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Agenda Item

Print Special Meeting Agenda - Closed Session Begins at 4:00 p.m.

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    brita pruitt over 5 years ago

    I am oppose to the homeless shelter in Meadowview because it's obvious that the Mayor is modifying his original plan for the site because he thinks it is more palatable for neighbors. It's not. I stand with my city council man Larry Carr in is opposition. The Mayor has shown himself after the Railroad Drive homeless site to be untrustworthy and scheming when pushing through his agenda. We voted for Larry Carr to represent our district. Meadowview needs to heal itself and doesn't need anymore negative stories like the Mayor stating most of the calls about the need for homeless assistance comes from Meadowview. Its everywhere, it just that the homeless in the Meadowview area are actually calling to get help! People in Meadowview to not want this site as a homeless shelter PERIOD!