6. Historic Districts Plans, Update to the Sacramento Register of Historic and Cultural Resources, and an Ordinance Amending Section 17.808.140 of the Sacramento City Code, Relating to Director-Level Site Plan and Design Review (M19-003) File ID: 2019-01492
I am against using an Emergency Declaration to avoid compliance with SB330 -the Housing Crisis Act of 2019.
It is not true that if Plan is not adopted prior to the end of 2019, it will not be enacted for 5 years. The Act “prohibits cities from “imposing or enforcing design standards only if they are not objective design standards.
•I urge the City to be in compliance with all State-level housing, fast-tracking and GHG reduction legislation not limited to SB35, SB330, SB35 and SB32 with objective design standards.
• Identify subjective design standards, how they can be made objective and a timeline to make such change.
• Complete these assessment before declaring an emergency declaration.
• If standards can't be made objective, substantiate their need.
• Determine the city’s exposure to litigation from retaining subjective design standards.
• Publish methods used behind any design standard in the Methodology, include data, maps, measurements and calculations.
I am against using an Emergency Declaration to avoid compliance with SB330 -the Housing Crisis Act of 2019.
It is not true that if Plan is not adopted prior to the end of 2019, it will not be enacted for 5 years. The Act “prohibits cities from “imposing or enforcing design standards only if they are not objective design standards.
•I urge the City to be in compliance with all State-level housing, fast-tracking and GHG reduction legislation not limited to SB35, SB330, SB35 and SB32 with objective design standards.
• Identify subjective design standards, how they can be made objective and a timeline to make such change.
• Complete these assessment before declaring an emergency declaration.
• If standards can't be made objective, substantiate their need.
• Determine the city’s exposure to litigation from retaining subjective design standards.
• Publish methods used behind any design standard in the Methodology, include data, maps, measurements and calculations.