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Agenda Item

4. Ordinance Amending Chapters 17.228 and 5.150 of the Sacramento City Code Relating to Cannabis Manufacturing [Noticed 02/14/2020] [In lieu of pass for publication to be published in its entirety upon adoption] File ID: 2020-00222

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    Bruce Wayne, HMFIC about 5 years ago

    Recently at a council meeting when discussing adding dispensary permits Council-member Ashby stated something to the effect that she doesn’t think we should add more dispensary permits when we have an obvious situation with the cities mismanagement of the cannabis program that is not being handled. The city council should immediately suspend/prohibit any action until the fate of the offending dispensary permits are determined. 25 dispensary permits are now currently INVALID having transferred ownership. The offending permits should be officially terminated; and re-issued before any more permits are added. Because the permits were unlawfully transferred; the permits are technically terminated already; the city must conduct an audit; and any “direct or indirect” transfer of ownership should be publicly acknowledged; and terminated. Once determined; the offending permits should re-issued to the public; giving first priority to qualified military veterans and core equity participants.

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    Daphne Harris about 5 years ago

    These changes done in a vacuum without discussions with those impacted & without PUBLIC NOTICE and full disclosure should not happen. We have a number of businesses relocating based on the impacts Cannabis is having on our communities.

    5.150.830 Nonvolatile extraction only.

    No cannabis manufacturing business shall use a volatile solvent to extract the resin or other substance from any part of a cannabis plant. (Ord. 2017-0046 § 1)
    5.150.1320 Nonvolatile extraction only.
    No cannabis microbusiness permittee shall use a volatile solvent to extract the resin or other substance from any part of a cannabis plant. (Ord. 2018-0050 § 2)

    5.150.110 Security plan.
    A cannabis business permittee shall maintain security on the site in accordance with the security plan that is approved by the city manager. No permitee shall modify the security on the site contrary to the city manager approved plans, without the approval of the city manager. (Ord. 2017-0046 § 1)
