Blvd should have a diversity of businesses like the diversity in our neighborhoods. Having a concentration of cannabis businesses is not family friendly.
    This district already has a stigma of crime and drugs. Just because we are not as affluent as other areas does not mean we deserve less. This agenda is discriminatory to our neighborhoods and to district 2 in general.
    Cannabis is not the vision of district 2.

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    Philip Malan almost 5 years ago

    Is this a joke. Is del paso Blvd going to become weed alley now? We in district two don’t want more weed dispensaries. We have enough of them. Stop using district two as a dumping ground

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    Sean Loloee almost 5 years ago

    Please see attached letter for my statement.

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    Karen Solberg almost 5 years ago

    I cannot believe this is even being considered at this time. We are in the middle of choosing a new council member and hopefully will get one who speaks of more than shelters and pot parlors for our district. The present incumbent only received 39% of the primary vote. The poor and minority youth in this area deserve more consideration than this. No other council member wants all this crud in their area yet praise Warren for piling it on in ours. (I’m looking at you, Ms Ashby!) Shame on any council member and city bureaucrat who continues the unfair destruction of North Sacramento.

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    Larry GloverMeade almost 5 years ago

    If I am reading this correctly, it sounds like (if passed), this will allow additional cannabis businesses in Old North Sacramento in/near the Del Paso Blvd. I am strongly opposed to any expansion of cannabis store-fronts, harvesting, manufacturing, and/or delivery businesses in my neighborhood. These type of businesses do not increase pedestrian traffic and will take away from the small (but growing!) gains along Del Paso Blvd. These businesses would be in my backyard.
    This is very simple, an equity issue. Why should one area be over-saturated with these types of businesses while other council districts have ZERO? If we truly hold equity and equality as a city value, each council district should have a cap of these businesses in their district. Think about it - why do children in Natomas get multi-million dollar aquatic facilities and tax-payer subsidized corporate offices, yet the under-resourced and under-served children of Old North Sacramento get cannabis businesses?

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    Jane Macaulay almost 5 years ago

    1. Please see attached letter from 8 neighborhood groups. D2 has battled marijuana overconcentration since 2016. The stakeholder meetings that neighborhood leaders attended - were wholeheartedly intended to benefit marijuana applicants - we stopped going. We see this as discriminatory and as targeting one group.
    2. No decisions regarding SPECIAL PLANNING AREAS should be made before the November election. Warren lost his bid for re-election/ faces runoff because the community is ignored. Mr. Warren, and his staff have repeatedly described his vision for Del Paso and Arden as "Little Amsterdam", MJ cafes, restaurants. This vision does not match the community spirit - it is why we asked repeatedly face to face, community meetings, phone/emails to update the "prohibited uses" in the SPD. (ignored)
    3. Mr. Warren uses his council position to access city owned property and has purchased multiple in these exact areas. This a conflict of interest for the community. Please hold off on this.