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Agenda Item

2. Ordinance Listing 1121 Swanston Drive (Welch House) as a Landmark on the Sacramento Register of Historic and Cultural Resources (M19-015) [Noticed 02/14/2020; Passed for Publication 02/11/2020; Published 02/14/2020] File ID: 2020-00082

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    Gretchen Steinberg about 5 years ago

    SacMod helped initiate and wholeheartedly supports the nomination of this residence being listed in the Sacramento Register of Historic and Cultural Resources. It is a wonderful example of Moderne architecture in Land Park. Not only are homes in this style rare, they are becoming increasingly threatened due to alterations over time. We hope other homeowners will join the effort to preserve the wide range of historic architectural styles that contribute to the look and feel of their neighborhood.

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    William Burg about 5 years ago

    The Board of Directors of Preservation Sacramento supports listing 1121 Swanston Drive as a landmark on the Sacramento Register of Historic and Cultural Resources.

    William Burg, President, Preservation Sacramento Board of Directors