Meeting Time: January 07, 2020 at 1:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4. Transit-Oriented Development Ordinance Amendments File ID: 2019-01613

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    Ansel Lundberg, District 7 about 5 years ago

    My name is Ansel Lundberg, and I am a co-chair of House Sacramento, a local pro-housing group that supports dense, transit-oriented infill development in the Sacramento region. House Sacramento is in support of the City's proposed amendments to the TOD ordinance, including the new M-T zone. We agree that it is in the spirit of the City's 2035 General Plan. The 2018 TOD ordinance was important to ensure that auto-oriented uses were prevented near transit stops, but more was needed in the realm of what should be allowed and encouraged near transit. We encourage the liberal use of the proposed M-T zoning designation in order to encourage and accelerate transit-oriented development in the City. We recommend the L&L committee forward the staff proposed ordinance to the Council for consideration.