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Agenda Item

5. Proposed Ballot Measure: Sacramento Youth Enrichment Fund Act File ID: 2019-00278

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    Daphne Harris about 5 years ago

    How does the City Council find it acceptable to go against the will of its constituents that put them in office, by trying to circumvent the vote on Measure G, prior to the outcome? It concerns me that even before the vote happens on March 3, 2020 the City Council appears to be taking steps to gut the efforts of the people. I am opposed to this type of action being taken by elective official without providing PUBLIC NOTICE as to why these steps are required. The amount of funds identified in Measure G in relationship to the entire City budget $1.3billion appears to be less then $33 million or somewhat minimal. How is this going to put a halt to day to day activities being conducted by the City? This item appears to undercut the Will of the voters and anticipates methods to by-pass the Will of the people even before they speak.

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    Bill Motmans about 5 years ago

    There are not adequate checks in place to ensure tax dollars will go to programs which will benefit Sacramento youth, and this measure does nothing to address that problem. Non-profits that favor and support whatever the Council is pushing at the time will be the primary beneficiaries, and they will dutifully show up at Council meetings thanking the Council, touting their "programs" and asking for more money. Unless or until organizations can show demonstrable success such as higher graduation rates for youth, acceptance to colleges/universities, more responsible youth civic engagement, ability to intercede positively for youth in need, etc., then this measure will succeed in enriching only a chosen few non-profits.