“Streamlining” must not mean removal from public scrutiny. This will remove public comment and disallow the democratic process by withholding information from the general public.
Please consider holding this item until more neighbors can participate in the discussion. Many district 2 and other area neighbors do not have sufficient internet access and may not even know about the e-comment ability. I would also request that the alcohol portion be removed from this streamlining process and that all approvals remain at the planning commission level. Thank you
“Streamlining” must not mean removal from public scrutiny. This will remove public comment and disallow the democratic process by withholding information from the general public.
Please consider holding this item until more neighbors can participate in the discussion. Many district 2 and other area neighbors do not have sufficient internet access and may not even know about the e-comment ability. I would also request that the alcohol portion be removed from this streamlining process and that all approvals remain at the planning commission level. Thank you