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Agenda Item

49. Transportation Funding and Priorities File ID: 2019-01662

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    Angela E Hearring over 4 years ago

    Hello, my name is Glenn Jackson Jr. and this is my first time submitting a comment for something at City Hall.

    I want to ask the city council members to make it a priority to make safer routes to and from schools. I’m also asking the city council to make it a priority to make more bike lanes, make them wider, and make them more visible to drivers. I am a young person in the seventh grade but I ride my bike and take public transportation to and from school in Natomas. Not all the streets are safe. Not all the bicycle lanes are complete, some disappear into car lanes. I would like to see wider bike lanes that stand out like the bike ride lanes downtown that’s painted green.

    I would like for the city council to ask the Transportation Board to work with young people that use the streets and bike lanes to make it better. I’m an advocate for safe public transportation since I have to use it everyday and I am willing to help. You can contact my mom, because I don’t have email. Thanks